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More fake propaganda by the media

6 months ago, the media tried to create a fake "family separation" controversy.

Now they're trying again:

"7-year-old Guatemalan girl died in Border Patrol custody"

"7-year-old migrant girl taken into Border Patrol custody dies of dehydration, exhaustion"

Of course, the headlines are lying:

More than eight hours later, the child began having seizures at 6:25 a.m., CBP records show. Emergency responders, who arrived soon after, measured her body temperature at 105.7 degrees, and according to a statement from CBP, she “reportedly had not eaten or consumed water for several days.”

After a helicopter flight to Providence Children’s Hospital in El Paso, the child went into cardiac arrest and “was revived,” according to the agency. “However, the child did not recover and died at the hospital less than 24 hours after being transported,” CBP said.

But he facts don't matter - millions of Americans saw the headline.


"Of course, the headlines are lying:"

Since only facts matter to you, you can prove the fact that a "7-year-old migrant girl taken into Border Patrol custody dies of dehydration, exhaustion" is incorrect, right? That's the only headline I see here from your "propaganda" WaPo article.

A girl died after being in custody of border patrol for eight hours. It's true. No matter where she died, she was in the custody of border patrol.

You're getting all pissy because this can affect the narrative of Trump's border policy, not because of false statements. The article even says that's an assumption people will make, which is also true.

The funniest part is you are citing the Washington Post's actual article as telling the truth just a day after you called them propaganda.

You are a goddamned fraud.


You're now an outright LIAR.

She died because her father starved her. This would be like saying Columbine is responsible for the kids that died at the shooting because the kids were at the school.


Show me where I said she DIDN'T die because of her father. Show me where I said she DIED for any specific reason. From everything I've read, she died primarily because of dehydration, which makes sense since you need water way more than you need food.

Are you incapable of comprehending basic English text, or just trolling? It's hard to tell.

"This would be like saying Columbine is responsible for the kids that died at the shooting because the kids were at the school."

Show me where the article lists the border patrol as responsible for her death. The article, not the ACLU. If you can't, then you're a fraud.

Also, it's not like CBP didn't have the capability. For whatever reason, they didn't send her to the hospital until after she stopped breathing. It's definitely on her father, but saying CBP played no part is kinda stupid.

It's also about risk with Trump's policy. People are desperate to get here, and will use any means to do so. That means the number of people trying to enter through areas near Texas are becoming more common, but those trips are much more dangerous to travel.


What the hell does this mean? Are you trying to say the kids at Columbine were being detained w/o supervision and they shouldn't have traveled a thousand miles to find refuge?
You don't make any sense at all. Stick to THE FACTS, man ! Don't make weak analogies. Just abandon the ship already, no way you can salvage this wreck.


I hear chelation therapy can help you with your autism.


Is that how you treat yours?


"6 months ago, the media tried to create a fake "family separation" controversy."

It was a specific policy of the Trump Administration, and enacted by the Trump Administration.



It was a specific policy of the Trump Administration, and enacted by the Trump Administration.

Then why did they show photos from 2014 and 2016 blaming Trump?

Why did the media lie so much during that time?

Why did the media never show pictures of kids in cages in 2016?


The photo was, what, ONE single editorial error?

That doesn't give you license to spread your own lies and propaganda.


The photo was, what, ONE single editorial error?

I can give you about 30 examples. It wasn't "one single" error. If I do, will you admit I am right and be honest?

Literally 30 by the way. It's on Notepad. Tell me when I can post it :-).

"That doesn't give you license to spread your own lies and propaganda."

That's for the US Media to do, right?


Nope, you can't provide 30 examples, because like Froggy said the editorial error only happened once.

You are such an OUTRIGHT liar.


Screw it.

AP lied about an illegal mother:

This picture was posted by hundreds of liberals in order to start the fake controversy [url]

Illegals ask Obama not to separate families -

Ana Navarro and other liberals spread 2016 blaming Trump -

"Time Magazine Issues Correction for Cover Photo Depicting Family Separation" -

Media was spreading a picture of a kid in a cage that was fake, but Snopes just calls it "miscaptioned" -

As I said, I could go on and on and on.



Looks like you failed miserably in your attempt to prove more than one editorial error so you weakly try to deflect to other stories.

Meanwhile there are too many right wing stories to list that turned out to be PURE propaganda that would put your puny list to shame.


No, this idiot has the right to spread their own lies and propaganda. It's up to us to reveal it as lies and propaganda.


Oh yes he has a right, but not a license.

That's why we pull him over!




I've loathed and despised the lying media ever since the War on Terror started. They have become nothing more than a propaganda arm for the Democrap party, and don't care at all about informing the people. All they care about are ratings, entertaining anyone stupid enough to still be watching or reading their lies, (which is about 40% of Americans, sadly), they do whatever they can to please their masters like a bunch of lapdogs, and they refuse to consider anything that might be happening outside their little bubbles of existence.

Is it any wonder that they were totally clueless and crying when the Hildabeast lost the election? The one they thought was bought and paid for?

