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The SCAM MAN's House investigations TANTRUM proves Pelosi and DEMOCRATS are GAINING MOMENTUM

Growing Democratic pressure — and a new court ruling — suggest Trump’s plan to run out the clock on oversight efforts may have some holes in it.

In a surprise Rose Garden speech on Wednesday, Trump railed against congressional investigations and ongoing efforts by Democrats to examine potential misconduct by the president, his family and his associates. "I respect the courts, I respect Congress, but what they've done is abuse," the president told the press, before going on to say he would refuse to work with Congress until the investigations were concluded.

Although it's useless to speculate about what motivates this particular chief executive, it seems likely that his outburst was influenced by several recent political setbacks. The first was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi saying Trump engaged in a "cover-up." The second was an important legal decision that has clear implications for numerous legal showdowns expected between the executive branch and the legislative branch.

On Monday, U.S. District Court Judge Amit P. Mehta ruled in favor of the legislative branch, reaffirming the importance of congressional oversight authority. The judge’s decision previews what Trump can expect going forward as he tries to use the justice system as his personal shield from Congress.

At issue in this case was an accounting firm responsible for preparing Trump’s tax returns. The House Committee on Oversight and Reform subpoenaed financial documents from the firm, Mazars USA, which could show Trump manipulated his earnings among other things. Trump filed a lawsuit against the committee and its chairman, Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., in April, hoping to block the committee’s subpoena.

Mehta’s 41-page decision is a pointed defense of Congress’ oversight power, power that Trump and his administration have resisted at every possible turn. Trump and his legal team should be concerned with how thoroughly Mehta deconstructed the president’s case for ignoring Congress.

A congressional investigation to carry out an expressly delegated Article I function, in addition to any legislation that might be had relating to that function, is plainly valid. So, too, is an investigation to determine whether the President has any conflicts of interest. As already discussed, it lies within Congress’s province to legislate regarding the ethics of government officials,” Mehta wrote in his decision.

The crux of Trump’s efforts to block cooperation with congressional subpoenas hinges on the argument that “there is no possible legislation at the end of this tunnel.” The president believes that absent a specific legislative purpose, Congress cannot investigate matters like his financial records.

But Mehta addressed this argument directly: “Obtaining records to shed light on whether the President has undisclosed conflicts of interests is therefore entirely consistent with potential legislation in an area where Congress already has acted and made policy judgments.”

Nice to see someone TAKE on THE SCAM MAN and give him the kind of a SCOLDING and DRESSING DOWN that he so badly needs.


Until they open up 15 different investigations on what Hillary actually DID...not assumed to have done, but actually DID...then whatever the D'rats attempt simply has no merit and should be considered Presidential harassment.

Nothing more.


"Until they open up 15 different investigations on what Hillary actually DID"

They already did that. It was the Benghazi investigation. They even got 11 hours of testimony out of her.


Not nearly enough, I want at least a dozen more independent counsels and then more congressional hearings...she is vermin of the highest order and bit-washing 33,000 emails and smashing her cell phone to bits in order to cover her tracks proves it


It was an investigation purely by the opposing party and they found nothing to go on. The guy working at the company used BleachBit. So what? He did it because he forgot to set her emails to automatically delete after 30 days. If he had set her old emails to delete automatically after 30 days nobody would've cared that her old emails were deleted. But because he forgot and used BleachBit to do it you all have your panties in a bunch over it. Deleted emails have never meant anything in the history of emails except to Trumptards who want to "lock her up" and logic be damned.

The fact remains. Hillary gave more testimony from the Benghazi investigation alone than Trump has given in his entire life.

But be sure to let us know how the impeachment of Hillary goes :)


Indeed, it needs to be investigated and the dems wont do it cause they know she is guilty. And if she is guilty then so is Obama and so on.


Excellent point.

Actually they’re all guilty...of being racist, win-at-all-costs, spend-instead-of-cut, stupid, weak, pathological liars.

Those who support them are even worse.


Kingswoody is suffering from HDS - Hillary Derangement Syndrome. Many T-rumpers have caught this, as it's spread through their big screen TVs like a virus by FOX News .


It's also KNOWN as the RED HERRING …

which is a DIVERSIONARY TATIC where someone CHANGES the SUBJECT as a way to try to WIN a DEBATE …

which is also a FALLACY that is used …

whenever one doesn't have a LEGIT COUNTER ARGUMENT that they can put forth.

Also Known as: Smoke Screen, Wild Goose Chase.

Description of Red Herring

A Red Herring is a fallacy in which an irrelevant topic is presented in order to divert attention from the original issue. The basic idea is to "win" an argument by leading attention away from the argument and to another topic.

In other words, WE WIN/ THEY LOSE the DEBATE.

Because that's also the RULES of DEBATE anytime someone INTRODUCES a FALLACY. :)

The JUDGE who recently RULED AGAINST the SCAM MAN who ran the FAKE UNIVERSITY and the FAKE CHARITY was also basically saying the same thing in regards to the FRIVOLOUS LAW SUIT that the SCAM MAN tried to file his court of law.

Because he also pointed out how LEGALLY IRRELEVANT the things were that he was saying in his complaint to the court.


Haaaa! Harassing THE PRESIDENT is the true diversion.

I'm not about to waste my time explaining TDS snowflake simpletons are beyond help and facts aren't something you can comprehend.

Trump is going to remain your PRESIDENT for the next six with it.


Facts = Your hatred of Hillary should be addressed before the President is investigated? Why is it fact... JUST BECAUSE!

You're a childish little psychopath.


Most likely the BOARD is INFESTED with RUSSIAN TROLLS who are hoping to SHUT DOWN this place the same way as they did imdb.

In other words, the best way to deal with them is NOT to even ENGAGE in conversations with them, because that's also precisely what they want you to do so the conversation can DETERIORATE to NAME CALLING which also DIVERTS and takes ATTENTION AWAY from discussing DISGUSTING THINGS the SCAM MAN has done.

NOTE the way they also post more messages as MORE THINGS come to light that REVEAL what the SCAM MAN has been up to which also demonstrates how DESPERATE they are to try to CONTROL the CONVERSATIONS here.


Facts = Your hatred of Hillary should be addressed before the President is investigated? Why is it fact... JUST BECAUSE!

Start with her pedophillia and progress through Uranium One - traitor.


The scam man can.
