A vote for Trump is a vote for…
share...is a vote for more gun grabs.
Trump's gun confiscation plan without due process.
Trump's gun grab.
Trump wants to raise age to buy guns. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/trump-endorsees-raising-minimum-age-to-21-for-more-weapons
Give it a rest; the "gun gran" nonsense has become your shtick and slogan.
The "Deep State" is real whether you believe it or not.
Trump's Core Promise #7 of 20
That is actually one of Trump's core lies. How does a president defend the RKBA with a gun grab, a plan to confiscate guns without due process and raising the age to buy guns from 18 to 21? It does not work that way.
Obama did a better job of protecting the RKBA with 41F that eliminated the CLEO signature requirement for the transfer of NFA firearms like machine guns and silencers. Obtaining the local sheriff's signature on a tax stamp applications was usually the greatest obstacle to owning a NFA firearm. The Obama administration got rid got it. Even an anti-gun zealot like Obama is more pro-gun than Trump ever dreamed of being. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2016-01-15/pdf/2016-00192.pdf
You call it nonsense like you hope people believe it did not happen. You might want to think his gun grab was imaginary, but the Supreme Court did not think so. They stuck down his gun grab earlier this year. https://www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/garland-v-cargill/
Section 5845(b) defines a “machinegun” as any weapon capable of firing “automatically more than one shot . . . by
a single function of the trigger.” We hold that a semiauto-matic rifle equipped with a bump stock is not a “machinegun” because it cannot fire more than one shot “by a single function of the trigger.” And, even if it could, it would not do so “automatically.” ATF therefore exceeded its statutory authority by issuing a Rule that classifies bump stocks as machineguns.
That was not his gun grab, it was the three letter agencies/DS.
shareOh, we re back to claiming that trump is a doormat now? The president controls those agencies, they are not allowed to go rogue like you suggest. Trump bragged he would ban bump stocks, then ordered the ATF to write the rule that amended the CFR.
We have been over this several times. Here it is again. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2018-12-26/pdf/2018-27763.pdf This is a searchable pdf, a search for the word president shows that Trump directed the ATF to take action.
Here is the memo referenced in the pdf file above. It has Trump's signature on it. In it he acknowledges that Obama repeatedly said bump stocks were legal, Trump wanted them to be declared illegal. With a stroke of the pen, our civil rights begin to erode. This is very old news from 2018. Below I quoted portions of the memo.
Memorandum for the Attorney General
Although the Obama Administration repeatedly concluded that particular bump stock type devices were lawful to purchase and possess, I sought further clarification of the law restricting fully automatic machineguns.
Today, I am directing the Department of Justice to dedicate all available resources to complete the review of the comments received, and, as expeditiously as possible, to propose for notice and comment a rule banning all devices that turn legal weapons into machineguns.
All alphabet agencies have gone rouge for decades. Trump is neither a wizard nor a deity.
Whatever you're misinterpreting that Trump said publicly were for optics. Try using some discernment.
But Trump was the president. Are you claiming that Trump was powerless to stop the ATF from initiating the gun grab that he ordered them to accomplish?
Did someone force Trump to write that memo and order the ATF to write the rule banning bump stocks?
What optics are you talking about? Was Trump posturing to pander to the liberal vote?
Were Biden and Bush also under the iron grip of the ATF when they accomplished their own gun grabs? Or is it just Trump who is too spineless to stand up to anyone other than disabled children and former POW's?
He didn’t order it, the ATF/DS did.
Did they try to impeach Trump for making a simple phone call to Ukraine inquiring about Biden’s bribery?
… What happens if he doesn’t go along with the ATF gun grab?
Can a president be impeached and then convicted?
Can a president be removed?
Was Pence a disloyal and treacherous backstabber that countermanded Trump more than once and was prepared to take Trump’s place?
Biden and Bush are not under the grip of the ATF/DS since they are members of it.
Trump is the only western leader that’s an outsider of the Cabal/UniPartY/Deep State.
Do you prefer Trump as a dictator or not? You can't have it both ways.
Trump ordered the ATF to ban bump stocks. What part of the links to the his memo and the ATF rule did you not understand? You actually think the president is powerless to protect us from the ATF? Or do you think Trump is the only president who is a pussy?
If Trump did not go along with the gun grab, then there would be no gun grab.
Pence complied with the law. If you say otherwise, then show me the law he violated.
I prefer Trump in prison.
Trump ordered the ATF to ban bump stocks.
If Trump did not go along with the gun grab, then there would be no gun grab.
Pence complied with the law.
I prefer Trump in prison.
You still haven't explained why you want a pussy like Trump who is unable to withstand any political pressure, to be president.
You project more than anyone else on this forum.
"unable to withstand any political pressure"
And yet, Trump is still in the race after everything they put him through.
Anyone else would have given up or would have been compromised.
Why do you worship a 34 times convicted felon who is way too old to be president with his dementia getting worse by the day? You stupid MAGAs should have picked a younger, smarter and educated candidate for president then you probably would have won in November but now you're stuck with a dementia patient who has no chance to win. Your stupidity and gullibility continues.
share Like your choice of a whore of Willie Brown's and a trans V.P.?
Oh, yeah let's vote for people who really want to take our rights away!
Do you ever research the talking point you've been fed?
What exactly does being a "34 times convicted felon" mean? Nothing substantial. It means D.A. Alvin Bragg orchestrated a trial that had a predetermined outcome simply to label Trump a felon. Is that how you believe the American legal system should work? Or, is it only because Trump is the victim of it that it's okay, and if it were your candidate you'd be livid?
When even a CNN legal analyst calls the verdict an “unjustified mess” and claims it “blew his mind," you know something is wrong; “No state prosecutor … has ever charged federal election laws as a direct or predicate state crime, against anyone, for anything.”
The trial was a sham, and anyone without bias can see that. But then, you go on to fabricate a claim of dementia, so it's clear you aren't unbiased. If anything, that's childish. Your candidate was revealed to be senile, and you've resorted to "no he's not! Yours is!" in response.
A vote for Trump is a vote to keep America's integrity intact and end all of this nonsense we're seeing in a Democrat run society for the last 4 years, right down to the Democrats honest to God believing men can get Pregnant and men can give birth, at least if you listen to Mayor Pete and how he states men can benefit from Abortions like females!! Yeah.. Process THAT one?? 🙄
shareAre you in love with Pete?
It's okay to be open with your true feelings, I promise it gets better...