And it didn't really matter who won on the Republican side, they would have immediately turned on anyone in that position like a bunch of vipers. Trump in particular gets a very special form of their "wrath" because he has a history with the press, as well as the elites on the left. They also don't like the fact that he can't be bought, and he has totally been playing them like a violin, and they can't stand that. It really burns them that they don't have the power to sway the American people like they used to, and will call any form of media that doesn't follow their narrative, or naysays their message, as "fake news." I always get a kick out of seeing them proved wrong.

Remember, they only shut down narratives that are contrary to their own because they can't win the argument. They know that their narrative is flawed, and cannot back it up with facts and reality. So they just scream and call you any "ist" and "phobe" they can think of to try and shame you into silence. Don't listen to them.


Which side are you shilling for? The dumb-ass wrong wings are the ones who cry, weep and moan over "fake news." They take a minority view and try to ram it down the rest of our throats.
How about that Hildabeast comment? How clever. Let's ignore frump is backed by way more corporate barons than any Democrat could ever hope to be. Great Americans like Bill Gates are out-spent by the Soros bothers and the rest by far.
Hell, Putin and that N Korean despot are symbiotic buddies with herr chump. I'm getting a headache just thinking about it.
You don't make much of an argument for dump "wrath", as I guess his playing us like a violin (I'd ask for my violin back !) is his way of pulling the wool over our eyes, right? When has the honest and forthright MSM been "proved wrong"? Please, point out one time.
And your reliance on vague words like "narratives" trying to win the argument. What happened to "onlyfactsmatter?" No one wants to shame you into silence. We all want light to shine on you to make you scurry away like rats and roaches as your spittle is not worth whatever it costs MC to support it


Don't hold back, tell us how you really feel.


Don't hold back, and tell us how YOU really feel ! At least make a cogent comment, or don't post at all !


Wow, can't even take a joke.



I think you mean the Koch brothers, not the Soros brothers. But they both backed Hillary not Trump anyway. In terms of corporate money, there has never been a more one sided election.


Shilling for the Kochs again war monger?


they do whatever they can to please their masters like a bunch of lapdogs..

It doesn't sound like you know lapdogs very well.


Oh I do. I see them every day, and I am not referring to real ones. The term is symbolic. Real lapdogs, at least, don't talk, and are likeable. The lapdogs in the lamestream media are not.


It really burns them that they don't have the power to sway the American people like they used to, and will call any form of media that doesn't follow their narrative, or naysays their message, as "fake news."

So you take exactly what Trump does, even his own term "fake news" that he throws around constantly, and you project that onto the Democrats instead?

Wow, you are delusional.

And as for narratives from vipers, you're defending the guy who joined in the racist birther conspiracy and turned against the last President because a black guy named Barack just couldn't possibly be American.

Again: Delusional.


So what axe are you trying to grind? Does it matter less to you that a 7 year old girl dies in US custody from preventable causes or that you need to try and protect your hopelessly flawed prez from further deserved ridicule. Sure, between her and her father they were both Bad Actors and deserve whatever Fate befalls them. Like a typical rethuglikan you have no heart and no compassion. Krist ! We give water away for free around here all the time. Can't the Border Patrol be prepared to at least make sure they have minimum hydration? Criminal, and it's all on that nazi trump.


Why didn't you die in Iraq protecting us from the WMDs the media said they had?


Why didn't you? You're the right winger that actually believed those reports.


This is why you can't meme. You have no understanding of your opponent. At least you aren't trying to peg the right as religious fundamentalists who want theocracy, on a board where no one has ever even mentioned the word god. I see that all the time. You got a firmware upgrade, NPC?


You're dodging the question. Why didn't you die in Iraq protecting us from WMDs that Republicans said they had?


Fake propaganda.. that sounds redundant to me. If information is considered propaganda, then by nature it's biased and not objective so by classifying it with the word fake you're really saying it's not propaganda.


Cogent point Charlotte!

Looks like the OP self pwned himself yet again. It's very redundant with him.


haha! Speaking of redundancy, is Amerigirl a sock of onlyfactsmatter? I'm thinking maybe.


Could be. I've definitely seen the OP use freshly created socks to reaffirm his POV in postings before. An initial cursory glance through Amerigirl's post history would have me saying no. She's definitely a political right winger and a hack, but she does come across to me as female based on the boards she'll post to.

Meanwhile, the OP strikes me as male who exclusively posts to the Trump board in the brief history of his sock.

But you never know.


freshly created socks.. HAHA!

OT: How on Earth can any woman back Trump?


lolz. You're probably asking the wrong guy if you're looking for an insightful answer on how the female psyche supports a guy who oozes so much disdain for those of their gender.

But I guess I do know my mom voted for him. She's an old school traditional Republican, but she's not overtly political. She just reflexively votes party line and has no great affinity for him. But she will tell me she feels sorry for him. I guess he's really good at playing victim for his Fox audiences.


It's actually rather frightening to think that anyone would feel sorry for such a raging, sociopathic narcissist. But as you say, he's good at playing victim and that is one of the things narcissists do best.


I guess you're not Jewish after all, you're just a goyim. Maybe homosexual?


Sorry I don't swing that way. Stop trying to cruise for gay sex on a movie board you disgusting closet tosser. Geez.


Not true. Propaganda can be true, but it's portrayal, context and selective omissions can distort the truth, without actually being untruthful.


You can say 2+2=4 a million times but a liberal will still disagree with you.
