Thanks to Trump and his leadership, the economy is booming and millions of people are being vaccinated thanks to Operation Warp Speed. Cant wait for the return of President Trump in 2024.
Yep, and anyone who is stupid enough to think Beijing Biden is behind the economy roaring back to life really needs to turn off the propaganda machine---I mean hypno box---I mean tv.
It's interesting how you can lie in sooo few words. Trump crashed the economy, millions are without jobs, Wall Street is detached from reality and brings nothing to the table of average Americans. The vaccines were developed WITHOUT the help of Operation Warp Speed. The Trump administration had no distribution plan, anyway, so Biden had to start from scratch.
Thank Biden and Democrats for the vaccination of the people and for giving you a $1.400,- boost.
Fuck Trump. Fuck the GOP. And fuck your political post in this movie forum.