I loved the Schumer/Pelosi tag team. It was beautiful. And hysterical. Beautiful and hysterical all at the same time. I've never seen him turn that red. I'm just sorry I didn't have popcorn.
I think he's finally starting to fall apart. Here is where the fun begins.
It was only a week ago you were trying to spin a narrative that Trump and Pelosi are on the same team against real progressives. Now she's part of a lovely and beautiful tag team for you guys.
But it wasn't perfect. They should have asked him in front of the press why he wants to shut down government over a wall he promised the public Mexico would pay for. He just might have had a stroke and collapsed in a heaping pile of orange blubber in front of everyone.
And Mike Pence still would have sat through it like a wax stiff.
Sounds like you and your young friends on the thread are as hateful as Trump is accused of being. If people stopped harassing him for fun, he'd have more time to do his official job. Typical of the new-age, and depressing.
lolz. Trump demonstrates his hatefulness on a regular basis. He's not being "accused", he being "described". You've just got your facts wrong.
You're apparently not aware that being hated on is part of the job description of president of the United States. If he can't ignore the criticism to focus on his job, then he's demonstrably unqualified. You never should have elected such a snowflake who melts under the heat. This is your fault.
I sense you and others are scapegoating, and feeling dissatisfied with your politically-correct (read: feeling owed something) lives and projecting it on to him. If you really cared about your own country, you'd be more fixated on policy, not his personal life , every emotion he displays, his looks, and who he goes to bed with, etc.
Being straightforward is not being a snowflake, necessarily.. You cannot expect someone to be 100% of what idealize; he's human. I don't care if he's personally likable or not. If Hillary Clinton got red in the face and angry (or made rude comments) you'd think it's cool of her, which is typical hypocrisy.
With that, I wonder those who are so hateful and juvenile with the childish remarks are likely comprised by a large percentage of the brown people, who fear the wall will materialize.
There is a difference between just criticism vs. making fun and trying to find something to mock. It's cowardly.That is not an example of "taking the heat", as you quoted. But I realize with every generation, people are acting increasingly immature (partially induced by the media) and self-important, yet they assume they are being "outspoken" and progressive.
"If people stopped harassing him for fun, he'd have more time to do his official job."
These are your words. What you're describing here is the quintessential snowflake that withers under the heat of insults. This would make him demonstrably unqualified for his job and your fault for electing such a thin skinned manchild for POTUS. Every president deals with this stuff, that's part of the job description. You don't think Obama put up with persistent hate? Or that Hillary wasn't constantly mocked? OF COURSE THEY WERE! They also took it in stride because they're adults and knew it's the burden that comes with public office.
Trump brings it on himself spending every morning attacking and insulting people in his tweets. You expect the press to not report it? Or the random public to not make fun of him for his daily displays of boorishness? He is president. If he's too fragile to handle insults he shouldn't be dishing what he can't take and he certainly has no business being president. It also means you are 100% at fault for voting such an easily distracted and broken snowflake into office.
But it's hilarious to watch you blame his detractors for immature name calling while absolving the 72 year old president of the United States of the same behavior. You're in need of a mirror because the hypocrisy is all you. Did it ever occur to you he'd have more time to do his official job and receive less ridicule if he didn't devote a chunk of his day insulting people on twitter? Of course not, because you're a consummate hypocrite just like your idol.
"the childish remarks are likely comprised by a large percentage of the brown people, who fear the wall will materialize."
And this had me keeling in laughter because it was so funny. The only thing people like me fear about the wall is the colossal waste of money in addition to the fiscal recklessness of this presidency so far (blowing an additional 1.9 trillion in the debt and doubling the deficit by unnecessarily throttling military spending and irresponsible tax cuts during economic expansion) and I say that as someone who benefited from those cuts. You're no psychic.
FYI: No one fears the wall as anything BUT a waste of money. Educate yourself by reading the report issued by the GAO.
