MovieChat Forums > Greta Thunberg Discussion > Nobody talks about me anymore

Nobody talks about me anymore

How dare you!


Real problems put teen vogue socialism into perspective.


The hysterics were distracted from climate change by Chinese flu. Now they're distracted from Chinese flu by Ukraine. In a few weeks or months they'll be hysterical about something new. It's always something, and it never ends.


Isn't it strange the lack of curiosity the string pullers of the world have about the precise origin of the Wuhan virus? This suggests some sort of mutually assured destruction behind the scenes, such as US research involvement, China intending it to be a bioweapon, threats of financial destabilization should a country get out of line (like Australia did briefly), etc. You'd think the number one objective regarding the virus would be to understand its origins, particularly if generated in a research lab, to help prevent it happening again. How dare they.
