Cult 45 is shrinking...
He hopes his arrest will serve to stir up the cult, but it won't be enough. He's over.
shareHe hopes his arrest will serve to stir up the cult, but it won't be enough. He's over.
shareAnd TDS is increasing. When does BBB start?
share[–] Bubbathegut (12524) 2 hours agoI've gotta go with the number of vocal DJT supporters is indeed shrinking. Those that are committed to DJT aren't going anywhere, maybe over to Ron Desantis? share
And TDS is increasing. When does BBB start?
Ron De Santis is fine with me, anyone is better than Diaper Joe and the DemoKKKrats.
shareWhat cult? There is no such thing as a Donald Trump cult unlike the very well documented and very real DemoKKKrat/Diaper Joe Cult. And what do you think you have on him this time? Not paying a parking ticket?
shareThe Trump cultists chant TDS anytime they do not have a rational response to an argument. I'm not seeing a similar cult chant of BDS when Biden supporters don't have a leg to stand on.
shareAgain there is no such thing as a "Trump Cult" like there's a DemoKKKrat cult. "Trump Cult" is just a buzz word the libtards use to discredit anyone who dares to disagree with them, it's very immature and TDS is a very real thing. The DemoKKKrat's hatred of Donald Trump is unhealthy and obsessive.
shareIf Hating Trump is unhealthy and obsessive then what do call your hatred and obsession with Biden?
shareI don’t hate Diaper Joe, I just want him held accountable for his lies and crimes. In a way I almost pity him.
shareAnyone who reads your posts knows that your hatred for Biden is palpable.
shareAgain I don’t hate him, I just think he should be impeached and jailed just like any common criminal. You however have an unnatural and obsessive hatred for Donald Trump and you and your death cult need some serious therapy.
shareYou are so angry and hateful that Trump was soundly defeated by Biden. You deny being hateful and angry but your posts show something else. Imagine how angry you will be when you realize that Trump will never be president again. Remember, dial 988 to reach the Suicide Hotline.
shareNot angry or hateful at all, but very concerned that our elections aren’t secure considering the DemoKKKrats used the FBI to censor stories that would have swayed the election. The election was stolen and as a US citizen I am rightfully concerned.
shareThere you go repeating yourself again with no proof to back up your claims. Do you just copy and paste your new posts from older posts? Prove that the presidential election was rigged and prove that the FBI conspired with Democrats. I'm sure Trump would pat you on your head if you did.
shareJust watch something that isn't the far left fake news. The FBI did interfere in our elections. Here you go:
shareThat wasn't so hard was it? With this proof Biden should be removed from office and Trump reinstated as president. Why is everyone ignoring this proof?
sharePretty much, had everything been the same except Diaper Joe and Trump were in opposite positions you'd be saying exactly that. Thanks for at least making the first step in showing some consistency and now being a blind far left cultist as you usually are.
share[–] MovieChatUser497 (17099) 3 hours agoImpeached and Jailed for what? Are you able to name a crime, or statue, or law that has been broken? Are there any victims?
Again I don’t hate him, I just think he should be impeached and jailed
just like any common criminal.If he were a common criminal, you'd be able to name some common and or extraordinary crimes that he has committed. Would these be state or federal crimes?
You however have an unnatural and obsessive hatred for Donald Trump and you and your death cult need some serious therapy.No one can address that statement because it is delusional at best or a joke at worse but with no punch line. 🤣 share
Diaper Joe incited riots and insurrections, gave our oil reserves to China, aided and abetted a foreign invasion at the border, ordered a hit on Justice Kavanaugh, gave Afghanistan to the Taliban. There is plenty to prosecute the son of a bitch for.
shareAre you able to name a crime, or statue, or law that has been broken? Are there any victims?
There is a Trump cult in this forum. Why do you deny it?
shareYou just label anyone who happens to support Trump a “Trump cult”, it’s very dishonest not to mention immature.
shareYou use names like DemoKKKrats and Diaper Joe. Yeah, that's really mature of you.
shareAgreed, robocat. MCU497 wears his Republicanism proudly on his sleeve, and does anything to poo-poo the opposition.
Nice try, I'm not a Republican, I'm an independent. Would you like a cookie for being completely ignorant?
shareTrump is more of an Independent than an extreme right-wing.
DeSantis; however, is far-right.
