Why isn't she in jail? She's been arrested many times, I hear!
She's related to the Rothchilds. Her whole act is a scam/fraud.
shareWho does the scam benefit?
whats the dealio ?
who is the "mark" ?
what sort of con is it ?
I did some googling :
What are the different types of con schemes?
Common frauds include pyramid schemes, ponzi schemes, phony job offers, false billings, bogus investment opportunities, and fraudulent home repair services just to name a few.
is it one of those?
The grift, you moron, is actually believing you are causing climate change and need to restrict your behavior and buy green products that do more harm than good. Your country also has to send billions to countries that still use coal energy to upgrade. The same countries that manufacture solar panels using that coal power to pollute. Brilliant
shareSo like I said , Assuming thiat human activity affecting climate change is made up (IT IS NOT) then who orchestrated the grift and why?
to go along with the con?
Capitalists orchestrated it. They have to create a constant need for bullshit. Without new markets, it all collapses. Everyone isn't "in on it", they just believe it which isn't hard, since the majority of people are STUPID. Thanks for proving my point.
shareliterally none of that is correct.
I count 6 things you stated.
all are , um , delusional . i cant think of the right word . "incorrect" covers it I guess.
lets look at 2 of them:
"Capitalists orchestrated it. "
Climate change and the solutions proposed for it are a giant pian in the ass for capitalists , recycling , sustainability and generally not being dollar worshipping dicks all cost them money - why the fuck woyuld they orchestrate it?
" majority of people are STUPID. "
Scientists are not stupid , the word means the opposite , and they are the ones confirming Climate change.
I'm sorry, but what act?
Are you insinuating that people give/gave a shit about whatever she has an opinion about?
The only moment I cared about this girl was when people insinuated she should get a career in porn.