MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > How do liberals view the Black Tranny lo...

How do liberals view the Black Tranny looking dude attacking at teenage girl at a South Carolina McDonald's?

South Carolina authorities have arrested a man accused of throwing hot coffee in the face of a young female McDonald's worker for a delay in his french fry order.

What say you Doggiedaddy? You were so concerned over the white homeless guy going nuts in McDonald's a couple weeks ago but i haven't seen you touch this similar story with a black transgenderish man doing something much much worse than pulling on a shirt. Please give us your expert opinion



Well, THIS is funny! The thread title looked AWFULLY familiar so I went back and found the thread in question..."How do liberals view the vape shop worker?". Now...that's not the funny part. The author of that thread was "Burk48917", a poster of the same...."intellect" as the OP. Then I come back here to comment on the similarities and how...odd that is and who is the first one to reply? Burk48717! What a coinky-dink! We used to see this ALL the time on imdb. And every time it happened, it was later found that the OP and the reply were written by the same person with two different names.

Now, I'm not saying you ARE the same person, but the writing styles, word choice and phraseology in your posts DOES seems awfully familiar.

I guess when you can't have friends or just have to make your own.


Well you found the wrong thread because i parodied Doggiedaddy's post from not to long ago currently on page 4 "How do conservatives view the white man assaulting the black female worker at McDonald's"


And do you see that Burk apparently you and i are the same Russian troll lmfao liberals are something else boy


I don't know if you are the same person but I see what TJ is saying.

"How do liberals view the vape shop worker?"
written by Burk

"How do liberals view the Black Tranny looking dude attacking at teenage girl at a South Carolina McDonald's?"
written by you
first comment by Burk

Even if you are different people it is still apparent that you are intentionally acting as a hive-mind.


Don’t forget that in the 2-3 minutes I was confirming that, I came back to find one reply on this the guy who wrote the other one.

This was a ploy by losers on IMDb as well. And most of the time yes, turns out they’re the same person with sock accounts to lend support to themselves.


LOL! I'm not the only one who noticed this?


To quote you from two weeks ago:

"He probably wanted to be arrested to have some food and shelter to be quite honest."


Oh no no no doggie. He wasn't a homeless man, he was driving a car and given a $7500 Surety Bond so try again


Where do you get that he was a 'tranny' ?


I didn't say Tranny i said Tranny looking from his long rainbow colored hair


Long rainbow colored hair makes him 'tranny looking' ? Seriously? Dude, welcome to 2019.


His style of hair has nothing to do with him getting angry at McDonalds though. It's just an avenue for you to exercise your bigotry against gays or transgenders. You dont know his sexuality but because he doesnt fit your definition of masculinity you feel the need to criticize him for it.


Anyone who commits a crime should be taken to task for it. Anyone on BOTH SIDES. There simple enough.


I agree but Doggiedaddy wanted to take the case of the white homeless guy going crazy in McDonald's to paint all white men as racist and now here we are


WOW ! Some guilt complex going on there...

I asked how conservatives viewed the incident - didn't 'paint all white men racist'. But your racist guilt is uncontrollable, isn't it?


Not only that but none of these Trumpers would even allow themselves to admit the chance the guy reacted because of race. They all got angry because you described him as a white guy. Now here Bosdog just described him as a "white homeless guy."

These Trumpers are all batshit stupid.


Good catch! LOL


Yeah Yeah we all know the reason you brought it up at all was for your anti white narrative. You ought to get a job in the media but part of me thinks you already do


Wow you racists see threats everywhere


Anti-White? Anti-White? You do realize we are all mongrels don't you? None of us are of "pure Whiteness". We all came from a common mother from AFRICA. The only reason our skin colour changed was due to our ancestors and where they moved. The lack of direct sunlight drained the melanin from our ancestor's skin thus making some of us paler than others. The only thing that made us divided is religion. Religion and entitlement. So i think you'd better check your priviledge and go back and look at your history books..... That is unless those are the ones that the religious right have scrubbed of all true history and re-wrote it according to their particular dogma. White narrative only exists in the minds of those who do not know their history and the diaspora of people as they began migrating from Africa. There's a reason we all have red blood that is because we all came from that common mother. And she wasn't Eve. Her name was Lucy.


I repeat the only reason Doggiedaddy brought up his McDonald's case is because he racist against whites. The only reason i brought this case up is to show him what an asshole he is





Guess who's a mod lol.


All Americans are liberals since America is built on Liberalism, at least the Americans who still believe in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Dittoheads are something else.
