MovieChat Forums > Ashley Scott Discussion > Ashley Scott Videos

Ashley Scott Videos
Click there, Im trying to collect as much as I can of Ashley videos.... Have fun guys!


Really cool! You have a great site there! Thanks for the vids... the only interview I had seen was that Walking Tall Press Junket.

There's a delay in the sound for the BoP interviews... or is it my stuff that's not working right?

anyway... thanks a lot for the good work and for posting the link here! I'd never have found it on my own! :)

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Sometimes whe you upload the videos the interviews distort a bit... I dunno why


Just uploade the first part of the pilot rough cut version that has some unseen parts of the original pilot, it were cut:


cool! and don't worry about the glitches in the sound... Youtube is weird sometimes! Thanks again

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Also utube clip: Jessica or Ashley?


Oh wow. Great clips *saves to hard drive*. Thanks.

But alas, would've been nice to have the wonderful Gigolo Jane clip from AI...


I've got it. I haven't uploaded stuff to Youtube before but I can try.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco
