Money 2023
Roger's new version:
I'll refrain my opinion until later....
Roger's new version:
I'll refrain my opinion until later....
From the comment section:
"This made me realize how much impact Gilmour, Mason, Wright and Parry had on this song."
I never doubted that but damn, why can't he just focus on new material.
I enjoyed Is This The Life We Really Wanted but not a fan of messing with old stuff just for the sake of it.
I liked Pink Floyd back when this album came out.
This new "Money" is so blah it's not worth commenting on.
I'm predisposed to dislike it because I find Roger Waters and his lifelong
antisemitism disgusting despite his being correct about Ukraine and some
other political subjects. He gives the Left a bad name. He should be
smart enough to know better.
But thanks for posting the link. I definitely would not have searched this
out. The whole thing of Waters taking credit for everything Pink Floyd
has done is stupid and sad, too bad.
It sounds pretty bad, like I figured it would. Even though Roger wrote the songs, Dave, Rick and Nick helped make them what they are. I do like Roger's old voice when he sang on the Floyd albums, he sounds like shit now.
shareThat 27k dislike ratio ouch.
The comment section is full of zingers, this one being my favourite...
I really wanted to see this guy live, but the idea of having to sit through THIS scares me deeply