MovieChat Forums > Alexa PenaVega Discussion > woah , alexa is 20 and her mom is STILL ...

woah , alexa is 20 and her mom is STILL HAVING KIDS

alexa's mom Gina Rue and stepdad Eric James kids
maternal half-sister Greylin James (b.2000),
maternal half-brother Jet James (b.2005),
maternal half-brother Hudson James

already there are 4 Vega sisters :

paternal half-sister Margaux Vega (b.1981) from her father's first wife

from Baruch Vega and Gina Rue:
Alexa came in 88
sister Krizia Vega (b.1990).
sister Makenzie Vega (b.1994).


incorrect, women over 35,their eggs are less quality stuff and they break more easily as well,which more often leads to miscarriage,and if the kid is born,the quality of the egg wasnt that good. Any doctor will tell you that the best combo is a young mother,preferably 25 and less, and an older father 35 and over,because the mental strength and intellect is something kids get more from the dad,and health is what a kid gets mostly from the mother.

So you are ignorant for saying that no risks or weaker health come from older mothers.
