MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Hitler #1 and Hitler #2

Hitler #1 and Hitler #2

You might be surprised, since I'm posting this under Trump, that #1 is Elon Musk and #2 is Trump. See Thomas B. Edsall's post in the today's New York Times.


I'll just leave this here, darling, to remind you of some recent history you seem to have amnesia about:


REALLY reminds me of fascist Pinky in the movie version of The Wall...

'So ya, thought ya, might like ta, go to the show...'


Good old Adolf will surely be disappointed when he learns that he ranks only #3 after Trump and Elon... 🤔


And Satan and the Antichrist don't even register half the time! Shame on them for excluding those two! rofl! xD


Reminds me of this Charlie-Chaplin-look-alike contest where Chaplin also only ranked 3rd...


I know! I heard that story years ago, how the real guy entered himself in a look-a-like contest, just for laughs, and didn't even make it to the final cut! Talk about life's ironies.


Ossum- they're obviously getting the showers ready then right?


Maybe for you.


Nice. I can expect you to scrub my back then? That hard to reach area?


Nah, I'll turn that offer down. You're in there on your own, made just for you. I'm sure you'll find it ossum.


So then you approve of such measures for your enemies. Still it's easy to judge ain't it?


I approve of Karma. Works every time.


But do you understand it? Are you in possession of the knowledge that would distinguish karma from crime? How can you say then that what may or may not have happened to jews in WWII wasn't karma?


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Wow, you actually think I'm going to entertain such a ridiculous question? With all due respect, that's the most absurd thing I've ever heard. If nothing else, you gave me a good laugh, which I appreciate. 🤣🤣🤣


You feel you're in a place to recommend karma but can't defend the position? And I'm the ridiculous one?! This attempt to laugh your way out of the question won't work. Answer it.


It's a ridiculous question posed by what seems to be a ridiculous person. And I wasn't laughing at the question, I was laughing at you. Well, actually, both you and the question. I won't be entertaining your JDS. I suggest you get the help you need. There are some excellent therapists out there. It'll help you feel better about yourself.


"Hitler" just lost that much more meaning. Do you hate jews?


This? Still??? Could you actually come up with a relevant critique of these men???


What's more relevant than that? You'll find out when the stormtroopers come for you.


Keep drinking the kool-aid, Charlie.


No Hitler #1 was Brandon and Hitler #2 was Kamala. Thank God we had the common sense to vote those two fuckers out.


The New York Times is no longer a credible source of information.


Maybe not to MAGA types, but they're credible to millions across our once-great country.
