MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump is still President.

Trump is still President.

1461 days at being the President...

thank you President Trump for a wonderful 4 years, you will be missed.



Great video.

We must stand for free and fair elections and not except evil Biden or God will abandon us in the sands of history president trump is the only one I trust in Washington DC



Democrats, always trying to create false formalities and false equivalencies between them and Republicans. There is no such equivalence.

The huge major crimes and blunders always happen on Democrats watch. Every administration has led to the Fed creating masses of money they say Republicans can never spend, but that Democrats just dole out to their billionaire donors and strategists working to undermine the system. And charging it to those of us who do pay taxes ... namely non-billionaire working and middle class people.

This money funds dirty tricks, wars, provocations, the media and the fake media, the military, the corporate most-profitable-centers of the economy, the importing of foreign human capital and the exporting of American jobs to extend their reach to other countries - all at your expense if you are an average working American. Anything you need goes up in taxes or in costs as they squeeze the life out of citizens while telling us we are the richest country in the world.

This is just another tactic in their war against the American people for money.

What party has taken the country the closest to toppling the system? Clearly, there is no discussion about that, it is the Democrats. Today, right now, we have a Democrats party where half of it is actively trying to screw up the lives of all Americans so they can steal even more from us.

In fact, just recently, Democrats stole an election and no one cares. The downfall of America has already started. Don't say I didn't try to warn you.


Nobody stole an election, zero evidence.

Trump fans are nuts.


"Zero evidence"

No, that's just something you say. There was tons of evidence, the courts refused to listen to it for BS reasons. You are a really bad liar and a pathetic excuse for a human being.





Never forget.


July 13


This is a scene of scumwad Democrats blocking people from viewing the fraud going on in the vote counting centre. What was the legitimate purpose of them doing that if there is "zero" evidence, you pathetic worthless cúntpugant tapeworm?


Trump is still the legitimate President.


Trump doesn't think he is still president. Or else he would not be running for a third term.


The one and true President and bump stocks are not guns.


Trump says you're stupid.


He did? Tell him we really need him back soon.


Congratulations on the conviction in the Durham trial!


Still no investigation.


It was a nothing-burger. Fake news.


MAGA = Freedom
Freedom = Trump
Trump = America


You really should be devoting your precious time to your investigation instead of responding to my months-old comments on a chat board!


I am. I am currently printing up pieces of paper that say Top Secret. and then will post a picture soon. also I am cutting up small pieces of paper that say, laptop, hunter, ukraine and then will take a picture of them in the toilet.


I accidentally flushed the top secret documents.


Still no investigation. Odd?


when is the investigation into chicanery going to start?




Joe said he was going to lose by chicanery, what happened to the chicanery?


We should except Biden, but not accept him.


dont think anyone will "accept" him, he is just a puppet until Kameltoe takes over.


Everyone wants Trump as President now, lol.


Pull Trump's dick out of your mouth. Most Americans hate Trump and he'll never be president again.


At least 75% of Americans love Trump and want him back as President. The only way he will never be president again is if democrats cheat again or falsely imprison Trump.


75% of Americas love Trump? You're insane! Trump lost spectacularly in 2020 and if he runs for president in 2024 he will lose spectacularly again. Maybe you should back another Republican candidate because Trump is a loser.


He will only lose if the deep state wants him to lose. If he does win, we all know the 2024 election will be investigated and there will be large scale riots everywhere.


That is the one and only reason Trump will NOT run in 2024. He hates to lose.


Joe Biden embraced segregation, claiming it was a matter of 'black pride'

So I learned about roaches, I learned about kids jumping on my lap,” the former vice president told the audience in Delaware. “And I loved kids jumping on my lap.”

Biden: ‘If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black’

Biden: If You Don't Vote for Me, 'You Ain't Black'


[–] Bubbathegut (10286) 10 hours ago
At least 75% of Americans love Trump and want him back as President. The only way he will never be president again is if democrats cheat again or falsely imprison Trump.
Did you mean to say only 75% of registered Republican voters?

Nice try with the false imprisonment theory but you do know that you are conceding and accepting that he might be seeing the inside of a prison cell at worst.

At best he would get some type of maga I mean Super-MEGA-Home confinement, complete with a baby-sitting service called the Secret Service. Trump and an ankle bracelet.

Yep. That's right, he will keep his Secret Service protection.

Now Don Jr.? Nope!! He's on his own.


75% of Americans love Trump and want him back as President. That other guy, which we dont speak about, is terrible. That other guy will be a lame duck starting this fall.


