MovieChat Forums > Lilly Wachowski Discussion > how to explain the success of the matrix...

how to explain the success of the matrix?

seems kind of weird how the matrix was so amazing but everything else seems to not be.
it almost feels like any time a movie of theirs comes out different people made them. how can you explain this? the matrix being so different from the rest in terms of quality and story?


It's cool, it's visually stunning, it has Keenu Reeves, it has Kong-Fu, it has bullet time, it has everything audiences want in 1999

And it has a complex conception of a virtual world, and the story makes it convincing. People will dicuss about this matrix world, not just forget this film since they walked out of theater.

Everything went well until Revolution was out


It was released in 1999. End of the story. Today people won't dig it.


The Matrix was amazing because it was ripped off of Grant Morrisons comic series The Invisibles.

When I was a young warthog... oh wait... when I was a young lad I went to the cinema with two friends and we watched The Matrix. The film was very new and exciting from a cinematic perspective. My two friends and I raved about it afterwards running up a tree pretending to do matrixy stunts (sad bunch of *beep* we were).

I met u with my Dad not long afterwards and told him about this great film. My Dad somberly told me it was ripping off The Invisibles. I was skeptical at first. My Dad is good friends with Grant Morrison but I just thought he was damning Hollywood movies like he always does.
My Dad then gave me a huge collection of The Invisibles comics he owned and said I should give them a good read.

Lo and behold, tons of ripping off was very evident. Granted, I wasn't as wowed by the comics themselves like my Dad (who sees everything Grant Morrison publishes as awesome since they are long-time buddies) but I was stunned to see the wachowsky jerks had been known to handing the comics around for referencing the movie they were making.

That's just a wee bit disrespectful, no?


Success blunts the talents of many people, Peter Jackson, George Lucas, etc. They surround themselves with yes men, and any restraint that was there before (that actually helped the movie) has been removed and you end up with crap like The Hobbit and the prequels. In the case of the Wachowskis, I don't think they ever were "great" - The Matrix was simply lightning in a bottle. However, Cloud Atlas and V for Vendetta were decent, they are decent filmmakers, but not the geniuses we thought them to be. Going to watch Sense8 as well and I'll refine my opinion...


damning Hollywood movies like he always does


'When i was a young warthog...'

Someones been watching to much lion king hehe


Reloaded wasn't all that great either. They had no real intention to make a trilogy I think , the studio just threw goobs of money at them. Who would turn that down.

They haven't directed anything commercially successful since.


It was released in 1999. End of the story. Today people won't dig it.

Yeah? Just like "how Hollywood already surpassed the action scenes in the Matrix"? Have fun believing that son.

The truth is, The Matrix would be the EXACT same success, let alone today, 50 years later. Because, how Mr. White would put it, it is...

