MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump Bans Black History Month



Bring back John Wayne day




Wow, no he is not. Whats wrong with people these days? Next year when Black History Month is still nationaly observed, are you going to come back here and admit you were wrong and full of shit?

Or are you just as souless as CNN and MNBC?


And......Trump insists he is not racist. Seriously? I will never understand why any minority person voted for this man.


Just the fact that you mention minority/race shows you are racist, separating people focusing only on their race or origin is exactly what racism is, judge others on their actions and abilities not their looks or sexual orientations.

On your left you have a white surgeon with a degree from a top college which is able to detail clearly the procedure step by step, on your right a black surgeon with a degree from a small college in Nigeria and is quite confused when describing the procedure, who you gonna pick? gonna base your choise on equality and race, or on ability and aptitude?? Same thing in every day life, in public spaces, public transport, etc...

So many blacks in the NBA, could it be because they have more abilities than whites? How come it doesnt bother you that white players are discriminated against??


Or maybe the whites that are in the NBA are just on the court to make white people feel better.


[–] luvthepros (852) 6 hours ago
And......Trump insists he is not racist. Seriously? I will never understand why any minority person voted for this man."

Oh for fuck sake, you say 0 when Joe Biden tells the Black Community they're not Black unless they vote Blue, so fuck off


Brandon literally palled up with a former Klan member to keep schools segregated because he didn’t want his children to attend “racial jungles”.


@BKB.....I was not a supporter of Biden and did not vote for him. I do not support liberal views with the exception of me being pro choice. I have always been a registered Republican. The fact that I do not support Trump does not mean I am a Democrat. Please do not paint all anti-Trump folks with the same brush. Thanks.


I don't give a shit what your Political Affiliation is with. The point I'm making is YOU WERE WRONG AND TRUMP WAS RIGHT!! Now go seek Therapy


There is no white history month so does that mean that every president has been racist against white people?

Predicted response: every other month is white history month. Or false equivalence, because of systemic racism black people need a history month to account for the systemic racism they experience


There are soooo many things you will never understand. That's why you are a leftist in the first place.


It's now Trump History Month. The history of Covid, Jan. 6th, rape, and plane crashes.


Hell need to ban white history month, for balance.


@Martoto.....There is no white history month. We don't rate a month to celebrate.


He did not ban it. lol


What white history month?


Take your pick


I’ll ask again, what white history month? Also can you show me evidence of a school having a “white history month” assembly much like many have “black history month” assemblies?


Bring back convicted felon day!


Does Hunter still get to celebrate that day or not?


Since I am one, I'd celebrate that!


Fantastic. I hope Juneteenth is next.


What a sham of a "holiday." We did not need yet ANOTHER Monday off (what is it with the incessant Mondays? I can't get my doctor appointment, mail and trash doesn't come on the worst possible) smack dab in the middle of June. Hate it and it never should've been a thing.


No he didn't.
