MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Just for Fun if Donald Trump had won the...

Just for Fun if Donald Trump had won the Presidency As A Democrat

How about it?? He supported the Democrat Party like FOREVER along with donating to them for decades in happier times.. When he announced his run for the Presidency, if he would've run for the Democrats and won, would you as a liberal have been happier or bitched incessantly like you do now??


LMAO Trump was a Moderate Independent like RFK Jr before being bullied by Radical Repulicans like you!!!!!!


You didn't answer the Question and deflect as usual: Yes or No, Trump runs as a Democrat for the Presidency and wins. Do you support him?? Do you support him while he's running to be Democrat President??


Interesting topic, I think they all would have loved him and supported everything he did. And he certainly would have won again in 24.


It would've been interesting to see what the old bags on The VIEW would've thought of this considering their disdain for him like he ran over their dog


Insane psychopaths should never get elected!


I'm not liberal by any means but I would never support Trump no matter what party he runs on. He is a moron, a liar of epic proportions and down right dangerous for our country and globally.


And this current Democrat Party and Joe Biden aren't a threat to our Country, right?? Mandating a vaccine and acting as a Dictator in telling people if they don't succumb to the "Jab" you lose your employment.. Is that how Democracy works to you??


I'm not a liberal, but Trump would still be the lying, rapey, gun grabbing prick that he is now. Being a democrat would not change him.


I wish he would have.
