MovieChat Forums > Ziyi Zhang Discussion > Ziyi's affair with actress Vicki Zhao's ...

Ziyi's affair with actress Vicki Zhao's husband....

I've read this today in the news articles.... Does anyone have a link yet......? It seems Ziyi won't be breaking off with Vivi Nevo, until he dumps her OR UNTIL she finds herself another gold mine...... Has she found it yet recently in actress Vicki Zhao's husband.....??


You turn unproven stories into the truth. You make anything you hear into something that can prove your deepest and most frightening fears. You always assume the worst. You are like a hen looking for eggs.

Everything you are jabbering about hysterically are based on the slightest of suppositions. I thought the Chinese were growing a nation of critical thinkers? Where on this board is the slightest hint that China can evaluate anything?

Ziyi is a nice girl with better than average looks. She is taking care of herself and tried to help people she thought needed help. She shouldn't have done that. You are making her into a Gorgon with snakes for hair and a chrome-steel heart. It's probably not true. There is nothing to indicate anything like that is true. You and that donkey-fellow are embarrassing all of Asia with your hysterical rant. That stuff hurts her and it slanders her reputation. I realize that may be your goal, but please understand it makes you look bad and it makes all Asia look bad.

If you want to break Ziyi down, do it with facts, and the truth. NOT something you make up in your hysteria.

Wake up and smell the tea.
