MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Legal Eagle explains Trump civil trial.

Legal Eagle explains Trump civil trial. Enjoy, or not.

Trump was his own worst witness during the trial even though he never took the stand. During his deposition, he claimed he never met the Carroll. But he is shown a photo of him meeting her and instead of saying nothing, he identifies her as a person who was definitely his type. This video was shown to the jury.

Trump statements were determined to be false and with malice. All Trump had to do was shut up and not volunteer information.

I'm sure that in a few more days Trump will deny ever saying what he said in his recorded deposition. He is smart that way. Haha.


Leagle Eagle lmao. The dude is the wokest simp out there.

But the guy wears a suit so must be legit, right? Apparently he's never ever had a trial. Some lawyer. Legal Mindset or Rekieta all the way.


If you're impressed with suits, that is up to you.

So if Trump was caught in a lie and it screwed him over in court, it did not actually happen because a suit in a video talked about it?


Did you get your "fake facts" from TroofSocial? You are nothing but a MoronChat troll.

He is a real lawyer:




Village Idiot!


Great video. Trump's various personality disorders keep getting him in trouble. Sociopathy is not treatable though. Prison is the solution.
