MovieChat Forums > Ziyi Zhang Discussion > Isn't it rather easy for Ziyi to prove h...

Isn't it rather easy for Ziyi to prove her innocence.....

by opening the book and disclose to general public the details of her charity account? like the list of donors, how much money each of them has donated or pledged to donate, and how she has allocated those money to the benefit of earthquake victims?

An readily verifiable account book can easily corroborate Ziyi's supposed rectitude and salvage her already tarnished reputation. But curiously she chooses to withhold such a crucial piece of info in the face of growing public outrage at her alleged scandal, at her own peril. (not only is her career at stake here, she may be subject to legal liability)

If Ziyi has indeed managed the money she raised at fundraiser(s) held in the name of earthquake victims with due honesty and diligence, what is there to hide?


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True. The chinese government wouldn't want to risk pissing off the all powerful chinese netizen. If the mounting public anger becomes unsustainable then chinese authority may eventually take this matter into its own hand. This will be a nightmare come true for Ziyi(that is, if she has indeed broken the law), and a dream come true for the chinese public. (another People's victory?)


As someone who is very fond of Ziyi's portrayal of the role Jen in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, I really wish that she can come forward and proves her "haters" wrong.

Ziyi's past negative publicity is nothing compared to this bombshell of a scandal. her alleged "Casting couch"? she being a promiscuous broad? None of that actually manages to put a dent in her career as people don't really give a shjt about ziyi's path to stardom. But embezzlement of charity money is an entirely different matter. Not only is it morally reproachful, it's a criminal offence punishable by imprisonment. If Ziyi Co. fails to properly handle this public relation nightmare, she may be damned for the rest of her life.

Ziyi is an energetic, intelligent young woman with abundance of careerism. She can certainly do better than this................


I agree with rgr101's last comment. People might not care about Zhang Ziyi sleeping around (though you have to be aware promiscuity is judged more harshly by the more conservative Chinese society, especially when her alleged partners are all married men), but the donation scandal is another matter entirely. It will galvanize a portion of the population who previously could not have cared less.

I have read account from both sides. At first I thought Zhang is not so monumentally stupid as to embezzle the donation funds, but after looking at the evidence on Tianya, along with self-contradictory, ridiculous statements made by Zhang Ziyi and her agent Lucas Ling, I no longer think Zhang Ziyi is innocent.


But you're not.

You assume you know how these charity things work. You assume honorable people actually do what they say. That when an honorable person donates, that it's a fact. That it's not dishonorable to expose an honorable person who gets into financial trouble and can't satisfy a promise. Wake up. There has been a financial catastrophe in the west. The earthquakes keep happening and people still need money, but the money isn't in a bottomless pocket. It's not a bad thing for you to question how things work, but you're over the line if you think you can slander someone. Finding facts and exposing impropriety is very difficult.

Do the honorable thing and cool your jets. Unless you just want to ruin someone for the fun of ruining. If you want to join the civilized world, be civil. If you don't, then please cash in your computer chips and get off the net.

Ziyi doesn't have to show you anything. Keep banging on her and she'll leave her beloved country. I, personally, can't wait. She'll have a lot more fun over here. Everyone does.

Once again be civil, or get out. If you don't know what civil means, ask your mother and father. Start there.


True. If Ziyi doesn't want to expose those who made the pledges to donate but have so far failed to do so(though I think once a pledge's been made, one is legally liable to make a donation). At least gives the public a complete break-down of the amount of money she actually has raised at the fundraisers she held in the name of earthquake victims. Like the list of donors who had actually donated and how much each of them has contributed etc.


Chinese communist/fascist hate speech does not belong on this site. No one believes this garbage for one minute.
