sure wish Mr Trump was President still, he wouldnt force people to get the jab or lose their job.
sharesure wish Mr Trump was President still, he wouldnt force people to get the jab or lose their job.
shareLets go Brandon!
Trump 2024
Trump was really proud of "his" vaccines. Why do you think he would not force the vaccine on anyone? He has a record of forcing law abiding gun owners to give up their property without compensation.
shareUg still? A bump stock is NOT a gun!
shareThe Department of Justice say a bump stock is a machine gun. Trump says a bump stock is a machine gun. Looks like you're just another person calling Trump a liar. Trump lies a lot, but not about bump stocks being machine guns.
Or are you denying that the bump stock ban ever took place? You are aware that bump stock possession is punished by prosecuting a person for possession of a contraband machine gun, right?
Nah bruh.
shareSo you're saying everyone is stupid because they think the CFR classifies bump stocks as machine guns?
The Department of Justice is amending the regulations of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to clarify that bump- stock-type devices—meaning ‘‘bump fire’’ stocks, slide-fire devices, and devices with certain similarcharacteristics—are ‘‘machineguns’’ as defined by the National Firearms Act of 1934 and the Gun Control Act of 1968
Yes, they are.
shareSo the law means nothing to you at all? Trump used the code of Federal Regulations to define a bump stock as a machine gun. Does this make Trump stupid?
shareNo, it makes him smart. A bump stock has no real purpose other than to turn a regular gun into a machine gun and machine guns are illegal.
shareIn the USA, machine guns are 100% legal in all fifty states. When you call machine guns illegal, it makes you sound stupid.
A bump stock makes it easier to shoot quickly, semi-automatic. Bumping firing is still one shot for each pull of the trigger. Congress defines a machine gun as a gun that fires more than a single shot per function of the trigger.
Bush and Trump amended the CFR to make the definition "more than one shot per function of the trigger finger"
All it takes to buy a machine gun in 41 of the states is to file an ATF form 4 with the BAFTE along with a check for $200. Approval is routine and never denied as long as the form is filled out correctly. In the other nine states a person needs to obtain a license to deal in, manufacture or import NFA firearms. All of this is very routine.
Read the ATF firearm guide here; It will keep you from sounding so damn stupid when you make up nonsense about gun control law.
Firearm Owners Protection Act
Except as provided in paragraph (2), it shall be unlawful for any person to transfer or possess a machinegun.
executed under penalties of perjury[8]
both parties must reside in the same state as the individual
pay a $200 transfer tax to ATF[9]
the application must include detailed information on the firearm and the parties to the transfer[8][10]
the transferee must certify on the application that he or she is not disqualified from possessing firearms on grounds specified in law
the transferee must submit with the application (1) two photographs taken within the past year; and (2) fingerprints[10]
the transferee must submit with the application (3) a copy of any state or local permit or license required to buy, possess, or acquire machine guns
an appropriate (local) law enforcement official must certify whether he or she has any information indicating that the firearm will be used for other than lawful purposes or that possession would violate state or federal law[10]
the transferee must, as part of the registration process, pass an extensive Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal background investigation.[11
May an unlicensed person
make a machinegun?
Generally, no. However, applications
to make and register machine guns on or
after May 19, 1986 for the benefit of a Federal, State, or local government entity will
be approved if documentation can be provided, along with the application to make
a machinegun, which establishes that the
machine gun is particularly suitable for use
by Federal, State or local governmental
entities and is being made at the request
and on behalf of such an entity
Licensed firearms importers, manufacturers, and dealers must conduct a NICS
background check prior to the transfer of
any firearm to a nonlicensed individual
Know your facts before posting.
I am very familiar with NFA law as I have been making NFA firearms as a hobby since 2002. Federal law requires the ATF to consider each application it receives and does not just reject them for no reason. ATF approval is a very routine matter when buying an NFA firearm (including a machine gun) on the ATF form 4.
Nothing in the text you copy/pasted says machine guns are illegal. While ATF approval is required for an unlicensed person to buy a machine gun, it is always granted provided the application is filled out correctly.
While it is usually only licensees who make machine guns now, the hobbyist can get ATF approval to make them for research or for the government.
Since firearms are durable goods, there are thousands of old machine guns still on the market that were registered prior to May 19, 1986
If machine guns were illegal, then no one would be selling them openly and legally online; like here.
If you actually understood the text that you pasted above, you would not be making a fool of yourself.
