MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Most people probably assumed Elizabeth W...

Most people probably assumed Elizabeth Warren was more than 1% Native American

I think Americans believe it is common to have a Native American ancestor and wouldn't doubt that someone like Elizabeth Warren could have been abusing the system based on a grandmother or uncle or other close relative. I think most people see 25% as abuse. Everybody thinks about doing it, rationalizing it in their head. When I was a child, I tried to learn one word from each language so I could say I speak every language.

I don't think she can run for president anymore because this comes across as way too smug and entitled. We didn't like it when a rich white women insisted she deserved Harvard benefits. Now we find out she is even less Native American than we thought and instead of gracefully backing away she doubles down and insists she deserves even more privlidge, a million dollars from Trump? For being 1%?

The worst part about it is that the media is so eager to go along with it. I don't know the details of the test where some people are saying it is phony, but I think it being 1% is even worse because it confirms it. The journalists went to the White House press conference to ask Trump to pay up. It looks crazy. Trump asked what the percentage was and the journalists all claimed not to know! How do they not know the one and only result they are reporting on? They are trying to tell us a blonde haired blue eyed white woman is confirmed full blooded Native American as if we will not ask the percentage and see for ourselves that it is a lie. Image what the media would allow Elizabeth Warren to get away with as president. She could do anything. That's really scary to everyone who has any doubt about the establishment. But of course the rest will still deny the media is liberal.


You're making the same racist mistake that Trump is. You're stereotyping what Native Americans should look like based on your narrow-minded bigotry. Native-Americans have been intermarrying for generations and some are blond-haired and blue-eyed like Heather Locklear who is Lumbee or black like most Seminoles.

You can be considered Native-American with as little as 6.25% ancestry for some tribes. To be legally recognized as Native American, your ancestor would've needed to register in the 1800s. Some Native Americans didn't trust whites and hid without registering so their descendants can be 100% but not be recognized as Native American by the Federal or state government.

Senator Warren only said there was a Native American distant ancestor which the DNA test proved. She never claimed to be full-blooded.

About DNA and those DNA test:
You can have a 100% Native-American grandparent, but the DNA results can say you're only 12% Native-American instead of 25%. The reason is because 50% of DNA is tossed by each parent and we all inherit at different percentages. One sibling's results could be 12% and the other sibling for 22%. That's why you can be blond, but have a red-haired sibling or have different skin tones.

BTW, nobody lies more than Trump. He owes her $1 million.


Actually he only should pay 970$ since she's only 1/1024th


"she's only 1/1024th '

That's not what the DNA results are. You should know better than believe a liar like Trump.

Trump didn't believe she had any Native American ancestry and she proved him wrong. He is welching on a bet. He owns a $1 million dollar donation to a charity that you should be supporting.


"if she can prove she's indian" is what Trump said.

The proof is whiter than the average white girl.


It figures that racist Trump would use the term "Indian".

She has proved that she has Native American ancestry. He needs to pay-up instead of trying to wiggle his way out a bet he lost.


Again she's only 1/1024 so I'm sure the 970$ check will be in the mail when Trump doesn't have more important things to do, like being President so looks like you can wait another 6 years


You don't get to change the bet after it's been lost by Trump.

That welcher owes her $1 million! Typical behavior by him since com man Trump didn't pay his employees and bank loans. Once a welcher, always a welcher. We're still waiting for his tax returns that he said would be released after his audit, too.


Someone's Triggered


Your bullying still doesn't change the fact that Trump welched on a bet that he lost.


A discussion is bullying now? Wow, someone is triggered BIGLY


Trump didn't give a percentage. And since no modern-day Native American is 100%, and since the majority of Native Americans are below 50%, quantity of percentages don't matter. Trump is out of luck. He made a bet he couldn't win. He's done it before though, which is why billionaires are hesitant to do business with him.


LOL yeah ok. Trump seems to be doing just fine business wise meanwhile your bitching on the internet


At least I'm complaining about something that's worth complaining about... such as the leader of the free world turning the US presidency into a troll job.

You're complaining about Elizabeth Warren not being Native American enough to your liking because she missed the mark of a percentage that you can't even identify.


