Doesn't care a single wit if he does anything good ...
> A “deal” allegedly offered by Donald Trump to big-oil
> executives as he sought $1bn in campaign donations
> could save the industry $110bn in tax breaks if he
> returns to the White House, an analysis suggests.
We're supposed to think Trump cares about the debt/deficit?
> The fundraising dinner held last month at Mar-a-Lago
> with more than 20 executives, including from Chevron,
> Exxon and Occidental Petroleum, reportedly involved
> Trump asking for large campaign contributions and promising,
> if elected, to remove barriers to drilling, scrap a pause on
> gas exports, and reverse new rules aimed at cutting
> car pollution.
Or clean air, or global warming or anything but losing the
election. What a complete scumbag.
You are too if you vote for or support this criminal.