MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Transgender Man Goes Full Roid Rage afte...

Transgender Man Goes Full Roid Rage after Being 'Misgendered' in GameStop

Trump not trending! Last post 3 hours ago! Must post!!!

What motivates a guy to pretend to be a gal if he can't pull it off? He's got no feminine traits. Just SJW outrage and bad clothes.




What trans people need to learn is they can't demand an individual to see them as a gender that does not "click" with what the individual sees. We see it a lot outside the transgender community too with lesbian women who identify as women but prefer the short hair "butch" look. Sometimes they get confused as men. It happens. People need to accept it. We all have the right to call someone a gender they don't like. I can call Ben Shapiro a woman to his face if I wanted to. It is what it is.

That said, I'll bet there's more to this. This looks like a dissatisfied customer who was unhappy before any comments about gender were made and that comment sent him over the edge. Just my opinion anyway.


They did call her sir.

That's no way to treat an elegant, sweet lady.


Where is all the Anti-Trumpers on this one to defend one of their own?


I'm not 'anti-Trump'. I just think he's in way over his head. And the person you are describing is not one of my own so why should I defend her or him or whatever? On the other hand, I'm not going to get all bent out of shape about it. I won't call you a snowflake for letting it get to you for that would be childish on my part. I go about my life knowing that what a person thinks about him/her/other/etc self has no bearing on me or how I feel about myself.


That transgender individual looks a bit like Steven Tyler.


Looks more like Iggy Pop to me


Even better is the guy who flips out simply because a customer is wearing a tee shirt and cap he doesn't like. There's about as much R-rated language in this one as in the other one:

It went viral, so the guy got fired anyway.


Big Vape hires Commies with Trump Derangement. Nicotine is an upper, Cannabis is a downer. Working in the wrong shop.


The salesman was definitely being a little child over a customer supporting a president, but the reality is you cannot record on private property when the establishment tells you to stop. You see it a lot with IRL streamers on youtube and twitch. If you refuse to stop, they have the right to push you out. It's weird how the guy was touting capitalism at the end when capitalism had every right to throw him out.


The people who owned the shop don't seem to be pressing the issue, considering the clerk seemed to be having a nervous breakdown.

The truly awful part is that the fellow who posted the recording had to call the dogs off. It seems that all the Trumpservatives (as opposed to conservatives) got online and gave the shop the lowest rating they could on Yelp. The business took the sort of battering usually reserved for bakers who won't make the wedding cake for a gay couple. When we've become so partisan we run in packs, we're doomed as a society.


That salesperson is the one of the most obnoxious people I've ever witnessed. It's hard to judge completely because the recording didn't start until after the Trump supporter was asked to leave but from best I can tell the salesman refused him service simply because he was wearing a MAGA hat which is just ridiculous. The Trump supporter seemed like a nice enough guy and offered a more than fair deal (sell me what I came here to buy, and I won't report you) but the salesman was too much of an ass to take him up on it.

As for the video in the OP, it's kinda hysterical and I just feel bad for the GameStop employee who looked as though he was scared shitless that the...ummm...woman apparently, was going to rip his head off.


Lol... he's trying so hard to suppress his masculinity. I've yet to see a female tranny rage over something like this, yet.

Reminds me of this incident:

Only reason I like having male trannies around is so they can enter female sports and beat them all at it then watch them complain. XD
