MovieChat Forums > Sam Worthington Discussion > WHY DO PEOPLE HATE HIM?


I think he's rather handsome, sexy, and badass. He has an amazing voice. He has been in a couple of movies I didn't particularly enjoy, such as Terminator: Salvation and Avatar, but I found that the characters he portrays were the only likebale aspects and the thread that kept me watching those movies. I think he's awesome. I loved him in Clash of the Titans. He's so good-looking in a believeable, regular guy sort of way and maybe that's why he keeps getting big roles. He's not the kind of person who breeds fan girls with his looks because he has a deeper substance. God forbid Hollywood would want to give someone who is not a pretty boy like Brad Pitt EVERY ROLE. Sam is real, like a hot firefighter or a cop. That's why I enjoy him so much. And he is also quite a decent actor. Give it a rest, ok?


Wow, hypocrisy level in your post went to eleven. If you don't understand why, then compare the second sentence with the first, the fourth and the fifth sentence.
You should rethink yourself.
