What Happened to the Pseudo-High profile POC supporters of DJT, Candace Owens anyone? Now Black support is going up? Byron Donalds reports for duty!
Pastor Mark Burns? ========= Outed for padding his resume.
Diamond & Silk? ====== Died of Heart Disease (Diamond)
Sheriff David Clark?
Omarosa Manigault Newman?
Don King?
Ali Alexander? ====== Prosecution Coop-agreement post January 6th and banned from Social Media?
Kanye? ========Lost over $1 to $1.5 Billion dollars in banned social media outbursts.
Darrell Scott (Cleveland Pastor)?
Pastor Marvin Winans Jr., Detroit?
Paris Dennard? ======== Fired from RNC
Ben Carson?
Stacey Dash? ====== Lost her Black card and has since reformed. Or has she?
Herman Cain? ===== Deceased
Candace Owens? ==== Fired
Larry Elder? ============ Couldn't win a State-wide office. Still grifting off Conservatives.
Katrina Pierson?
Herschel Walker? ========== Failed senate bid. Not a viable candidate for any office.
Tim Scott? ===================== Might run for president as a Republican (DJT won't allow that)
SCJ Clarence Thomas? ========== Riding High, off of a Billionaire's money.
Forgot Ben Carson
SCJ Clarence Thomas
Jason Whitlock
Byron Donalds