Prophetic words Mr Gut.


No he's not! Biden is the new President.


China Joe is the illegitimate president, he is awful and he has to go now.


So, so sad. Thoughts and prayers.


How are nasty sarcastic remarks like that going to be of any use to you when America is overrun by frothing mouth Muslims and it is indistinguishable from downtown Khabul?


Look, this is what happens when "liberals" get their way in Europe. Thousands of girls raped and the police took years to stop it cause they were scared of being called racist.

That kind of crap is on its way to America with the "liberals" in charge.

Is that what you're "proud" of you unimaginable piece of trash?

You're pathetic beyond belief.


"My "thoughts" are that you should kill yourself, and my prayers are that you kill yourself"

And you call liberals crazy...


Just cause you cant handle it, doesnt make me crazy.

It's not crazy. It's crazy to be okay with fraudulent President Biden and his plans for Shariamerica.

Please tell me how "liberals" policies on Islam are sane. Bringing MILLIONS of so-called "refugees" to the West.

Go ahead and tell me why that's sane (I won't hold my breath).


Democrats, always trying to create false formalities and false equivalencies between them and Republicans. There is no such equivalence.

The huge major crimes and blunders always happen on Democrats watch. Every administration has led to the Fed creating masses of money they say Republicans can never spend, but that Democrats just dole out to their billionaire donors and strategists working to undermine the system. And charging it to those of us who do pay taxes ... namely non-billionaire working and middle class people.

This money funds dirty tricks, wars, provocations, the media and the fake media, the military, the corporate most-profitable-centers of the economy, the importing of foreign human capital and the exporting of American jobs to extend their reach to other countries - all at your expense if you are an average working American. Anything you need goes up in taxes or in costs as they squeeze the life out of citizens while telling us we are the richest country in the world.

This is just another tactic in their war against the American people for money.

What party has taken the country the closest to toppling the system? Clearly, there is no discussion about that, it is the Democrats. Today, right now, we have a Democrats party where half of it is actively trying to screw up the lives of all Americans so they can steal even more from us.

In fact, just recently, Democrats stole an election and no one cares. The downfall of America has already started. Don't say I didn't try to warn you.


[–] JoWilli (12762) 2 minutes ago
Democrats, always trying to create false formalities and false equivalencies between them and Republicans. There is no such equivalence.

In fact, just recently, Democrats stole an election and no one cares. The downfall of America has already started. Don't say I didn't try to warn you.
You actually used a keyboard to type this and didn't start laughing at how funny that was?


I was quoting Trump.


thanks, everyone still loves Trump.


No actually more than half of voters liked someone else better.


not really, most of the votes for dementia Joe came in days later, which is suspicious to me.


Yeah. Keep telling yourself that loser.


just like 2017 but no investigation...hmmm...


60 Court cases dismissed.


60 Court cases dismissed

Mueller Report found no wrong doing

Was vindicated in 2 impeachments

Trump can survive anything the dems can throw at him.


Except for being voted out lol. Biden is your president if you do not like it leave the country.


Trump was never voted out, he was forced out of office antifa and the liberal left communists, it has never been proven or investigated that dementia Joe got enough LEGIT votes to win. there needs to be at least a 2 year investigation into the 2020 election for collusion and misconduct by dementia Joe.

if the mass murders keep getting worse than I might move to Canada where it is much safer right now.


Nope Biden won this election like I said if you do not like it leave the country. Leave to Canada you will not be missed.


I think i might move to Chicago instead, the murder rate there is nil.


actually Trump won, there is proof now.


Do tell! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


have you seen 2000 mules? Trump won and Joe cheated.


Hahahaha! Thanks for the chuckle...


its not polite to mock mules. also new evidence is out that Joe colluded with Russia to steal the election.


Pence certified the vote that put Biden in office even when he was threatened by terrorists who wanted to hang him during the January 6th riot.

People like Pence think that people like you are stupid.


dementia Joe also certified that Trump won, and Nancy and the dems started a 4 year campaign to get Trump out of office.

that was a peaceful protest against tyranny, dems would have done the same thing if Trump had won, why did every major dem city board up their doors and windows?

still no investigation and no proof that dementia Joe won.


If it was so peaceful, then why did the terrorists assault so many people and damage so much property? If people did the same to your home, would you call them peaceful?

The proof that Biden won is the same as the proof that Trump won four years earlier.

