MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > How do you do, fellow Nazis?

How do you do, fellow Nazis?

I'm here for the Two Minutes Hate! Day 3,509 subject, same as every day before: POCs, women, trans people, and global free trade. Go!


Muh nazis though


Do you have something serious to say about the subject?


I seriously think you're a dumb fag.


Lol. I'll bite: Why?


I mean this next quote is probably 60% of the reason alone tbqh

I'm exercising my freedom of speech to denounce the ideas of Trumpism in the hopes that fence-sitters or the politically naive get what I'm saying and become anti-Trump (and hopefully pro-capitalist as well, but that's another discussion) too. If every rational person did this, Trumpism would die.

Man tone it down! No need for such savagery, Hitler is very lucky you weren't around during his time, he'd have offed himself in that bunker right at the start if you were there denouncing his ideas with such brutality! Trumpler has no chance!


Seems like you think insulting people is how you combat bad ideas. I know your hero Trump got elected twice partially because he insulted everyone, but you fail to take into account all the bad ideas Americans have invested in since the founding. The sum of those ideas led to Trump, not Trump all by himself. The only way to combat bad ideas is to speak up for good ones, unless those bad ideas have already led to dictatorship in which case it's too late. Think about that, won't you?


Seems like you think calling people fascist or nazi ISN'T an insult you absolute dumbfuck, gfys lol and think about my MAGA nuts dragging across your dumbdumb face won't you?


You confuse me, dude. I thought you were open about being a fascist. Now you're saying you're not one? Well, by all means, please clarify your political beliefs. I wouldn't want to commit libel.


You wouldn't know what to do if you encountered a fascist, child. It's just a word you bandy about at people you don't like, it's lost any and all actual meaning because of you dumb faggots, gfys.


So enlighten me, if you're so brilliant.


You want me to enlighten you as to what a nazi /fascist is? Or you want me to enlighten you as to what to do when you actually encounter one? You understand that either makes you look fucking ridiculous? I'm not the one larping as a nazi fighter here.


I want you to tell me what YOU think fascism is.


Well want into one hand and shit into the other and see which fills first.


Mmmmkay. So apparently you want people to stop calling you a fascist, but you're not willing to discuss why their use of fascist is wrong. Good luck with that.


Fuck off retard go back to guzzling jizz.


How do you talk with Trump's cock in your mouth?


Apparently you're sarcasm-impaired.


No not really


Well, yes, really, because my post was meant to satirize Trumpism. Maybe it wasn't funny, but it's pretty obvious.


You say

but you actually mean
insult by calling a nazi


Not really obvious either, well maybe obvious passive aggressiveness. Doesn't really matter. You're a 🤡 and the "Nazi" is your President.


Seems to be pure projection. And? Did you get any answer by your comrades?


"Seems to be pure projection." Lol. Classic "NO U" answer.

"Did you get any answer by your comrades?" I don't understand it, there are so many fascists on this site, why wouldn't they want to participate in my Two Minutes Hate?


You wouldn't even recognize a fascist if he pissed in your beer while you were drinking it.
Guess what? It happened during the last 4 years and you brainwashed guys were not only defending but celebrating it.