You better hope that Trump wins the nominee. lol
Just calling it like it is. I'm sorry your cult leaders continue to embarrass themselves.
shareI do not. I have not called out any names other than those who claim a person has TDS just for not agreeing with Trump.
shareNo one has said someone has TDS just for not agreeing with Trump, they have said you have TDS because they have an irrational, obsessive and life defining hatred of Donald Trump, it’s unnatural and it’s unhealthy. TDS is a very real thing, and considering how much hate the left spews out they should be a little more accepting of anything Trump says.
shareWhen I objected to Trump's gun grab, I was told I had TDS.
When I explained how Trump grabbed guns, I was told I had TDS.
When I explained that the ATF did not in fact go rogue and that Trump ordered the change to the CFR to seize bump stocks from law abiding Americans without compensation, I was told I had TDS.
Chances are someone is going to tell me I have TDS in a reply to this post.
I never said you had TDS and I'm not saying that now. I have a feeling you are overexaggerating and overembellishing what was said to you.
shareI said "I was told I had TDS". I did not accuse you of claiming I had TDS. Some others have told me so.
I do not exaggerate.
Well I’m sure that you said something outrageous like some of the comments I have read on here, just because I didn’t witness you making hate filled Trump comments doesn’t mean they didn’t happen.
share"What cult? There is no such thing as a Donald Trump cult..."
Come to Twitter, where Trump is being compared to Jesus Christ, where the cultists are attacking DeSantis and his supporters non-stop, and they've all forgotten Trump turned his back on the J6 protestors. On top of that, they expect DeSantis to staunchly defend Trump after Trump has spent weeks telling lies about him!
Oh, yeah, there's a cult! And they're proceeding to tear the non-Biden vote apart with their vicious attacks. Idiots!
Well, they do have one thing in common:
Jesus Christ was the most persecuted.
Trump was the second most persecuted.
Comparing Trump to Jesus proves you are in a cult. Seek help before it's too late.
shareHere are some of the tortures of the early Christians. Please do tell how Trump's troubles in any way exceed these:
I was not comparing "physical tortures", but "persecution"; so yes, second most persecuted and aside from Trump's loyal supporters, the entire force and resources that were/are stacked against him:
-Big Tech
-News Media
-Social Media
-The Deepstate consisting of: FBI, CIA, IRS, NSA, Homeland Security, DOJ, etc.
-CCP worked in collaboration with the Democrats and DNC
-Sellouts and RINOs
Please list Christ's persecutions that were NOT torture, other than the Pharisees arguing with Him -- sort of like spending time on social media, when you think about it.
But you were talking about PERSECUTIONS not TORTURES, so do list them. I'll wait.
Oh -- while we're waiting, badly educated people have no idea how persecuted Abraham Lincoln was by the papers of the day. He was called "The Original Gorilla," and they all second-guessed his handling of the War. They even tore apart his Gettysburg Address -- a masterpiece of writing -- but people considered it too short and too common. And, of course, half the country hated his guts.
But hey. Trump has it worse.
Betrayed by his own disciples (two of them), betrayed and condemned by his own people.
Interrogated, mocked, ridiculed, slandered, and wrongly accused, then arrested and put on trial when he was innocent of “everything”, unlike anyone else in history including Trump or Lincoln.
However; if you don’t consider any of those persecutions, than by your own ironic perspective, Trump may as well be “the most persecuted” as you sarcastically stated.
Lincoln: His own cabinet plotted against him. His own people revolted against him. The Congress thought they could get at him by condemning his wife. He was always interrogated, mocked, ridiculed, slandered, and falsely accused by the press. People invited to the White House leaked stories with a negative spin on them to the press. The General of the Union Armies, McClelland, openly ridiculed him. Then he was summarily executed by someone who thought he would be hailed as a hero. Lincoln wasn't perfect, so the unfairness of being mocked, ridiculed, etc., isn't on a par with Christ, but as you can see, there are similarities. At any rate, worse than what Trump's undergone. far worse. Lincoln had a mentally fragile wife who would occasionally tear into him with a vengeance. I've heard Melania tore into Trump after the Stormy Daniels affair came to light, but he had that coming. I don't count that as "persecution."
All of what you described happening to Christ was nothing compared to what happened in the three hours of darkness where the Lord was separated from the Father and our sins were put on Him, then God the Father poured out His wrath on God the Son. All the persecutions never saved anyone, Mel Gibson's theology notwithstanding. His becoming sin for us is what saves anyone who believes in that finished work. I don't consider that persecution, either -- that's salvation's work.
Name the second disciple who betrayed Christ. Every Sunday school child knows about Judas Iscariot, but you know of another. Do tell.