Lots of investigations took place. None of them found any widespread fraud. In Arizona they determined that Biden's victory was by an even greater margin. Most of the fraud discovered was committed by Republicans.


blm did billions in damage, but no one cares. David Dorn?


Yes and Trump just let them off the hook. Trump repeatedly bragged bout how he could do anything he wanted per the constitution. It seems that allowing people to riot served his purposes.

With people causing problems, Trump could continue to scream about how he was needed in the White House for another four years and that giving him money would fix the problem.


no he didnt. he tried to send Troops to Portland and they told him to f off. he tried to stop them but no one wanted his help.


But if Trump can actually do anything he wants per the constitution, then why did he let anyone else tell him what to do? It seems that trump folded like a lawn chair when Portland said no.

So perhaps Trump does not have the authority he claims to have and thinks you (and everyone else) are stupid for listening to him?


per the constitution? have u ever read it or know what it says?

you are just rambling incoherent nonsense about what a President can do and not do.

Since when can a President override the authority of a State?

please show me in the Constitution where it says a President can do anything he wants.


The constitution doesn't say that.

But Trump has repeatedly claimed that he can. Don't you get it? Trump thinks you, and everyone else, is stupid.

This is why politicians lie, they think we are stupid.


"Look, Article II [of the Constitution], I would be allowed to fire Robert Mueller," he asserted. "Assuming I did all the things... Number one, I didn't. He wasn't fired ... But more importantly, Article II allows me to do whatever I want. Article II would have allowed me to fire him," Trump claimed.

no one knew what Article II was until Trump mentioned it, which means Trump read the entire Constitution.

but I think what he said can be taken out of context, whatever he wants is in regard to firing Mueller, not that he can do whatever else he wants. as usual the liberal media misconstrued what he was trying to say, but Trump is right Article II does grant broad powers.

Legal experts disagree over whether or not Trump legally could fire the special counsel. Some have argued that he would have had to tell a Justice Department official to make the call, and they would have had to choose if they would carry out the demand. Others have contended, as Trump did to Stephanopoulos, that he had the legal authority to simply fire Mueller whenever he wanted to.

no doubt, Politicians lie and they are still lying currently. but Trump wasnt a politician when he got elected. he was just a regular person, which is why the DC establishment worked so hard to get him out of office.

people elected a geriatric whose been in politics for almost 50 years and then they expect change. not sure if you have noticed but democrats and republicans seem to be content again with the status quo. as Trump proved, DC does not like outsiders meddling in their corruption.


I learned what Article 2 was back in school in the 70's. When you you learn? I don't think Trump ever read the entire Constitution. This is the same guy who said he read the entire bible but could not relate a single verse.

Trump said as least three times that he could do anything he wanted per Article 2. He also described his authority as "total"; a very stupid claim.

I agree with your claim about corruption.


lots of corruption...


the biden corruption is getting worse...


The nation's electors and VP Pence said Biden won.


That was the establishment, of course they will say anything they are told to say.


Would you be making the same claim if the electors and Pence declared Trump the winner?


MAGA = Freedom
Freedom = Trump
Trump = America


if you do not like it leave the country.



Biden is your president. Go and complain about voter fraud. If you do not like what is going why don't you leave the country?




And Biden is still your president.




Oh I do suck and hard.


thats gross....


Lets go Brandon!



Has it happened yet, you fucking piece of shit?



Lol you’re definitely certifiable.


Certifiably smarter than you in my sleep.

You didnt answer my question so why should i listen to you, mook? Go eat electrical cable, you floor-licking Downs-syndrome MFer.


Lol you even edited your post to add more insults. If what you’re doing is parodying the insanity of Trumpers then you’re doing a great job.



Why do you keep saying that as a substitute for an argument?

if you want to admit I'm right about everything please do so by either posting another lame predictable reply, or by suddenly stopping. Thanks.


Hey you wanna hear something truly "insane"?

"I'm giving up on my decades of hatred for ISISlam just because some absolute mook called "Nicko's Nose" told me to. I must have just IMAGINED all the barbaric horrible things that Muslims are famous for! Totally IMAGINED! THANKS, NICKO'S NOSE. Who knew that some geek called "Nicko's Nose" held the key to all wisdom in this world!"

Yeah, if I said that for real, that would be truly insane.


voting for Biden would be insane,


To be a president you need to have the support of the people, dementia joe xiden doesn't have that. He's a fraud, a con man, and the last nail in 'Murica's coffin.


