Admit It!

I know all of you want to stick up for your favorite celebrities and say that they're not anorexic.

"Just because you're thin, doesn't mean you're anorexic. Its natural."

That is true, but NOT in Alexa Vega's case. It is very apparent that she has an eating disorder; and before you jump down my throat about how she doesn't, let me explain.

A couple of years ago, Alexa Vega was a healthy, full figured girl. Then, all of a sudden, she lost a drastic amount of weight. Is it just a big coincidence that this happened at the same time everyone in Hollywood started to look pencil-thin? No; Alexa Vega was following the "Super Skinny" trend.

Yes, you can say that her body is changing or that she's losing her baby weight, but most people do that when they're in their early teens. Besides, Alexa Vega is nearing the age when the metabolism starts to slow down, so she should be gradually gaining weight, not losing it.

Is it also a coincidence that a number of the celebrities who were once thick, or full figured got, not just skinny, but sickly skinny, all at the same time; all in the same year? Think about it: Lindsay Lohan, Nicole Richie, Hilary Duff, Kate Bosworth, Jessica Alba. They all used to be thick and full. Most of the listed women would be accused of being chunky in magazines. Why is that in 2005 every single one of them became sickly skinny? Was it something in the Californian air supply? No. It was a trend that everyone was following and Alexa Vega is no exception.
Its not just magic that cause her weight to dip. Its simply not normal for her weight to NATURALLY go from thick to stick.

Alexa Vega is not just "naturally" that skinny or she would have looked this way forever, not just all of a sudden.


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Ah, so she's going through a little "Hollywood phase".

But you gotta admit, at least she isn't so wild like Lindsay Lohan or Britney Spears, showing off her firecrotch. At this age, she's really struggling with the whole Hollywood scene and being mature. But she's doing a good job with keeping herself grounded and busy, and not wasting her life away with major risks and overpartying. She's not so bad at all =]

...even if she partied with Paris Hilton a couple of times. But that was back in the Repo days.

"Cute but psycho." -Happy Bunny




is there a problem being skinny?
are u fat or something?
why is being skinny seem to be...irritating u or something?
in the celebrity world, u gotta be thin, otherwise u just wont get main movie parts.
and just beause those celebs all have lost the amount of weight doesnt mean they were following a trend
jessica alba was never thick, somehow she just lost weight but hello? she gained a bit of it back. I'm pretty sure she never wanted to lose that chunk of weight. Plus, she looked so good before.
and now!
These woman are possibly losing weight because of work stress.
dont girls want to be "hot"? if someones not happy with their weight, theres not a problem in going on a diet like alexa vega.
She used to be a kid so who the *beep* cared about her weight. It wasnt like she was gna go date some hot bloke. Now that shes older, it's time to be thinking self image.
Or maybe she started exercising...which is crucial because ull just end up dying by the time you turn 40. It's a weekly/daily habit. I dont see what the problem is.
i work out everyday for an hour otherwise id just gain all my weight back. i used to be 130 pounds but ever since i did exercise everyday and lost like 205 pounds, my self confidence boosted and i def. look better than wen i was 130.



Did you even think before you went on that defensive rant?

Although a lot of your question and comments are irrelevant to the subject, I'll do my best to respond to them.

No, I'm not fat. Don't know exactly how much I weigh; don't really care. But I am considered to be thin.

No, being skinny does not irritate me. What irritates me is when people like you go and defend someone who is APPARENTLY anorexic. Like, I said in my introduction sentnce: I know all of you want to stick up for your favorite celebrities and say that they're not anorexic.

Yes, in Hollywood, you do have to be thin, but you DO NOT have to be as skinny as a rail. All of the women I named had fulfilling careers before they were sickly skinny.

I never said Jessica Alba didn't gain her weight back. All five of the women I named are at a healthy weight now. That's because the trend has died out. Not only did Alexa Vega catch on to this terrible trend, she dragged it out years after it had died. Its like seeing someone walking down the street wearing legwarmers, a headband, and thick poofy hair in a ponytail on the side of their head (Those were 80's trends) in 2008.

And yes, all of those women WERE following a trend or are you on of those people who thinks that all these women lost a drastic amount of weight AT THE SAME EXACT TIME and it was a coincidence? Yeah, I'm sure all of the women became stressed at the exact same time because their careers hadn't begun TWO YEARS before they got skinny (that was sarcasm).

You're right, I can't think of a single reason why wanting to be happy with your weight is wrong. BUT I DO FIND IT ODD TO BE UNHAPPY WITH A VERY NORMAL WEIGHT AND TO DECIDE TO DROP DOWN TO AN ABNORMAL AND UNHEALTHY WEIGHT. Don't you? And there is no NORMAL diet in the world that makes you as skinny as Alexa Vega. What Vega is doing is called "starving yourself" and/or "throwing up your meals".

If you're going to respond, please stay on subject and don't venture off into Jessica Alba and yourself.

"jessica alba was never thick." Its funny how out of the five people I named, you could only find ONE to try to use against me.


geesh, shes not THAT skinny