That's right you can't identify enough that she's Native American which means she lied LOL


She doesn't identify herself as a Native American though, and most Native Americans today have less than 50% Native American DNA. The problem for you is the problem it's always been. You are basing someone's entire heritage on their looks. They made a claim, something in your reptilian brain got upset because their looks didn't match, and after the DNA test proves your reptilian brain wrong, your reptilian brain is now looking for another reason to be upset at the original claim.

So here you are, whining about some 1/1024th statistic that isn't even what the data revealed. The 1/64th statistic is just as accurate as the 1/1024th. We never hear the 1/64th statistic from you though, because your reptilian brain won't allow it.


Maybe next Trump can get mad Maxine to take an IQ test and when she scores 1/1024 of a point you all can run around saying "See look she has an IQ. Pay up Drumpf"

LOL idiots


Actually his businesses weren't doing okay which is why he had to declare bankruptcy numerous times and borrow money from Russian oligarchs and the Saudis.




I'm sure you enjoyed your cult leader grovelling at the feet of his master Putin in Helsinki.


Awwww is the wittle liberal mad we are not in a World War? Go sign up and fight if you want to do something useful


Trump grovels because of his money laundering with Russian oligarchs. Why do you grovel to them?


I don't and there's no Russia collusion. Hillary lost cause she was and is human shit stuffed in a pantsuit


Trump and his sons will be joining his attorney, his campaign chairman, his national security advisor, his campaign manager, and his foreign policy advisor in a nice cozy prison cell.

Hillary is going to be laughing her head off.

In the meantime, you keep repeating your mantra of "no collusion" like a good cultist. LOL!


Whatever NPC. Keep watching CNN and MSNBC to get your daily dose of bullshit


State-run Fox and Brietbart are frying your brain like it did with your fellow cultist, Sayoc.

Sayoc: "a lack of comprehension of reality", lived with mommy then in van, long criminal record, violent, racist white supremacist, conspiracy theorist, brain-dead, homophobe, anti-Semite, Islamaphobe, incredibly stupid, school dropout, drug addict, believes all Trump lies, ideologue, Fascist leanings...

AKA: typical Trump supporter.


I'm glad they let you use the computer at the nut house but how do you type while wearing a straight jacket?


You're projecting, again.


Warren is whiter than Ivory soap.

The DNA used was south american. The percentage given is a POSSIBLE, not an absolute. So she is between 1/1024th to 0. Even if the DNA is there, it probably isn't even North American.

Also, if she is so right, why has she deleted all her tweets from Monday?


You sound clueless re: DNA tests so I'll explain it to you since I've taken the test (AncestryDNA). You use the results along with what you know about your own family history.

The regions can be broad like "Ireland Scotland Wales". If you know your family history, name, heritage, etc. is Irish then you narrow it to Ireland. That's common sense. Ancestry DNA also has migrations which can further verify it.

"it probably isn't even North American."

You're being silly. Realistically, Senator Warren has roots within the U.S. and Oklahoma which has a sizeable Native American population along with her family's knowledge re: their own ancestry so it's easy for her to narrow it to Native American - Northern.

"So she is between 1/1024th to 0"
That's not what the results said. Stop believing EVERY lie Trump tells you. You're embarrassing yourself.

Trump is welching on a bet.


I took a DNA test and was 2% eastern European. By your logic I'm more Slavic than Warren is Native American

I'm also 100% European so suck on that "we all come africa"


You're changing the subject so I'll put it back on course.

Trump owes her charity $1 million since she was able to prove that she has a Native American ancestor.



She claimed she was Cherokee and used that to get into Harvard. She lied

She has trace amounts that's it. At most 1/1024th

1/1024th out of 1 million is about 970$


You still don't get to change the conditions of a bet after it's been lost. Trump said he would pay $1 million. Period.

Why are you desperately defending that welcher loser, anyway?


Like I said

I have 2% East European DNA, 46% Irish DNA

Warren had less than 2% native American DNA which doesn't even cover the margin for error.

Why are you defending a lying scammer?


"Why are you defending a lying scammer?"

You're obviously projecting.

If your cult leader wont pay up, perhaps you can create a Go Fund Me page in his name and you can pay for him. That would be the decent thing to do.


Maybe you can donate some Native American blood to Liawatha so she'll actually have some


She has plenty. It shows that conservatives are too stupid to know how to properly read a simple DNA result.

