MovieChat Forums > Lana Wachowski Discussion > Wachowskis are one hit wonder

Wachowskis are one hit wonder

What happened to Wachowskis? Their only semi-decent most "recent" movie was like a decade ago - Vendetta - and even it paled in comparison with Matrix. Every other of their movie is either crap or overrated overhyped crap, including Matrix 2 and 3.


That's because on this planet, stupid people also have the right to have an opinion.


they also stole the matrix story from a female short story writer, she tried suing but gave up.


the matrix is def their best but it it is not the only good movie they made. bound, cloud atlas, v for vendetta are all good movies, and the show sense8 is also really good


They make thought provoking movies. The critics and public don't get their movies, and that is why their movies are not constant box office hits.


My favorite movie of all time is Bound. Only movie I ever scored perfect. 10/10
