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Jenna pleads guilty

Anther one caves. There was a whole lot of lying going on in Trump's camp regarding that "stolen" election. When are you Trump supporters going to realize these people were lying their asses off. There was no stolen election. Get a grip of this situation.


Flipping their way to the top!
“If I knew then what I know now, I would have declined to represent Donald Trump in these post election challenges,” a tearful Ellis told the judge.
Like the others who took plea deals, Ellis agreed to testify truthfully against her co-defendants, including Trump.


All this tells me is how weak the cases are, and how rigged the court is. "aiding and abetting false statements"? What the hell is the definition of that speech crime? Where is the 1st Amendment when you really need it??

These people aren't rich. They want to get on with their lives. As far as testifying against someone else (Trump), what can they say? "He aided and abetted our false statements."?? give me a break. It's a lawfare political operation. Take the plea bargain or risk bankruptcy and prison. This is all a farce..


DJT's legal team flips more than Simone Biles!!

Conspiracy crimes aren't protected by legal arguments or 1st amendment rights.

Ask Bill Barr. "“As the indictment says, they are not attacking his First Amendment right. He can say whatever he wants, he can even lie. He can even tell people that the election was stolen when he knew better,” Barr said. “But that does not protect you from entering into a conspiracy.”

He added: “At first I wasn’t sure, but I have come to believe he knew well he had lost the election.”

Special counsel Jack Smith brought four charges against Trump on Tuesday – including conspiracy to defraud the United States – as part of his investigation into efforts to overturn the 2020 election leading up to the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol. The former president is expected to be arraigned at the Washington, DC, federal courthouse Thursday.

While a loyalist for much of his tenure as Trump’s attorney general, Barr notably contradicted the former president’s claims that the election was rigged when he said in December 2020 that the Justice Department had not found substantial evidence of widespread voter fraud. He resigned soon after and has since emerged as one of Trump’s most significant critics.",/i>


I am still trying to find a person that openly supports dementia Joe.


Stop deflecting! I certainly do not support Biden nor the democrats but I certainly do not support Trump either. Trump is in a lot of legal trouble and I will never ever trust him again as I did when I voted for him in 2016. I got wise to Trump when he so lamely handled the pandemic and said some outrageous stupid comments. I won't go into them. They are all on YouTube if you wish to watch him be a moron.


Trump won


The only thing Trump is winning are the stupid prizes a person gets for f*cking around. He is well on his way to finding out what they are.


Gd5150..............You really think Trump won? You must not be listening and paying attention.


The walls are closing in.
