Help or hurt Trump? Polling suggests that a little over half of the Hispanics in the country legally want the illegals rounded up and deported. 60% of the rest of Americans want them deported. It looks to me like it isn't the brilliant idea that Biden thinks it's going to be.
It also further erodes the sense of basic fairness. Can I break a law for ten years then get rewarded for it? Nope.
When Trump won in 2016 the White House, House and Senate were controlled by the Republicans for 2 years. Why didn't Trump secure the border then? What are the Republicans doing now to secure the border?
The GOP will never secure the border. As long as their constituents depend upon easy to exploit cheap illegal alien labor, the border will be open for illegal immigration.
Even Trump enjoys the "benefits" of exploiting illegal alien labor. As long as illegals enter the country to work, Trump will employ them and complain that the democrats are doing nothing to stop them from entering.
The GOP is beginning to be known as the working class party. The working class American knows who's taking their jobs. Trump knows who's going to vote for him. If he reneges on the promise to completely close the border again, I think people will find someone who will get the job done, and it won't be Junior.
Why would the GOP be known as the working class party? Their policies favor the rich and big business. When their tax cuts benefit big business and the wealthy more than the working class, they are anything but the "working class party".
Trump will promise to close the border just like he promised to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. Of course this did not happen. When Trump continues to fail to keep his border promise, he will find someone else, anyone else, to blame, except for himself.
It is all moot as far as Trump is concerned as he is unlikely to be re-elected in 2024.
Sen. Warren was on Twitter giving out the old Democrat line that GOP tax cuts only favored the wealthy and big corporations, and when were the wealthy going to pay their fare share? Someone pointed out that she was listed as having $70,000,000, and had she ever checked the box offering to pay more taxes than she legally owed or did she hire tax lawyers and accountants to pay as little as possible? She didn't answer, but anyone with a vestigial brain knows the answer. That's why all those one-percenters in Hollywood, New York and Washington tend to vote Democrat -- they have the lawyers and accountants that see to it they don't suffer financially because of it.
Truman once said that you couldn't get rich in politics unless you were a crook. The working class is beginning to realize that.
You're being evasive. Why would the GOP be known as the working class party?
Yeah, tell me something I don't know; Democrats suck.
When will the MAGA (some of whom are working class) understand that Trump is a rich politician? Yeah Trump was rich prior to being elected, but he used his office as a means to rip off the taxpayers.
To which polls are you referring to? The ones that do not reveal any raw data and are suspect?
Yes, I did answer. I said "I take it you're not following the polls." Do.
Ah. And then I read your last line. "To which polls are you referring to? The ones that do not reveal any raw data and are suspect?" Actually, you didn't need that second "to." But the translation is: "I don't trust your polls! They're 'suspect.' And I'll shoot down every poll that gives me an answer I don't like!"
Look up the ones that give you the raw data that you DO respect. I imagine if the ones I've seen that have Trump ahead about 7 to 9 points overall, the ones you respect will probably be showing a shift as well.
Here's your turn to say it's not up to you to prove anything, so if I've just fallen off the turnip truck, I can start quoting polls, complete with demographic breakdowns, and you can say they're biased, which you would have done no matter which poll I quoted. I didn't just fall off the turnip truck.
How did Trump rip off taxpayers? Define "rip off"? If you think all taxation is theft, then it would, by definition, be a ripoff. But anyone in office, then, would be ripping off the taxpayers.
Who was the last politician you felt was worth voting for? And if you can't name any, then I guess you'd say we should all stay home.
You see, if both parties and all politicians "suck," then your posts are just here to waste other posters' time. There's a name for folks like that over on Twitter/X.
Which imaginary polls am I supposed to be looking up? Got links?
Trump would vacation on his own property and overcharge the Secret Service for lodging, that he profited from. That is just one example of how he ripped off the tax payers.
I have a list of politicians I left were worth voting for. They include but were not limited to Fred Finn, Kathy Haigh, Brian Blake and other state level legislators. None of the candidates for president and most of the others that appeared on my ballots were not worthy in my opinion.
I didn't say all politicians sucked, that would be you saying it.
Even Fox is now saying that the polls are shifting. Within the margin of error, but they're saying that Biden is ahead overall for the first time since October. But then they say people are very concerned about the border. They'll be even more concerned as every day there's another story about women and children being raped and killed by illegals that were not properly vetted. It's touching that Mayorkas doesn't take any responsibility for these crimes -- it's the criminals who committed the crimes. I guess we won't hear any more about gunshop owners or manufacturers being responsible for gun crimes now that Dems are realizing it's actually the criminals' fault. Thing is, Mayorkas was supposed to make sure no one was released into the country without proper vetting. So, yeah, he does bear responsibility.
Nobody is ever going to be debating over Fred Finn, Kathy Haigh or Brian Blake. Well, since Fred Finn and Brian Blake are Democrats, I'm going to save myself some trouble and assume Kathy Haigh is, too. Nah, curiosity got the better of me, and she's a West Coast Democrat, too, from the People's Republic of Washington. All of them are. So why don't you like Biden? I'm sure they endorse him.
The politicians I listed were all pro-gun blue dog democrats. Vastly more pro-gun than trump ever thought of being. They rape a lot less also. See how easy it is to be less offensive as a politician? Just rape less.
Trump would fit right in with the rapists coming over our borders. He even hires them to work at his places of business.
Dictator Joe has been the puppet president for the past 4 years. why hasnt he secured the border? he said he could shut down the border anytime he wants.
As for why he didn't, I wish he had. As soon as he took any action, the media started calling him a bigot. Now, I hope, we're finally beginning to see it's not about bigotry -- it's about safety and national security. But maybe it'll take everyone knowing someone who's been a victim of crime from an illegal. In England, the "cultural enrichers" routinely prey on young girls, and we're beginning to see it, here. What if it's your daughter, your sister, your mother, your cousin, your niece? Is that's what it's going to take to finally wake you up? Or will it be something as prosaic as Democrats losing elections based on the border?
This. Back then, everyone was calling Trump a racist, but now they are seeing that he's simply a realist. Unfortunately, to a Democrat, however, the two are the same.
I think the dems are trying to create chaos just in case Trump wins. Joe did the same during the debates when he invited all the people from the southern hemisphere to surge the border.
I want the border 100% closed for 10-15 years and for illegals to be deported as they are discovered during that time.
Millions of them.
I rhink the U.S. should accept about 30,000 immigrants per year.....not millions.
The point of immigration is to HELP the country. You can have folks with Green Cards for an agricultural season. But to just allow people to come in and take jobs from Americans doesn't serve the citizenry AT ALL. "Oh, but they only do the jobs that Americans won't do!" In Oregon, most of the subcontractors are illegals. If you're the poor sap who only talked to the contractors, they likely won't be there when the subs come on your property to drink cerveza and muck up the job without you being able to communicate with them. Ask me how I know.
Walmart -- owned by a Democrat-donor family -- built a superstore the next town over. Union men were picketing across the road from them, complaining that the place was being built by non-union, illegal labor. At least half of the guys picketing were Hispanic. But if you're illegal, you'll work for scab wages. These aren't jobs Americans won't do. A friend of ours -- a Democrat, ironically -- had to get out of the construction industry entirely. He couldn't compete with the illegals and feed his family, pay his mortgage, utilities, taxes, and gas.
Won't Biden be embarrassed for holding them up as an example of business fairness! It is, of course, price gouging and not Bidenomics that's wrecked the economy. The funny thing about Walmart is that I haven't noticed the low prices. Compared to WinCo, they're pathetic.