MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Socialism and socialistic countries

Socialism and socialistic countries

Can anyone name a country that offers free healthcare + free college education that does not receive military protection and financial subsidies from the United States? Without the US, every socialist country with all these free programs would collapse overnight. Not to mention all the drugs and medical research they depend on that come from the US.

The US is like enabling parents who support their grown kids and then gets lectured about how tight-fisted we are when ordering at restaurants.


To name a few:

Cuba. North Korea. Dubai.


You're citing Cuba and North Korea as if they're positive examples? (lol)

And Dubai isn't a country; it's a large city in the UAE.


"Can anyone name a country that offers free healthcare + free college education that does not receive military protection and financial subsidies from the United States?"

Cuba. North Korea. UAE.

I just did. I named three. So shut yer trap!


You didn’t say UAE, you said Dubai (which you edited, naturally).

In any case, Cuba and North Korea are hardly eminent examples of the superiority of socialism over capitalism, which is the underlying question of this thread.

Now let’s define our terms, as this will answer the question about the UAE.

Capitalism is a monetary system based on private possession of the means of manufacturing and their process for revenue. Qualities vital to capitalism include private ownership, capital accretion, earnings employment, voluntary interchange, a price method, and competing markets.

A socialist economic system is pigeonholed by communal ownership and egalitarian control of the means of production, which may mean self-governing cooperatives or straight community possession; wherein creation/invention is carried out directly for usage.

These definitions clearly show that the UAE functions in a capitalist system.

To close, socialism has a record of failure so obvious that only an “intellectual” (aka LIEberal) could disregard or dodge it. And they do.


You asked for one. You have three. Stop whining.

"Can anyone name a country that offers free healthcare + free college education that does not receive military protection and financial subsidies from the United States?"
Three named.

"Without the US, every socialist country with all these free programs would collapse overnight."

"Not to mention all the drugs and medical research they depend on that come from the US."

Case closed. Shut yer trap!


But the UAE is capitalistic, as explained. So you only cited two examples; and they're both glaringly negative. The underlying point is that capitalism is a superior system to socialism. And your two legitimate citations prove that.

Thanks for your contributions, Keelai. :)


Your conclusion is illogical therefore incorrect. You wanted the name of one country that was independent of American influence that had free healthcare and college education that had not collapsed overnight. I successfully answered that question.

I could name more but you requested only one.

You are now presenting a separate question as to which economic system is best. Personally, I don't believe in one size fits all political or economic systems. Many factors must be taken into account.

The U.S. isn't really a capitalist system. It is really socialist since it has public owned and run systems like public school, welfare, public transportation, public hospitals, etc.

It has more private enterprise than a "communist" country like Vietnam which is also socialist. The difference is that they have less private run businesses than the U.S.. All countries are basically socialist but on a spectrum with more or less private and public run businesses.

BTW, the "drugs and medical research they depend on that come from the US" were not really created by private companies. Most research is actually publicly funded and billions are given to these private companies to research new technologies. Most people are not aware of this. The best example is the internet. Private industry won't do it on its own. That's socialism!

You're welcome.


You wanted the name of one country that was independent of American influence that had free healthcare and college education that had not collapsed overnight. I successfully answered that question.

Yes, and you cited North Korea and Cuba, eminent examples of the intrinsic problems of hardcore socialism.

Speaking of which, I wasn't referring to watered-down non-socialism. Keep that in mind before you start citing such countries.

Now let me offer two other examples of socialism, albeit historical:

- Hitler's National SOCIALIST German Workers' Party
- The Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics

How well did those work out? How about Venezuela?

The curious thing is that loony Lefties want to bring this crap to America!


The USSR was communist. Looting and pillaging by Nazi Germany isn't an economic system.

Your definition of socialism appears muddled to me so I'll ask you to define what you believe socialism is in a short sentence.


The Wuchak pwn machine continues...




We're the only reason Europe's gotten away with their extensive welfare programs. The money is mainly coming from us!


Yeah we get it. You think America is amazing.


Well there's gotta be some good reason for the hordes around the globe constantly trying to enter the USA, legally and illegally, huh?


"The American Dream", that's why. You repeat it enough times, people will think it's true.


Yup, all these people are literally leaving everything behind in order to illegally (or legally) establish a new life in a foreign country all because of a fantasy. In truth, America is a complete and utter sh**hole. (sarcasm)


$22 trillion in debt, constant school shootings, a reality show star as president, top three for most obese First World countries, a border crisis problem, 125th in literacy, 31st in life expectancy...


America isn't perfect, but a lot of it's criticism comes from ignorance and selective logic rather than facts.


Well said.


It is amazing, everyone is trying to get here.


Socialism destroyed Venezuela. Was the most prosperous country in South America.


They didn't do it right.


Socialism is quite literally is just fascism with a different name


The OP obviously has no idea what socialism is since he hasn't been able to provide a simple definition.

What a troll!
