MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump has never done anything for white ...

Trump has never done anything for white people. He has done plenty for jews, blacks, hispanics, and native americans.

But his #1 voting block, white people, he has done nothing specifically for them. Donald Trump does not care about white people. When he runs again, make sure to pay attention, he will go out of his way to pander to almost every group, but he will not even acknowledge white people.


Great! So, what’s the problem?




Trump surrounds himself with more white people (especially rich old men who are one foot out of prison) in the White House. Employing white men who are waiting on the results of their indictments is not a good thing?

The thing about pandering is that Trump makes promises that he never follows through on. This is one of the best ways to disrespect a person. You can be sure that Trump does his best to disrespect "jews, blacks, hispanics, and native americans".


Then why were blacks more satisfied with Trump than with Obama? Maybe because the latter did not fulfill any promise he made? Maybe because he was besides his skin color the whitest of them all?


Fake news.


lol reminds me of the time that that Republican politician forgot to switch into his fake account when he pretended to be a black gay guy . . .


Can you prove that "blacks more satisfied with Trump than with Obama" or should we just assume that you think we are so stupid that we would take your word for it?

You watch, you change your mind. Or I don't only have to think that you are stupid...


So you're unable or unwilling to explain why your claim is true and want me to potentially waste over an hour of my time watching a video instead of your explanation?


My claim is a summary of the documentation. You are to lazy to watch? Your problem... But never ever ask me to "prove" something.


If you can't put it in your own words, then I guess you don't understand it yourself. I'll try to watch it sometime.


I am typing all the time on a tiny smart phone. I am just to lazy for longer explanation, sorry. You don't need to "watch" all the time, I had it running in the background while doing some work. Multitasking, you know...


So why do the lefties always accuse him of racism?


Central Park Five.


Don’t put much stock in that. Al Sharpton started spewing his nonsense. When Al Not So Sharpton gets involved with something, it’s time to question what he’s getting out of this.


The lefties are more concerned about the skin color of the rapists than the fact that they are rapists.


All of those alleged groups were "Americans".



His policies were meant for the greater good of all Americans.


Yet he has specifically done things exclusively for blacks, jews, asians, native americans, gays, etc. Not for white people though.


Fat Donnie's policies were meant for the greater good of The Trump Family Crime Syndicate.


He loves Israel. His son in law is pure Jew.


Trump policy helps all Americans equality. It does not discriminate based on skin color.

See Republicans don’t obsess over the color of peoples skin and their gender. Unlike the Democrats. When you have nothing of substance to offer you have to focus on superficial qualities like skin color.


Another troll post.


>Trump policy helps all Americans equality. It does not discriminate based on skin color.

He has literally done things specifically for many other groups, not white people.
