MovieChat Forums > Joss Whedon Discussion > Daily reminder that he is innocent and t...

Daily reminder that he is innocent and talented

Charisma is all body and no brain,and is a liar. Michelle Trachtenberg is all ass and no brain,and is lying. And people who accuse him of nepotism are ridicolous. His dad didnt create Buffy,Firefly,Angel,Dollhouse and The Nevers. Those are shows that are still loved nowadays,period. "But,but...other writers made those shows big111". Who the hell hired those writers? Who led them as showrunner and active executive producer?? Joss! Period.


He should sue them but sadly he wont


But why?


They have a pussy-pass. Probably the court wouldn't even accept it in first place.



He seems to be quite a jerk. But in Hollywood, you have jerks a dime the dozen, including some of those who joined the hunt.

I think his main problem is that he was a very talented jerk. Modern feminist narrative is constantly about "if women had the same opportunities...". Well, Whedon created the Big cult classic of modern supernatural TV show with a few pennies. Early seasons of Buffy were terribly cheap. Female directors right now have way more budget and resources (not to say modern CGI) than he had when he made Buffy... and they can't even come close. That must hurt.


I agree. I don't have a dog in this hunt - the only thing of his I saw was the Avengers movies - but what it simply sounds like is he was a jerk.

Correct me if I'm wrong but all these women are saying is he was mean to them, claiming VERBAL ABUSE. What a crock that term is and how it's now being thrown around now like it's actual violence.

I got a divorce and my wife claimed I verbally abused her to all her friends. I asked her what that meant and she said I would yell at her on occasion. I said, "I wasn't aware couples raising their voices was a crime." She yelled at me all the time too, but I guess she blocked that out.

I say the same thing here as I say with that wimp Ray Fisher - if you don't like your job find another one or grow a pair and speak up for yourself.


"Buffy,Firefly,Angel,Dollhouse and The Nevers. Those are shows that are still loved nowadays,period."

By you, maybe. Those shows all suck rancid donkey balls.


You need help and Joss needs to fill a restraining order against you, psycho.


How is Charisma and Michelle lying? Bc they came out against your dear Joss Whedon? Those actresses have gotten support from the people they worked with. Both Michelle and Charisma are being backed up. I’m guessing you think that if/when someone comes out against Joss, they are automatically liars. Is that your logic?


This is the problem when people put famous people up on a pedestal. They sometimes worship them to the point they forget they are human. Humans can bad be bad people and make mistakes and everything we can do.

I don't have a lot of knowledge about joss but if a few people are coming forward then there is a chance and people need to accept it. I know if can be hard if you find out your favourite actor or what isn't a nice person but it's life




Basically some people put famous people up on a pedestal as if they are different to us, and then get shocked when something is discovered about them. They are like us, just human.

I'm not trying to defend joss here, just think people need tons top putting these people up on pedestals.

And then some fans put these celebrities up so high that they go into denial and can't accept they did what they did regardless of how many accuse them




Hes a guily lying Fucker. You sheep add to this assholes coffer everytime you watch his shitshow movies! Enjoy the Bullshit.


Bro his career was definitely based on nepotism.


Nepotism only gets you a foot in the door. His immense talent is what carried him the rest of the way. How many thousands of other sons, daughters, nephews, and nieces had equal opportunity and failed?


Dude he didn't have that much talent. Everyone knows Martin Noxon was way better. Doesn't matter. He is not coming back and one really wants him back. Good riddance.


Clearly YOU don't like him, but I don't think you speak for the majority. He created two of the most-beloved TV shows of all time in Firefly and Buffy, and its great spin-off Angel. The Avengers is arguably the greatest superhero movie of all time. Cabin in the Woods is a masterpiece of horror-comedy. His take on Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing is an under-the-radar classic. He absolutely has an enviable body of work. Maybe his best work is behind him, maybe not, but it's disingenuous to pretend he's some hack who lucked into a job.
