She has assburgers?

Or just retarded?


Looks retarded. And evil.


hmmm sounds legit.



And dykie.


Did Einstein have Ass Burgers?





Nice. That was a good one.


It's a form of Autism. People found out in recent decades that not all autistic kids are like the extreme cases (you know, the ones who can't talk, rock back and forth, and throw themselves at the wall all the time?)

It's a spectrum condition, with many different forms. People with Asperger's can talk, are very smart, but have to focus a lot of energy in order to do normal, everyday things. It's very frustrating for them to try and have their brains tell their body to do something and the body won't work the way they want. Even worse, if they get too much stimulation, like two or three people talking to them at once, they freak out and either can't figure out what to do, or act out in a negative manner. They also have to have a set of rules in their lives, set by their parents, and they'll stick to those rules, to the letter. It's not unusual for people like her to follow pointless causes, despite what people tell them.

It's disgusting that her parents are exploiting her ability to focus only on certain things, and have only a set of morals they drilled into her. It's like having a vegan dog. We all know who made that dietary decision.


I work in psych and if she had autism she wouldn't care about "global issues" she wouldn't be able to connect with people, she wouldn't care to, and so on. That is what autism is all about.

A few years ago the autism foundation was low on funds, they advocated to loosen the diagnosis. Aspergers is no longer a diagnosis and now they included very general terms, that could be described better by other explanations, so more kids could be diagnosed to make more money for autism, which is rare.

People with autism are massively "fucked up" and bizarre, they do not give speeches and front causes.


Really? I was wondering about all this "spectrum" stuff. That news is actually kinda disturbing, because it means they care more about money than actually treating these kids.



In the 90s ADHD was a cash type of diagnosis that was overhyped.

For instance, you need to check if parents are actually spending time teaching their kids. Do the parents provide structure at home, thus creating a role model for school. And, you need to see if the kid is BORED by school. In that case, the symptoms are better explained by poor training and socialization, which is common, not an illness. Boredom is simply a preference, as no one likes the same things, or is caused by school environment.

Yuppies and ghetto poor people children got this diagnosis a lot because their parents tend not to care about them much.

That's called "differential diagnosis" and any good clinician does that to find a simpler explanation other than mental illness.

I started my career working with autistic people, before the diagnosis got changed. Autistic people are BIZARRE and Aspergers people VERY VERY bizarre and cannot function. It's way all diagnosis are in the DSM, they stop people from functioning. Mental Retardation and Autism are about as bad as it can get.

Just as I explained about ADHD, they dumbed down autism to falsely include more kids. That is evil. There's been a backlash against ADHD for that reason, but that's after millions got the fake diagnosis.


I remembered when my brother and I were little, that they overdid the whole "Ritalin" prescribing on kids, because you basically had parents who just wanted to give the teacher a way to control them, rather than actually addressing the real problem, which was, often the kids were neglected emotionally, or were hyperactive. In my brother's case, he really does have ADD, so he legitimately needed the medicine. But many kids out there were misdiagnosed because of the stupid, lazy parents or teachers.


Yes, I have been a therapist for over 30 years. It was obvious back then.

My test used to be if a kid knew a lot about an entertaining topic, they didn't have it. Dragon Ball Z was very popular then and a complex story. Lots of kids knew all the details and they were diagnosed with ADHD. The fact was, they just didn't like school.

Again, it was yuppies who had a kid because they're "supposed to" and totally neglected the kid or ghetto people who live the exact same way only they have their kids by accident. Just two different type of self-absorbed selfish people.

I noted a true ADHD is rare and I feel sorry for them. They can't enjoy anything. That's how I knew, they couldn't enjoy fun shows, videogames, and so on.


Such astounding insights into psychiatric diagnosis! Kids who can enjoy video games don't have ADHD. People who can speak with average intelligence don't have ASD (which, by way, opens up the possibility that YOU have ASD). I'm sure APA is jumping at the chance to offer you the job of chair of the committee that revises the DSM.


These things are diagnostic criteria. It's also part of "differential diagnosis".

How does it feel to believe you know something about a complex topic, when actually you know nothing, and you in fact know that you don't know, but act like you do?

That's a constant internet phenomenon since the internet began. I don't even know what to call you guys, neckbeards?

I don't even know.


Ha! This is coming from someone who equates "diagnostic criteria" for complex disorders with how a child likes video games. Someone who has to resort to an anonymous message board to get his ego stroked by pretending that he "works in psych". I am SO relieved that you haven't displayed a speck of knowledge of psychiatry, because no med school, grad school, or mental health facility would believe that you know shit from Shinola, much less mental health. I don't need to respond to any more of your nonsense; you've done a spectacular job of showing all of us what is really behind that facade.


