What actions did he take to save America from COVID?
My memory is a little fuzzy, but what exactly did he do? Did he do an adequate job of taking care of it as best as he could?
shareMy memory is a little fuzzy, but what exactly did he do? Did he do an adequate job of taking care of it as best as he could?
shareTrump promoted quacks treatments. He wanted to stop testing so that the number of covid infections would go down. He waited until January 31st to declare an emergency. He allowed thousands of potentially infected people back into the USA, even though years earlier he declared that if a single American was allowed back into the country with a possible infection, was grounds for resigning.
Trump was not trying to save American from the pandemic.
I'm not a Trump fan by a longshot but I do give him credit for Operation Warp Speed." Not only did he take and endorse the Covid vaccine (the same exact vaccine that MAGA thinks will kill you) but he made it available ASAP. Hell, Biden and a lot of other democrats vowed to never take any vaccine endorsed by Trump (but they did anyway).
I do condemn Trump and his administration saying "We've got this!" before Covid spread in the US and acted like it was gonna be like a passing breeze but it ended up being one of the deadliest disasters in US history. That's on him. He fucked up completely and a lot of US deaths are on HIS hands.
Hey, I followed his advice and injected disinfectant into my veins. Turned out okay.
shareTrump did basically the same thing many other countries did as well, he only did a bit more of it.
On start most countries were thinking it cannot be as bad as predicted, afraid of the consequences for the economy they downplayed the problem and hesitated to take action against it.
When the hospitals were full of people and there wasn't enough supplies of ventilators and stuff in hospitals as well as masks and stuff in public, they overreacted with massive lockdowns.
Trump was on start one of the biggest downplayers of them all, reacting later than most other countries, making the US one of the countries with one of the highest Covid death tolls relative to population and of course once the problem became obvious he was also one of the ones with the biggest overreactions, spending gigantic amounts of money to get as many vaccine doses for the US as possible.
Probably the fact Trump himself caught Covid before vaccines were available and getting treated with highly experimental drugs was what made Trump rush the testing of vaccines through faster than any other country.
My memory recall of this is scatterd at best, but I remember him banning flights from and to China and gettting tarred and feathered for it. I then remmeber him advisng of alternate treatments for Covid and once again was tarred and feathered - with some treatments that proved to be effective.
After that I just remember summer of 2020 being so bad with the riots and Kenosha Wisconsin and going into survival-mode becuase America was in a death-spiral that summer. At that point I had stopped listening to what anyone was saying about Covid. It didnt matter to me after that. The riots and public protest that summer proved Covid was a bad joke that no one (excpet the control hungry crazies) took seriously.
Addendum : and operation warp speed.
Whenever someone brings up something about Biden, they say "Biden isn't in office anymore".
The man-made virus of Covid is over. Trump said it originated in China and he was right.
Trump is your President now. Say his name. 4 more years unless he amends the constitution to stay for another term or 2 or 3.
Just about everyone said Covid-19 originated in China. They mainly disagreed if it was made in a lab or crossed species and infected humans. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic#History
Trump brags he can do anything, but that is an obvious lie. There is a procedure for amending the Constitution and the president has nothing to do with it at all. Check out this link and educate yourself. https://www.archives.gov/federal-register/constitution/article-v.html
The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.
I see you couldn't make it 24 hours or even 24 minutes without posting about your obsession.
All of the left said that Your President Trump could never run for President again after the gov't participated in J-6. He is now your President again. If Your President Trump chooses to stay for a 3rd or 4th term, he will do exactly that and you nor the constitution has anything to do with it because he will simply amend it. It will be a beautiful thing, a really wonderful and beautiful thing.
You have a mental illness and you need to get some help.
Why should I do anything to please you? Some day I will get bored of criticizing politicians, but that will not be for a while.
How do you think Trump will amend the Constitution? Even Trump is not stupid enough to think he can do that.
Why should I do anything to please you? Some day I will get bored of criticizing politicians,
How do you think Trump will amend the Constitution? Even Trump is not stupid enough to think he can do that.
I didn't claim that Trump would not run. I fully expected trump to run again as it was the bet way to stay out of prison after his felony convictions. Hopefully Trump lives long enough to face actual justice and does not die in office.
Why do you think Trump is capable of amending the Constitution so he can serve another term?
"I didn't claim that Trump would not run. I fully expected trump to run again as it was the bet way to stay out of prison after his felony convictions."
They really got him on those felony charges didnt they? They accomplished what they set out to do, anytime someone invokes Trump they can dismiss him as a felon. The news, in speaches, in meetings, social media, podcasts....ect.
And they cant be held liable becuase technically its true on paper. I think this was very clever of the Left to attempt and also dirty as hell. But have to give credit where credit is due.
Trump skated on those felony charges. The only price he paid was for lawyers (assuming they got paid at all) and surrendering his firearms. Do you think you would be so fortunate as skip sentencing? I don't think I would.
Why was it dirty? You think Trump did not commit fraud?
Some day I will get bored of criticizing politicians, but that will not be for a while.
At least he did not pardon the mass murder who is responsible for it... 🤔
sharebasically President Trump saved billions of lives with the vaccine. you should be thanking him for saving your life.
shareYour post implies that there was a single vaccine in the entire world. Nearly 20 countries developed over 40 separate Covid-19 vaccines. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_vaccine#List_of_authorized_vaccines
Of the six companies receiving Operation Warp Speed funding, only Moderna and Johnson and Johnson put out an FDA approved vaccine. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Warp_Speed#Timeline
Pfizer obtained the first FDA approved covid vaccine On August 23. 2021; four months prior to the 1st Operation Warp Speed vaccine. The Pfizer covid vaccine development was not funded by Operation Warp Speed. https://factcheck.afp.com/pfizers-role-operation-warp-speed-misconstrued-online
Operation Warp Speed funding was used to buy Pfizer covid vaccines though.