MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > What Happened to the Pseudo-High profile...

What Happened to the Pseudo-High profile POC supporters of DJT, Candace Owens anyone? Now Black support is going up? Byron Donalds reports for duty!

Pastor Mark Burns? ========= Outed for padding his resume.
Diamond & Silk? ====== Died of Heart Disease (Diamond)
Sheriff David Clark?
Omarosa Manigault Newman?
Don King?
Ali Alexander? ====== Prosecution Coop-agreement post January 6th and banned from Social Media?
Kanye? ========Lost over $1 to $1.5 Billion dollars in banned social media outbursts.
Darrell Scott (Cleveland Pastor)?
Pastor Marvin Winans Jr., Detroit?
Paris Dennard? ======== Fired from RNC
Ben Carson?
Stacey Dash? ====== Lost her Black card and has since reformed. Or has she?
Herman Cain? ===== Deceased
Candace Owens? ==== Fired
Larry Elder? ============ Couldn't win a State-wide office. Still grifting off Conservatives.
Katrina Pierson?
Herschel Walker? ========== Failed senate bid. Not a viable candidate for any office.
Tim Scott? ===================== Might run for president as a Republican (DJT won't allow that)
SCJ Clarence Thomas? ========== Riding High, off of a Billionaire's money.

Forgot Ben Carson
SCJ Clarence Thomas
Jason Whitlock
Byron Donalds


Adolf Hitler Uunona
Black Justin Bieber
Louis Farrakhan


[–] Satan2016 (22070) 3 months ago
Adolf Hitler Uunona
Black Justin Bieber
Louis Farrakhan
Not sure the leader of the NOI is a DJT supporter, but it seems you are down with these three to be added to this list. 👍

"Unlike his namesake, Uunona says he is not “striving for world domination” and does not have plans to “subjugate” the Oshana region where his constituency is located. Growing up, Uunona saw it as a totally normal name and only learned later about Hitler’s tyranny."

Must be some of that "South African Critical Race Theory" teachings.

That is a very interesting "Fun Fact": I'll have to do some more "research" before they get included. Uunona is a big NO. 😂


Lil Wayne? That homophobe from Grey's Anatomy? Daddy Yanqui (prefers to be viewed as Latino but he's still Afro)?, Jill Villa ( half Argentinian Afro)?

They all got really QUIET too 😕 LULZ


This thread sealed Trumps fate. You actually got him, well done.


It's funny how all of them defend racism by claiming that it doesn't exist YET they call themselves BLACK Conservatives to delineate that they're different from White Conservatives. In the end, they just come across as service Step 'n Fetchits.


Your intent seems racist.


[–] SandyR (7515) 22 minutes ago
Your intent seems racist.
How so and whom am I being racist for and to who am I being racist against?

I would still like to know what happened to all of the high profile POC supporters of DJT, MAGA, and Trumpism?

I did see a video of/for BLMAGA.

Is this group being Racist?

How about Candace Owens and BLEXIT? Is she a racist?


I've seen so few of these people advocating or acting as surrogates for DJT?! 🤔

Ben Carson? Yes!