TheAdlerian: If you work in psych, that is a disaster for mental health. By your comments, it's obvious you know nothing about ASD. It's call a "spectrum" because it occurs in various degrees of severity. Many people with ASD are intelligent enough and interested enough to care about global issues. And they may not connect with people in the "expected" ways, but they can carry on intelligent conversations and learn social conventions. Please, PLEASE go into a different line of work. If you don't, eventually you will crash and burn in the mental health field. And you'll do everyone in your orbit a huge favor.


Please shut the fuck up about subjects you know nothing about.


You just clearly confirmed, if there was any doubt before, that you are crass and ignorant, with below average language skills (how eloquently you expressed yourself above), and most likely a high school student or college freshman who fancies himself to "work in psych". You most certainly don't have an advanced degree. I might be able to believe that you are a custodian or errand boy in a psych facility, but even that's quite a stretch. You personify the phrase, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing." Fortunately for people with ASD and their families who may be unfortunate enough to encounter you, you can't hide that inadequacy and narcissism very long without revealing your true self, as you have just demonstrated.


I came at you in exactly the same way you came at me.

Don't like it, pussy?


You give me much relief with every word you type. Most of this discussion board can clearly see that you haven't read a single book on mental health, if you've read any book at all. If anyone believes you "work in psych", I have some excellent ocean front property to sell you in Kansas, really cheap.


Shut up.


How do you come up with such pithy comebacks? I've never seen someone who "works in psych" with such an impressive vocabulary and command of the English language. Come on . . . tell us the truth . . . you don't work in psych. You're a professor of American literature at Harvard, right?


This whole thing is so sad. Her being used, organizations putting her literally on pedestals, etc. She says she can tell when people are lying to her. It's going to come as a shock when she discovers the truth.


The problem with her topic is it's a half truth.

I wrote about that somewhere on this board.

Her cause is an accusation about our CIVILIZATION and what it's based on. There is no changing it.

In the past, say the 1700s, the civilization was based on Stone and Wood. In Italy, there's mountains of marble that people have craved apart. So, huge chunks of mountains are gone and the marble is exposed. They used wood, that caused all kinds of smoke, soot, can smell everywhere. They had no sewers, etc.

Imagine if we learned there was some activist from the 1742 demanding they change all of that by 1743. It would seem really stupid. That's because we now know, there were no alternatives for wood, stone, and so forth. The civilization of 1742 was based on those things. No one could change it and the people were not reverting to caveman to save the mountains!

That is what's happening now. There are no real alternatives to plastic, oil, and so forth. Maybe in hundreds of years things will slowly change. But, no one is going to go backwards and without real alternative tech, we can't go forward.

She will never be smart enough to figure that out nor will her wranglers. So, her fad will end soon, she will get older, feel like a failure, or just be mystified about what went wrong, then she will get depressed, and so forth downhill. It's just like most child stars.


There are no real alternatives to plastic, oil, and so forth.

There are countless alternatives to plastic (especially single-use) and oil. It's the transitioning process that no one can be bothered with.


There aren't alternatives, research it, because I have.

A few years ago a company made biodegradable plastic straws out of potatoes. I was happy!

Turns out they are massively expensive to make. So, no one is going to buy them.

I am 53 and have been interested in science since I was a kid. I have researched the shit out of many topics. As I was saying about the 1700s, there were no alternatives then, and there are none now. What's promoted as alternatives is usually lies by some company to sell stock, then fold. We have potato straws!!! It will be the dominator of the straw market! People invest blindly, then it turns out to be bs.

In the 90s ethanol was supposed to replace gas. Not possible.

in the early 2000s hydrogen cars were supposed to be a thing. Turns out, making hydrogen is costly, dirty, etc.

There are no alternatives to the technology our civilization is based on. If they are ever invented, it will take a long time to transition, just as it did in the past.


Good post and good points, Alderian.



I noticed this from watching old Star Treks.

There would be some world and their entire culture was based on "Trimantium" or whatever. This would cause endless problems because that substance was what made their society function. If there isn't any, then that's it for that society.

I started to realize that "oil" is our version of that. It's also weirdly a hot topic to complain about. Oil is like THE ONLY REASON to have a war, not economic models or religion, but people will support wars for that but not the stuff that everything is made out of.

There's something about people where they don't want to admit they are dependent on something.


Yes, our culture is very "get it done now", but that isn't how advancement works. We are transitioning. There are more solar and wind farms, and electric cars then ever before in history. We constantly explore alternative fuel sources, but we are still going to use the most efficient one, which is still petroleum.


Yeah, if something that actually works is discovered, or improved, that will be the beginning of a new civilization. This one will be gone.

However, until that happens it's nonsensical to demand this one change. We should talk about it, but the demands are silly.


We are transitioning, it's just a slow process.


So true. No matter what might be happening with the climate, the solutions being suggested would have plenty of negative effect and not so much positive.


True shock!



Bloody hell, people. Have you no moral standards at all?
She is a troubled girl who means absolutely nothing. She is a walking mouth for some very cunning people.
Stop attacking a child.
