MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Biden and his cohorts will frame him for...

Biden and his cohorts will frame him for murder next

With all the trials being delayed, they will set him up as a cold blooded killer next.


Trump said that would not cost him a single supporter. What next?


Biden has nothing to do with the dozens of alleged crimes of Don the con


Biden has nothing to do with reality.


he's still your president


Nonsense. I voted for Mickey Mouse.


[–] SandyR (7414) an hour ago
Nonsense. I voted for Mickey Mouse.
If you are a US Citizen, then the Duly elected President is your President. Even if you are Goofy. πŸ—½πŸ‘




Trump is not a victim of anyone or anything except his own actions.


International Corporate Interests thank you for your support.


Yeah, they forced him to cover up sleeping with a porn star and the phone call to the Georgia Governor telling him to fudge his election numbers πŸ™„


your Dictator appreciates your shilling...


You claim that Biden is so far gone he can't even finish a simple sentence then you claim that Biden is some kind of criminal mastermind. Pick a lane and stay in it.


posted 11 hours ago by Patman111196 (1248)
10 replies | jump to latest
With all the trials being delayed, they will set him up as a cold blooded killer next.
Too Late!! Covid-45, aka DJT already has a few Bleach-Induced deaths on his hands. The J6-Insurrectionist and his Insurrrection-istas has a trial on their dance cards that they will be singing their Seditionist anthem pretty soon.

"Murder she wrote (for real, for real)
Murder she wrote
Murder she wrote
Murder she wrote

Watch 'ya now, it name
A pretty face and bad character
Dem deh kinda livin' cyan' hold Ashli, follow me
A pretty face and bad character
Dem deh kinda livin' cyan' hold Ashli
Seh gyal yuh pretty
Yuh face it pretty but yuh character dirty
Gyal you just ah act too flirty flirty
You run to Don, Rudy, and also Corey
An' when you find yuh mistake
You talk 'bout yuh sorry, sorry, sorry, come now"


"A bet is a tax on bullshit."

I will bet you that Trump is not set up a sa "cold blooded killer" next. If Trump is indicted on a murder one charge, then you win. The time frame is the current year. The bet is that the loser must never post on this forum ever again (even under a pseudonym). Deal? Or do you want to admit you're full of shit?


Will it be your murder they frame him for?