You don't think Obama put up with persistent hate? Or that Hillary wasn't constantly mocked? OF COURSE THEY WERE! They also took it in stride because they're adults and knew it's the burden comes with public office.
I must step in and give credit to Dubya Bush, as well. Not my favorite president by a long shot. Yet he took the criticism and insults in stride, as he was - dare I say - 'smart enough' to understand that was part of the job. He was a favorite target of comedians, and he was scrutinized by the press - just like T-rump is today. What a difference between him and T-rump.
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Great point. Dubya was mercilessly lampooned by the public and the press and handled it like a big boy. I must give credit where credit is due.
I only recall one time when he handled a press conference less than optimally when he angrily stormed off after being asked what his relationship was with Kenneth Lay around the peak of the Enron scandal. But outside of that he always handled himself with utmost class and was even capable of self deprecating humor, something we'll never see out of the current toddler-in-chief. Bush was comparatively a saint.
Remember when he had shoes thrown at him by a reporter in Iraq? He handled it with humor. If that were Trump he'd be pushing behind the scenes for the guy to be tortured. He can't handle any real or imagined slight to his ego, which makes him preternaturally unqualified to be president.
The problem is you yourself sound like a kid. Only a kid would assume Trump is being hindered from doing his job. Such a statement makes absolutely no sense with all the time he spends at Mar-a-lago,
@ProductionNow: Well for the record, I am not young, nor new-age. I am almost as old as he is, I'm white, I'm male, and I am fucking embarrassed. Embarrassed daily, (on many occasions multiple times) by the infantile babble that comes out of his mouth. We are not standing in the way of ANYTHING. If you were to ask him right now, he would tell you that he is already DOING his "official job", and I am sure he would boast that he is doing it well. Yet look around. How much of anything he has done has not made a mockery of this country? And what is better about our country from anything that has taken place since he has been in office? Not a damn thing. He struts around with a golf club in one hand and his dick in the other, leaving nothing but chaos and steaming piles of stupidity in his wake. I keep waiting for someone to step up and do the "right thing".
This whole administration is a comedian's wet dream.
You expect Trump to get respect when he joined the other racists in badgering Obama for years and claiming he wasn't born in this country (basically saying a black man named Barack couldn't possibly be an American)?
You're a joke like every other so-called "Trump supporter" on this board. A JOKE.
I'm as white as it gets, and my skin color doesn't bother me one bit. Why does Trump have to disguise his color by making himself look unnaturally orange?
Also, criticizing his fake tan may be just a sad meme, but the birther crowd criticizing Obama's purple lips was all in good fun. Right?
Well said dlancer. After listening to the right wingnuts bitch about Obama for eight years, the double standards are unbelievable. And WE are the snowflakes?
And just FYI Bosdog, as the OP, I was not even referring to his skin color, natural nor sprayed on. Ridiculing a man for his color was YOUR job for eight years. I was referring to the fifty shades of red he was turning as he was being publicly (and rightfully) exposed for being the kicking screaming child he truly is. But he doesn't need us pointing out his atrocities. He is doing that perfectly well on his own, and I for one would love to hand him as much rope as he needs. As the entire video clearly shows, he is finally starting to unravel. We couldn't have hoped for a better display. I want more.
Trump has been a well documented piece of utter dogshit for decades. He is literally a super villain and I cannot fathom how anybody in any political party could support him. If you are one of those people that thinks he cares about you then I truly feel sorry for you because he doesn’t. He is an awful man and always has been.
I loved Schumer. You can just tell the guy is repressing with all his might to just come out and call Trump a fcking moron. Pelosi had some great lines as well.
All in all, Donald looked like you'd expect in that meeting: a fcking idiot. Not even just an idiot but an erratic one at that. He doesn't have even the slightest idea what he's doing or what he's even talking about.
I cannot, for the life of me, understand how ANYONE could look at that meeting and still respect/stand behind such a juvenile, disrespectful, petulant, clueless clown. It.boggles.the.fcking.mind.