Why is it all his fault? No blame whatsoever to Fisher or Gadot?
We've turned into such a mob of a society. Scapegoating, mob justice, automatically believing all accusations and never even so much as consider.
Ray Fisher is bitter his screen time was cut. Let's be real about that. So what's he do? Starts going off about racism. There's been NO. EVIDENCE. whatsoever that is true. Is Wheedon a dick? Sounds like it. Racist? No. Just a guy who thought Fisher - who has not acted in a movie outside a DC movie - wasn't worth the screen time original allotted to him.
I don't know if he threatened Gadot's career. She refuses to elaborate on the initial claim. I think best case scenario was he yelled at her. Worst case scenario, he said she'd never work again. He does sound like an asshole.
But what struck me about what she DID say was that she thinks he made her character too violent? Does she KNOW anything about WW? Not to mention, the Snyder Cut IS more violent. She doesn't know the character she plays and seems to be entitled to think she can control how she's portrayed. It's DC's character.