Cerina, the Hidden Talent
I've known Cerina long enough to feel validated in posting an opinionated message about her. There are two major aspects about her (actually, there are so many more, but limited room forces me to downsize) that truly need to be addressed. First of all, she's extremely hot. Bitter, semi-hot girls may automatically call her a whore, but is extremely far from the truth (and proof that these girls have such low esteem that they must belittle any competition they may have in order to feel better about themselves). She is one of the rare ones that actually is more beautiful on the inside than she is on the outside.
Just to immediately dispell certain rumors, her boobs are indeed real. Even though I've drunkenly felt them, the truth lies in her younger sister. At 15, she's already a "D" cup, proving that giant hogans run in her family. If you'd seen her during the Power Ranger Years, you'd know that those were the years that she slowly developed from a "b" cup to her current "C" cup. Every episode showed her growing bigger and bigger; it wasn't like she suddenly had a mass that was never there.
Anyways, this girl is the most beautiful soul I have ever met. This is the girl that would give you the shirt of your back if you so desired it, and will drop everything, no matter how important, if a friend is in need.
I feel priveleged to know this girl, and hope that all moviegoers will eventually see what I see. Although she has had numerous nudie scenes (and will you check out those beautiful hogans?!?!?), her body isn't what makes her career; instead, her beauty and talent are the two things that truly comprise it. Each project she embarks on is granted numerous hours of "homework" and concentration. It's simply a job, and she does her best to represent her talent in the truest light.
I'm so biased I probably shouldn't go on, but please note that I am a fellow female praising this girl, and not a horny movie buff with a boner and an opinion (although these guys seems to have the best reviews that are based on intelligence and unbiased feedback). I could easily choose to hate her based on her beauty and grace, but have chosen instead to praise and encourage her persona.
All I have to say is that, although I was born Irish, I fully support all Italians, based on Cerina's example.