A bump stock has no practical use other than to turn a regular gun into a machine gun. Banning it doesn't infringe on your 2nd Amendment rights. I want to own an A-10 but its illegal for a reason.
shareWanna buy a bazooka? *wink wink*
shareNo need to *wink wink*. Bazookas and other rocket launchers are legal provided you use the ATF form 4 to obtain ATF authorization (routine) to transfer or the ATF form 1 to make.
shareNo there arent. Its illegal to own.
shareSo you read a federal law saying bazookas are illegal to own? Of course not.
A bazooka and its ammunition (rocket) are legally destructive devices. This means you need ATF authorization to make or buy one. This is a routine matter.
You would have better luck making your own than buying one that has not been inactivated.
This is just another one of your stupid claims you have no rational reason to believe is true.
Did you get my A-10 yet? I will pay you back.
shareThe A-10 Warthog is amazing! When I was in the Army I was stationed at Ft. Bragg. Pope Air Force was inside Ft. Bragg and they had a squadron of A-10s. I was in a field exercise in the woods and two A-10s flew overhead barely making a sound. That was until the pilots fired their gatling guns. "Riiiiiiiiiiiiip!" It sounded like a very loud zipper. That sound was amazing and would strike fear into our enemies. Too bad the Air Force wants to eliminate the A-10.
shareThats awesome, I have been in love with the A-10 for years. Its just a neat looking airplane and that 30MM gatling gun is mesmerizing.
That gun sound is one of kind and I can imagine enemies hearing it and thinking wtf is that! lol
I have heard that the plane actually slows down for a bit when the gun is fired, not sure if its true or not.
I got a chance to get up close to an A-10 and I even got to sit it the cockpit. That was a lot of fun! The pilot of that plane told me that when he fires the gatling gun it does slow the the aircraft down slightly. The first time I saw an A-10 was at an air show and loved them ever since.
shareThat is up to you. Why do you need your hand held for everything?
shareDo you ever get tired of making up crap that is not true?
Banning any gun is an infringement upon our civil rights. It is interesting how supporting Trump makes people anti-gun zealots. We would have never heard this kind of crap prior to 2018 form any GOP supporter.
Why do you think it is illegal for a civilian to own an A-10? There is nothing illegal about the aircraft itself. As for the gatling gun, just obtain an FFL/SOT from the BATFE. It is routinely approved for anyone who can own a gun and fills out the application correctly.
You can start here; And you can stop being so damn stupid on the forum.
The SOT allows a person to buy, sell, import and possess machine guns and other weapons including destructive devices. While the US government is very unlikely to ever sell a functioning A-10 to a civilian, it is still legal to do so.
It is civilians that manufacture weapons for the US military, not some sort of gun fairy.
Thats because they are under contract with the Government so its legal. Joe Schmo just cant go to Wal Mart and buy a fully automatic gun. A bump stock is not a gun anymore than a scope is a gun, its an accessory.
shareIt is legal for Walmart to sell machine guns if they obtain an FFL/SOT, they just choose not to.
A gun is whatever the law says it is. And right now, a bump stock is a gun.
Look here; It includes devices that are usually thought of as guns but also includes silencers, DD's and AOW's. If you look at the links associated with the firearms, you will see in some cases it also includes the parts that make the up.
Go here;
You will find the definition of a machine gun includes bump stocks.
"The term “machine gun” includes a bump-stock-type device," To everyone else, a bump stock is obviously not a machine gun as it does not make a gun fire more than once with a single pull of the trigger. But Bush and Trump directed the Department of Justice to define bump stocks as machine guns. These are some of the guys that are "protecting" our 2nd Amendment rights.
By denying that this is happening, you are joining the ranks of the anti-gun zealots.
A bump stock is NOT a gun.
shareThe Code of Federal Regulations say a bump stock is a gun.
The ATF says bump stocks are guns.
Trump says bump stocks are guns.
Trump thinks people like you are stupid. Trump likes stupid people. Stupid people deny that their rights are being violated when their favorite politician is the one doing it to them.
We need to have fewer stupid people showing up to the polls.
If the Government said an apple was now an orange, would you think that apples are really oranges?
shareYou just don't get it do you. Trump defined something as a machine gun. This is how they made them illegal to own.
Let's say oranges were illegal because there was a law saying so. Then Trump wants to ban apples, but he can't make laws. He so he directs the Dept of Justice to classify apples as oranges.
He is president, so he can do it. W. Bush did it back in 2006. Going to say that did not happen either?.
Is it stupid? Yes. Is it legal? Yes, if the courts agree.
Actually Trump is doing just that in his own company.
Also no one is allowed near him unless they've been tested. He's got a doc on payroll who's only job is to do Covid tests on people who are meeting with him.