Judas was not the only one who betrayed Jesus; all of the other disciples abandoned Jesus, Peter directly denied knowing him (second disciple to betray him).
By the way, Jesus was innocent of everything and did not deserve any of what he went through; however, President Lincoln is responsible for killing over 620,000 American men, 432,000 Union soldiers and the balance, Confederate, whose casualties may be off due to incomplete records in the South. This is more than all Americans combined, who were killed in all wars fought up through World War II.
Therefore; any persecutions suffered by Lincoln were either well deserved or justified since he was a hero to many but also a mass murderer to many…both are true.
Here is a partial list of Trump’s:
-The GOP RINOs tried to stop candidate Trump from winning the nomination in 2016, they couldn’t.
-Hillary called Trump and his supporters “deplorable” and he beat her.
-Obama spied on Trump, and he got caught.
-The Obama gang attempted a coup of the Trump Administration, it failed, Trump did nothing wrong.
-The Democrats impeached him for daring to ask about the Bidens’ actions in Ukraine, he was doing his duty, the Bidens were taking millions from foreigners in bribes and favors.
-The Chinese drop COVID-19 with the Deep State doctors’ help, they attempt to cover it up, Fauci and gang got caught.
-President Trump won millions more votes than any President in history in the 2020 election so they stole it from him.
-They set up the Jan 6 protests and inserted rioters to cause violence, they got caught.
-They took over the economy and are destroying it.
-They raid President Trump’s home yet he did nothing wrong.
-The DOJ is also going after Trump for the non-crime regarding his legal actions of holding documents at his home after leaving the White House.
-Now a Soros-funded prosecutor from New York is going to arrest and charge President Trump with BS crimes.
-The problem is none of these villains and criminals were ever held accountable. So they go for more.
Peter and Judas: A Tale of Two Betrayalsshare
What Can We Learn from These Two Men?
Peter and Judas both struggled with sin throughout their time with Jesus during His earthly ministry - one with pride and one with greed. They both sat at His feet, witnessed His miracles, and learned about the Kingdom of Heaven. On the night of Passover, both chose to betray Jesus. Judas handed the Rabbi over to the religious leaders for financial gain; Peter denied his affiliation with the man He called Lord. What made the difference between these two is one saw Jesus Christ as his Savior, the other failed to see who his savior was, and died without faith or hope, or a chance at redemption. Both betrayed their Lord, but only one repented.
Betray is a loaded word with specific meaning. The Bible always points to Judas Iscariot as the disciple who "betrayed" Christ, Peter as the disciple who "denied" Christ. I'll go with what the Bible says over your unattributed quote. One is inspired, the other is just the opinion and wording of some random guy.
Wow. You can accuse Abraham Lincoln of lots of things, but being responsible for every death in the Civil War is silly. He didn't start the War. And he was right, that a house divided against itself cannot stand. He was forced into that War.
"Mass murderer." Sir, you are not a serious person.
Believe that Trump is totally innocent and the second biggest martyr of all time.
Trumpers hate Fauci
Trump could have said "You're fired!" to Fauci
Trumpers don't like the shot
It was developed under Trump
Trumpers are anti-lockdown
Trump owns "15 days to slow the spread"
Trumpers hate bailouts
Trump prolonged lockdowns through bailouts
Trump apologists- let's save us all some time here:
You: He couldn't fire Fauci
Me: He could have elevated any expert he wanted- he chose to elevate Fauci. In Oct of 2020, he praised Fauci and even gave Fauci an award as he was leaving office.
You: everyone made mistakes
Me: Trump says he made no mistakes
You: He was surrounded by bad advisors
Me: The inability to choose good advisors disqualifies you from leadership.
You: The media wouldn't let him
Me: You're right, he feared losing the election more than he cared about doing the right thing
You: He wanted schools open
Me: He gave schools covid relief funding that was not tied to opening schools. If anything it incentivized keeping them closed to get more money.
You: He was anti-lockdown
Me: He originated 15 days to stop the spread and hasn't apologized for it. He takes no ownership in his place in starting the lockdowns in the first place
You: What about Biden/Hilary? You think they would be better?!?
Me: The failures of Biden do not absolve Trump of his failures. There are more than 3 people in this world, find someone more worthy of your loyalty and adoration.
Consider it what you will since you obviously take words and meaning literal as a purist.
The fact remains that both betrayed him…One through financial gain and the other through denial as Jesus predicted.
