MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > To say no to President Trump would be sa...

To say no to President Trump would be saying no to god? WTF?

Insanity from Paula White-Cain.

Wherever I go, god rules. When I walk on White House grounds, god walks on White House grounds. I had every right and authority to declare the White House as holy ground because I was standing there and where I stand is holy.

To say no to President Trump would be saying no to god. And I won't do it. We are in a spiritual war right now. Let every demonic network that has aligned itself against the purpose, against the call of president Trump, let it be broken, let it be torn down in the name of Jesus.

You want me to tell you what my thoughts are? The thoughts of the King of Kings, the thoughts of the Lord of Lords, I'm downloading heaven.

Trump the god? That is some f*cked up sh*t.


His spiritual advisor has a cracked view of the world and especially of the deranged mind of the fool who occupies the Oval Office.


Trump acts like her poop don't stink. The last thing we need is people treating trump like he is some sot of god.


Source that Trump acts like you claim?


Source that his spiritual advisor has a cracked view of the world?? Cite sources please!!1!


I just look at his actions, such as his cabinet picks, his breakup of the U.S.A.I.D., his firing of attorneys general, among others.


So no peer reviewed academic citations you say? DISCARDED!


MAGA sure treat him like a god. They worship the ground he walks on and refuse to criticize him in any meaningful way. And if you make fun of or criticize Trump around them they take it personally as though you just insulted their family.


Or insulted their cult. :)


TDS cult members say what?


Religious people are usually the worst people you’ll ever meet. People who actually have empathy are starting to realize that more and more every day. Eventually people will stop thinking that folks who say they are pastors are good people.

They aren’t good people, they are con men, just like Trump.




So this is where all the dumb fags have been hanging out. Don't mind me.


Paula Dean and Trump are fags? Bold move on your part there Miyagi


I know you are but what am I? LOL! No u!


Seeing how the left sees him as Satan I don’t know where you get off criticizing anyone.


I criticize who I want, when I want. It is called freedom of speech. Get used to it.


I’m not congress, I do not have the ability to pass laws, I cannot violate your “freedom of speech”. Derp derp.


I criticize Trump and MAGA, and only Trump and MAGA. It is called Trump Derangement Syndrome. Get used to it.





