MovieChat Forums > Odette Annable Discussion > Another actress who can't keep her mouth...

Another actress who can't keep her mouth shut

What is up with these girls? They can't seem to keep their mouths closed in any given scene. Just like Megan Fox and Neve Campbell and some others I'm sure.

It's okay to close your lips. You won't look like you're not trying to be dramatic.

It's highly annoying.



I don't think that its supposed to be a misogynist comment, the OP was just sadly not so clear about what they meant about keeping their mouths closed. I thought that she said something offensive when I first saw this thread. Then I realized what he meant later on.
I think this comment wasn't meant to be offensive, but a comment on actors in general (I've seen male actors I've thought the same thing about), who don't close their mouths when they're not talking. There a lot of times I've seen an actor off to the side with their mouth open and they look kind of dumb.

"I totally saw his wolf junk"