Oh, by the way, everyone I grew up with knew that both of them betrayed him…this has been true for us since Sunday school days.
Yes, I’m serious about Lincoln since he was responsible for many deaths.
He was forced into that War.
Ummm, ok, but nothing in that twitter rant refutes the partial list I provided above.
Also; here is an official list of accomplishments by Trump and his administration:
LOL so one person comparing him to Jesus Christ constitutes a cult? WTF is wrong with you? And FYI nothing was more pathetic than the way the left slobbered over Obama, within one month of taking office he was being compared to freaking Abraham Lincoln despite the fact that the two of them were nothing alike. There is no Trump cult, it’s just a buzzword the DemoKKKrats use to discredit anyone who dares to support him. Trump is a centrist, the left has gone far left so a centrist to them is far right (they have a very warped view of reality)
shareIt's almost as if you can't be for a candidate anymore without comparing them to Jesus Christ. Yes, the whole Obama -- complete with halo -- cult could gag a maggot. That doesn't take anything away from the Trump Cult. I supported Cruz the last time and got called a "Cuck" by everyone in Cult 45. Now they've upped the game to "Commie."
Trump is a populist. Learn what the words mean. Trump couldn't describe "conservative" when asked in a debate -- while claiming to be one. He described "conservationism."
Don't get me wrong! I like a number of Trump policies. I just gag at the cult that's grown up around the man, and the utter tackiness he thinks his fan club demands.
Again there is no Trump Cult, just because you support Trump doesn’t mean that you are a member of some imaginary cult. There was an Obama cult though and it was very pathetic. I brought up Obama so you’d have an idea of what a cult really is.
sharethere is no Trump Cult
You can keep repeating it. There's as much of a Trump cult as there is an Obama cult.
They're all over Twitter -- possibly mainly bots, but some I know to be real people -- demanding to know why Ron DeSantis isn't speaking out about something that HASN'T EVEN HAPPENED YET. But that doesn't stop them.
These are the same people who had giggling fits over every stupid name Trump called DeSantis, but now they want DeSantis to pull Trump's fat out of the fire.
I missed the part where DeSantis was made Governor of New York.
As for the Cult part, they're all saying the same things -- real people as well as bots.
Of course, it really just helps Biden if these people make the DeSantis boosters so angry they wouldn't vote for Trump on a bet. But Trump's stupid posts on Truth Social aren't helping. It's like he's working for Biden, too.
Not even close and that's a major false equivalence on your part. The slobbering love affair over Obama was beyond pathetic and it was all because he was black. No one is doing that with Trump.
Also not sure why you're bringing up De Santis, I will totally vote for him if he is the nominee and he would be a huge improvement over Diaper Joe and the DemoKKKrats.
Good for you! I brought him up because every other person I was talking to on Twitter -- sadly still the case -- is so root-hog-n-die for Trump that they're bashing DeSantis as hard as Trump is. He's been at again, today.
There's a good deal of slobbering love for Trump. He's totally innocent, he's the only one who, etc. If you remember, when he first ran there were people who said some of his followers would watch him gun down their mothers at high noon on 5th Ave. in NYC, and they'd still say he's totally innocent, or the old lady had it coming. Believe me, the insanity is still out there. Haven't seen it yet? You will.
There is no slobbering for Trump, the DemoKKKrats definition of “slobbering for Trump” is simply voting for him. He’s the victim of a far left smear job and a corrupt justice system. I’m sorry he hurt your feelings but that’s your problem. So they don’t like De Santis, it’s called they are entitled to their opinion. I prefer Trump but I’ll take De Santis over Diaper Joe any day of the week. Diaper Joe should rot in prison the rest of his life.
shareI'd say a bunch of rowdy, low IQ, inbred white trash worshipping Trump at his rallies is a cult. I don't see any rallies for Biden because Biden doesn't feel insecure and wants love by dumb people like him.
LOL, so because no one will come to a Diaper Joe rally that makes Trump supporters a cult? How about when everyone on the left was jizzing their pants over Obama in 2008? Nothing was more pathetic than that and yes they were a cult. There is no Trump cult, it’s just a far left lie/buzz word
shareI don't recall a President in recent memory who held frequent rallies like Trump has had. Why did he need to? To have a fawning crowd around him, so he can drink in their misguided "love" and make him feel special in his own narcissistic way? How pathetic is that?
Ummmm Obama did frequently and his cult followers literally worshiped him and jizz their pants every time they saw him and it was all because he was black.