Yep. So extremely sad. The Supreme Court failing to hear the OBVIOUS election fraud evidence was the absolute end of America and freedom as we know it. Thanks John Roberts, Im sure Ilhan Omar will have tons of use for you when she and her incest husband are in the White House.

How can thousands of people at the media networks get out of bed every day and pretend Senile Joe is the legitimate winner of the election. It's unthinkable.

President Trump was the last hope to throw off the chains of ISISlam.


Hear hear! Fully agree with your feelings regarding that barbaric ideology, that death cult.




So so sad. Thoughts and prayers.


What's "so sad"? Isn't that a little weak for the end of the human race?

(p.s. if you agree that you're the most worthless bag of rat piss ever to walk the earth, please indicate by repeating your sad self yet again, or by suddenly stopping).


I'm not repeating myself. I'm repeating Trump.

So, so sad. Thoughts and prayers.


Its nice to see that people still like and miss Trump.


Yeah. Losers.


You're the retard hate stalking the former president lmao, take your deserved L.


So, so sad. Thoughts and prayers.


best President since 1942...


Back to back impeachment champion 20-21


Agreed, still no investigation.


Denial is not a river in Egypt.


True, but there should be a full investigation into the claims of voter fraud. I would assume the Democrats would want to investigate this election just like they did in 2017.


The most egregious committer of voter fraud is going to be Donald Trump. You can't call a state secretary and demand they find votes that aren't there. Thank goodness there are GOP officials that aren't so partisan to throw away democracy over party loyalty or Trump's hypnotic reality distortion field.


He demanded to find the votes that were mysteriously lost. Big difference really. The democrats cheated in plain sight and there are no investigations even though they said they would lose by voter fraud. Even dementia joe said he would lose by chicanery, now there is no chicanery. Amazing.


The margins were so huge that if they found 5 or 6 or 1000 he would still be behind. They didn't cheat in plain site, that video you saw was snippeted without much context to trick you. That "table" you saw them getting all the votes out of was actually a cubby and they had been getting the votes out of that cubby the whole day. Watch this video that isn't an overhead video so you can get a greater context than your "the sun rotates around the earth" view
When you see things from other angles you get a broader view.

Trump didn't just lose Georgia, or Pennsylvania, or Michigan, Arizona... He lost them all at the same time. Completely different governments ran by other Republicans. Trump was saying the vote was rigged in 2016 before he won. This is his schtick. He's just as bad as the Myanmar military who are more successfully using Trump's same rhetoric to steal that country. This is not an isolated incident to America, this is a regular tactic authoritarians use to steal countries. You fell for the scam. If he had lost in 2016 he would have said the same thing, and done this same thing.

You drank the kool-aid so bad you just repeat rhetoric like "dementia joe" Stop listening to Donald Trump and his lying propaganda ministry. They say things all the time that people who don't have Dory the Fish's memory remember are not true.;

and remember if you're going to believe Kayleigh McEnany we've always been at war with Eastasia.


Actually he demanded that GA find just enough votes (all of them GOP of course) so he could win the state's electoral votes.


Trumpers don't care about the truth, they only care about trumping.


Bidenistas dont care about the truth, they just care about cheating. And when they dont get their way then they throw a fit. Example: AOC


Everyone should be throwing a fit whenever they have to talk to idiots. Hopefully, that will make them shut up.


Good point, thats why there was a mostly peaceful protest on Jan 6. We were trying to get liberals to shut up.


"Mostly peaceful" with 7 dead people? Are you fucking kidding me?


One person died. Ashli Babbitt was shot dead by racist horrible police officers who had no training. The rest mysteriously died days and weeks after the peaceful protest against tyranny and fraudulent election.

Why would 4 police officers kill themselves? What did they know and who killed them? When Hillary was asked about this, she said she didn't know anything.


RIP David Dorn

David Dorn, 77, Missouri: The retired St. Louis police captain was killed by people looting a pawn shop after midnight on June 2, according to authorities.

Plus there was at least 2 billion in damages to personal property and businesses. Thats including all the items that were stolen during the sanctioned looting.


Trump was despicable! I'm glad he's gone!


Brandon is despicable, he has to go now!


Capitalism is despicable, everyone go to work!


The President of his prison cell, Guilianni his VP


The last legitimately elected President.


There were no legitimately elected presidents - they were all appointed by the anointed billionaires who financed their elections.




The best President ever. This other is guy is a complete disgrace.


I agree with you, President Biden is one of the best. Fat Donnie and his shit show were a disgrace.


Boogie Man


More like Doodie Man. He is Donald after all.
