Mamie talks about Christina Aguilera,Style etc...
from Mamie's official website:
InStyle Magazine
"My favorite pop singer, Christina Aguilera, has changed her looks so much over the past years. It's flattering that she has landed, at least for now, on the red-lipped, platinum blonde vamp look from the 50's. I met her at the Mansion
a few years ago and found her sweet and down to earth. She is smart and far ahead of the current and newly past group of girl singers -- Brittney, Madonna, and the rest. She is today's Ella Fitzgerald. I predict that she will be around and remembered for a long time. Rock on, Christina!"
- Mamie Van Doren
Christina is one of my fave's too!
she is artistic & kind like Mamie Van Doren
& her new album "Back to Basics" is amazing.
thought I'd share Mamie's quote~
"Stars were made to suffer, and I am a star."-Jayne Mansfield