MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump: 'If they win, I should get all t...

Trump: 'If they win, I should get all the credit, if they lose, I shouldn't get blamed'

noun: narcissist; plural noun: narcissists

a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves.
"narcissists who think the world revolves around them"


Are you that retarded that you believe everything the media shits out?


God, you're fucking stupid. How does Trump's asshole taste?


1. Trump said that himself.
2. Are you now saying that the DICTIONARY is media??


You are either in denial or are the retarded one. Probably both. Fool.
Must be what happens when you back a loser.


You dont need the media to tell you this.
If you cant see that Trump is the most narcissistic egomaniac on the planet, you're a fucking moron .

This whole "stolen election" bullshit is because Trumps infantile brain has to make shit up to save face, no matter how ludicrous it is.

Whats truly staggering though , is that millions of Trumptwats either believe that, or make themselves believe it.


And he said it with a straight face . . . .


Kinda like when a mass shooting happens they immediately say it's a Democrat, lol.


Much is I believe Trump is an egomaniac and therefore unfit for office,

I did hear a recording of him saying that, and I got the impression he was joking and being self deprecating - almost a new dimension to his extremely simple character


You'd be hard-pressed to find a more insecure person than Trump. No way in hell has he ever been self-deprecating.


love how his supporters believed this also
