She's so pretty

She's so pretty and sweet-looking


With all the respect in the world, I think that "Sexy beyond words" is about as good a description as I can come up with.

I mean, yes, she is very, very, very beautiful. Amazingly so. But she also has just an incredible body, fantastic hair--you name it.

I read somewhere that she works out a lot and is a black belt martial artist. (As I once said about Ziva on NCIS, I'd let her kick my butt anytime.) So she works hard to keep herself looking so good. I'd also rank her as a good actress.

Any producer considering casting her, take note. There are a great many of us out there who would love to see her on more shows. Give her one of her own!

"He was running around like a rooster in a barnyard full of ducks."--Pat Novak
