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As Much As I HATE Trump, Marla Maples and E. Jean Carroll Look Nothing Alike

And anyone pushing such a fucking LIE to serve their own anti-Trump agenda is as big a POS as the man himself.

I have OCD, and there are women I like who have been physically likened to Marla Maples, who is, herself, a genuinely beautiful woman, and so it DEEPLY offends me to see mendacious faux-liberals argue that the two somehow look alike (they really DON'T; for a start, Carroll has very small, beady, almost black looking eyes, whilst Marla's is very big and blue), in order to support their narrative about Carroll in fact being Trump's type.

For a start, it's not just an erroneous comparison of two women who look NOTHING alike, BUT, it also upholds TOXIC rape narratives that say that rape/sexual assault is about attraction. It ISN'T, and anyone, be they Trump or one of Trump's accusers, who is upholding the idea that rapists have to be sexually attracted to their victims, is a FUCKING PIECE-OF-SHIT and a MISOGYNIST who really needs to go FUCK THEMSELVES (or better yet, shoot themselves in their pathetic, hateful head). πŸ˜ πŸ‘ŠπŸΏ

If THIS is how Trump lost the case, then god help us, because it seems like MISOGYNY won, either way, and that's an absolute disgrace.

Then again, some of you aren't real feminists (UNLIKE me). Some of you treat sexual abuse like a fucking sport, which is why you all like Clinton (see Juanita Broaddrick, Leslie Millwee and Paula Jones) and Joe Biden (see Tara Reade).

TRUE FEMINISTS like *ME* don't play party politics when it comes to WOMEN'S RIGHTS. Anyone who does is a BIG BIGGG PIECE-OF-SHIT who deserves to die.


Why do you suppose, that Trump was not able to tell them apart?


Probably because he has dementia, and he's a very sloppy individual who pays no attention to details.

Still, as much as I detest the man, and clearly think he was never fit to be POTUS, and have long believed that he raped/sexually assaulted E. Jean Carroll, the notion that because Trump somehow got the two confused (and be fucking honest for a moment because, although body-shaming women is generally wrong, it IS pertinent to this case and so we HAVE to address it, and the TRUTH is that Carroll is NOT a looker, compared to Marla Maples) means that Carroll 'is his type' is frankly laughable (not that I regard rape/abuse/denial of rape as literally 'laughable'). And I feel awful for Ms Carroll, but since it's rumoured that jurors supposedly came to their decision on the basis of Trump making this mistake (and it should also be pointed out that how two people look in a photo, particularly a black-and-white one, is not the same as two people look in person, or in video footage). I could make a 10-page list of how different these two women look.

Once again, I 'apologise' that my HONEST and FAIR-MINDED observations based on FACT, do not, alas, serve the *correct* narrative, but I ALWAYS prize TRUTH and HONESTY above agenda and narrative, no matter who the former may serve.

Without TRUTH we have NOTHING. 😠


As Much As I HATE Trump, Marla Maples and E. Jean Carroll Look Nothing Alike
posted a day ago by HarveyManFredSin (3283)
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And anyone pushing such a fucking LIE to serve their own anti-Trump agenda is as big a POS as the man himself.
Stop. Stop. Stop.

You are being willfully disingenuous. In a court of law in these United States of America you have to present the Truth, The Whole Truth, and nothing but The Truth. In your court of Public Opinion you are attempting to obfuscate and create a narrative and then both rail against your narrative and demean one side.

The DJT that was "turned on" enough by the visage of E. Jean Carroll was looking at a woman 30 years younger than what you produced a picture comparison of, and let me type this slowly, "you know that". The E. Jean Carroll of the 1990's was very much "DJT's" type. Look no further than the image of his first wife Ivana. Yea, that is DJT's type circa 2017.

Then you proceed to do EXACTLY what DJT does and victim shame her for how she looks now versus then?! That is low.

Very, VERY, low indeed.



So, it's 'misogynist' for a person to say "I'm not attracted to X" now?

I made it abundantly clear that I believe Trump raped Carroll. I've been very consistent on this point, and saying she 'wasn't his type' as a means of 'defending' himself against the accusation was misogynist, a misogyny YOU are now contributing to, to your SHAME, by further pushing the MYTH that RAPE is about sexual attraction.

I'd hitherto been a supporter and champion of Ms Carroll, but if she's now arguing that her ego is as important an issue as to whether or not she was raped, I have to withdraw my respect for her, because what she's basically saying is that 'only good-looking women are raped.'

It's rich white feminism all over again. It's the type of 'feminism' which allows Bill Clinton to get away with RAPING Juanita Broaddrick and sexually harassing Paula Jones, because, hey "why would Bill rape/harass such homely/plain and lower-class women" right? A convenient narrative indeed for rich white upper-middle-class liberals like Ms Carroll.

I feel sorry for what Carroll experienced, as I do with any rape survivor, but it's also becoming increasingly apparent to me that not only is she a victim/survivor, but she is also a *narcissist* (guess what? Not all rape survivors/victims are perfect symbols of virtue. One can be wronged and still be a flawed individual, although according to Carroll and you, *only* virtuous and pretty white women can be raped... πŸ™„πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ)

Instead of criticising ACTUAL feminists like me, who are trying to challenge rape MYTHS, look at yourself, and do some soul-searching about *your* frankly *shameful* and MISOGYNIST defence of these myths.

Be better. πŸ™‚

PS: The alleged confusion was between Marla Maples, Trump's second wife, and E. Jean Carroll. As it happens, I completely agree with you that Trump's first wife, Ivana, looks more like E. Jean Carroll. No argument from me there, but that wasn't the alleged mistake, was it?