The fact that people actually show up to his rallies unlike Diaper Joe's is irrelevant. I didn't realize being good at what you did constitutes a cult? Well that's libtard logic for you.
What has skin colour got to do with it?
The left literally only liked Barack because of his skin color and they exploited it for all it was worth, shameful. My point is Barack had a cult following because of his skin color which is far more disturbing yet pathetic than anything Trump or his supporters ever did.
share"[–] MovieChatUser497 (17126) 2 hours ago
The left literally only liked Barack because of his skin color and they exploited it for all it was worth, shameful. My point is Barack had a cult following because of his skin color which is far more disturbing yet pathetic than anything Trump or his supporters ever did."
That sounds racist to me, MCU497.
How is that racist? The left literally only liked Barack for his skin color, if anything I am proving you are racist.
shareAnd what remains of the cult knows he's full well he's guilty as hell. They're just upset he might not get away with his crimes.
share“Protest, take our nation back.”
Fucker didn't even think to suggest "Protest peacefully" forgetting the last time he was dropping this shit. Nah TAKE OUR NATION BACK!
Another "protest" like the one on Jan 6th will be the nail in his coffin. He already lost in a landslide. The country is sick of these sore loser thugs.
share"He already lost in a landslide."
Trump lost, but it wasn't a landslide. Second-most number of votes in a presidential election, in the highest voter turnout in over 100 years. If Jo Jorgensen (why no one ever talks about her blows my mind) hadn't been on the ballot in key states, Trump probably would have won. IIRC reports shortly after the election said Trump performed better than 2016 for all demographics except white males. Also, IIRC, reports after the 2022 midterms said that Blacks voted in lower percentages for Democrats than they had previously (I don't remember if the baseline was the 2020 election or the 2018 midterms.)
A lot of people love this turd. I can't explain it.
He lost by 8 million votes, and lost in states that hadn't voted for the Democratic candidate in decades. That is indeed a landslide. The fact that conservatives voted for Jo Jorgensen only proves tRump's unpopularity. He was deeply unpopular when he was in office, and he's even more unpopular now.
He has a small, dedicated cult. However, it's not enough to win a national election.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned about Trump, it’s to never underestimate him. People didn’t think he would get the GOP nomination, then they thought he wouldn’t win the election. As chillidog up there explained, his loss wasn’t all that great and he actually gained more voters than the previous election and ended up being a record-breaker in spite of himself.
I unfortunately don’t think he will ever see the inside of a prison cell and if he doesn’t drop dead from eating one too many Big Macs by 2024, I would not be surprised if he won reelection.
I don't even care if he never sees the inside of a prison cell. Just as long as he's never anywhere near the White House again.
His loss was a HUGE LANDSLIDE. I'm sick of people trying to exaggerate his popularity. tRUmp received 8 MILLION FEWER VOTES than Biden.
Presi. Biden broke all turnout records because people wanted to make sure tRump LOST IN A LANDSLIDE. It's not really hard to understand.
Furthermore, republicans completely blew it in a midterm where they were expecting a huge Red Wave. Voters rejected tRump's hand-picked senate candidates. GOP was expecting a 2-4 seat majority in the Senate, and a 40-50 seat majority in the House. It didn't happen because VOTERS HATE MAGA. If tRump runs again, HE WILL LOSE AGAIN. It's as simple as that.
You are correct in that majority of Americans don’t like Trump. The thing people forget a lot for some reason is that a candidate doesn’t have to win the popular vote to be elected president.
shareAs I said, it doesn't matter if he tries to use his arrest to stir up what remains of the cult. This will make him even less popular with the American public. He's over. He will not be president again. You can threaten and cry all you want. We will not have the fascist back in the White House.
shareI hope you're right, Xanthas, and that Trump never returns to the Oval Office in any way, shape or form.
I tend to look at the "worst case scenario" in my life, meaning that anything else can only be better, but I do see Trump 2024 as the WCS at this moment. The British Tory Conservatives winning the next General Election is second, and Putin somehow winning the Ukraine War is third.
tRump lost in a landslide in 2020. He is disliked by a clear majority of Americans. Why does the cult believe that another riot following his arrest would win over voters?
shareLOL! It says I have dozens of replies to my post, but most must be from accounts I have blocked, because I don't even see them. LOL!
Cry harder! Hahahahahaha.......
No doubt! It says 64 replies, I see only 12...
Here's a heartfelt message for all the Trumptwats:
TDS is a terrible thing to have...
shareTDS gets worse everyday.