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A Poster From Another Site Summed Up Trump's Trial

"This is not about Trump versus Smith nor the judge. This is not about Republican versus Democrat. This is about the Constitution and OUR natural rights versus authoritarians attempting to nullify OUR natural right of free thought, free speech, and free exchange. This is about the people of a constitutional republic freely speaking their mind versus silence imposed upon free citizens by authoritarian government. This is about the Constitution. THE CONSTITUTION!"


This is true. tRump tried to overturn a presidential election. There isn't a worse crime against the constitution. He wanted to be an authoritarian dictator and he should be prosecuted to the furthest extent of the law. He should not be allowed to threaten and attack judges and prosecutors doing their jobs. The judges shouldn't go easy on him.


"...judges and prosecutors doing their jobs.."

You are either deluded or a moron. Or both.

In New York they are trying to destroy his businesses and reputation with lawfare. They are so desperate they brought in disgraced convicted felon and serial liar Michael Cohen who was eaten alive on the stand.

They are using a statute that is never used to attack Donald Trump for political reasons.

Leticia James said Mar-a-lago is worth $18 million. This made her a laughingstock. The tennis courts might be worth $18 million. But the estate?

All this lawfare is an attack on our constitution and is election interference.

We have a new Speaker of the House. A huge win for MAGA.

TRUMP 2024


they are trying to destroy
They are so desperate
They are using a statute

who ?

The police, courts , judges and the judiciary as a wjole are not at the beck and call of democrats to frame the opposition.

That shit is happening because your leader is a criminal . at best! . at worsr a trsaitor who tried tio overthrow democracy.

YES these charges are interfering with his pres bid , but thats not because of "lawfare" its because he's a criminal Notice hoe the non criminal candidates arnt having the same problems?


Learn basic spelling and grammar before you post here moviechatterer.



apologies, not my best effort I admit ,
but when there's a high chance no one is going to read , let alone respond , i cant afford to spend too much time on formatting .


That's OK brah. Except for Donald Trump you and I are usually on the same page. Cheers.


thanks dude!


Biden is a criminal involved in taking Bribes, but look how well that's been covered up by the Biden Law of Justice System


well ,i find it difficult to work out these matters by hearsay ,

So I use the judiciary as a sort of "yardstick"

If a person hasnt been charged then as far as im concerned they are not guilty
Its not a perfect system , and very open to people saying "wake up gullible!"
but its as good a benchmark as i can think of.

After all thats the police's job - to work out stuff like that , so i defer to their professional opinion .

also as previously noted:
The police, courts , judges and the judiciary as a whole are not at the beck and call of democrats to frame the opposition.


Bribes for what and from whom? Receiving a loan repayment check his brother during a time he wasn't holding or running for a public office cannot be construed as a bribe. tRump was president at the time, so the "Biden Law of Justice System," as you call it, didn't exist.

There is simply no evidence of criminality, even after the House committee has scoured through years of bank records. Just because you desperately want him to be a criminal, doesn't make it so.


He broke laws, and if he didn’t break laws then he has nothing to worry about


It's very true. I still believe it as this is an attack on all American Citizens who voted for Trump. The look in Jack Smith's eyes prove he absolute evil.


Cry harder, sore losers.
