MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Why did everyone idealize him so much in...

Why did everyone idealize him so much in the first place anyway?

Even outside of politics, he doesn't hide who he is and is willing to be openly confrontational with others and embraces indulging in a disrespecting, condescending, and belittling attitude 95% of the time when he judges others, yet people love him so much to the point of overlooking these traits, and seemed to for a very long time. Why? Is he really that special and amazing to countless people of the world? I've never understood the hype or praise around his character.


people loved Trump before he was President and now people love Trump cause they have TDS. no one talks about that other guy or that woman that wants to be president.

thank you for talking about President Donald J Trump. I wonder what anti-Trumpers will do if he wins?


So you are saying everyone all fell in love with Trump because he became infamous for his wealth, success, and extremely prideful and boastful personality? Then I guess it didn't take much for him at all to accomplish that. No doubt running for President in the first place made him even more popular and recognized.


that statement is true for 99% of rich people. Trump built a global brand over 40 years. so yeah he really didnt do anything. Trump was always popular and being President made him even more popular when he was able to MAGA.


People fell in love with him in 2016 when he declared it was time to “build a wall”. He had been considered a joke in politics, even to the right (he ran as a Democrat for years, people forget), but that statement was met with a thunderous applause nobody had ever given him before. He said something that the right WANTED to say but were too scared to out of fear of being labeled racist. But Trump said what the right was thinking and he became hailed for it.


I seem to recall that back in the 80s and 90s (according to what people who were adults in that era told me), he usually traveled within the circles of the elite both in New York and Hollywood, and obviously there was something about him the people in those spheres liked about him at the time, because he was invited to almost every party, and even got to star on a reality show in the early 2000s. There were even people like Hillary Clinton who were actually quoted as wanting him to run for president back in those times, hard as that is to believe.


He’s King Con, and has grifted every idiot he can
throughout his life.
Most MAGAs don’t know anything about his history even though there’s dozens of reputable books published