"The report said Ms Warren had 10 times more Native American ancestry than the reference set from Utah and 12 times more than the set from Britain. The report also said the long segment on Chromosome 10 indicated the DNA came from a relatively recent ancestor."

"There could be one individual in the sixth generation - living around the mid-1800s, which is similar to Warren family lore"

This proves she has a Native American ancestry and that welcher (you know who) needs to pay up.


Lol your trail of tears is hilarious


How unfortunate that you're delusional. I'm actually happy that Warren won her bet.

It would have been more prudent for the $1 million to have been placed in escrow since that loser is a well-known welcher.


Uh I think it is you who sounds clueless on this. Also deleting her tweets is pretty sad.


Nevertheless, Trump still owes her charity $1 million.

Of course, sociopath Trump used his defunct charity funds to pay off his mistresses, fines and anything else but what they were intended for so I'm not surprised that he's welching on this bet.

Defending a con man who steals from children with cancer is clueless.


If anything Warren owes the Cherokee nation and Harvard and all others she screwed over with this scam an apology


The only apology owed are to her parents by her bigoted paternal grandparents who couldn't accept his future daughter-in-law having Native-American ancestry.




I knew you were clueless about the complete story. I suggest you actually find out what the facts are before further embarrassing yourself.


So now it's her grandparents fault? You're an idiot


Oh look. It's another one! They're slowly returning :D


Oh look it's another NPC.


That's right. Repeat your memes like a good little Trump-bot. Mustn't think for yourself or anything like that.


Talking points sure do move fast around here. Who will be the first to start the caravan and troops going to the border thread?


LOL!! RIIIIGGGHHHTTTT. She cheated and lied her way into a college job and now it is proven. Sorry that facts hurt.


The only fact is that Trump welched on a bet he lost and your pathetic attempt at deflection won't change that.


European (or Caucasian) Americans typically have up to around 0.2% Native American heritage. The tests say she has up to 1.5%.

I can understand certain tests being less accurate than others, but what I don't see is how an inaccurate test is going to randomly show more Native American ancestry. I could see it getting a whole host of things wrong to de-legitimize it, but just that one thing? That would be quite amazing for an inaccurate test.


Trump is changing his accusation from Senator Warren not having ANY Native American ancestry to percentage. She always made it clear there was a distant ancestor. The reality is he lost the bet and he should pay up.

As for percentages, the current Cherokee Chief, Bill John Baker is 1/32nd Cherokee. There is much more to being Native American than percentages.

"Typical" European American is misleading because Trump and other more recent immigrants like his family are unlikely to have any Native American ancestry.


1/32 is a lot closer than 1/1024


Nevertheless, Trump still lost the bet. He needs to pay up or you need to start a Go Fund Me page for the welcher in order for the charity to have the $1 million owed to it.


Lol I don't need to do shit. You need to tell Chief SittingBullShit to pay back the money she obtained by fraud and apologize to native Americans


It should take only a short time for your Go Fund Me page to raise the $1 million from your fellow cultists. Or you can contact a Russian oligarch who will gladly give you the money in support of their comrade, after all they have given him so much money so far.


LOL sure I'll get right on that. Hold your breath will I do


Some people probably assumed you were far more stupid than you already sound and this thread proves it.

Thrillhouse...reading your posts is like reading the diary of a man with a mixture of mental retardation and tendencies of a sociopath. My brain actually withers when I read your posts.

I think I'd rather read Tronald Dump's barely-literate tweets than your posts sometimes.


This is such an NPC post.


This is such a sock account post.




Yeah, just look at it--out of the clear blue a cheerleader for Thrillhouse comes strolling in with a 56 post history that's ALL geared toward troll-like attacks on democrats.

Now this place really is IMDB as that place was notorious for sock trolls.


I agree. His posts make no sense at all. It’s like he tries to take all the talking points from every Fox News show, and then throws in a few from Limbaugh. Crazy mumbo jumbo.

But if it keeps him occupied and away from the polls on Election Day, I’m ok with it.


To hell with the polls--we need to keep this psycho off the STREETS.


LOL - good luck with that. T-rump has a job for him in the White House, I'm sure.


I doubt that. Fat Donald doesn't hire anyone smarter than himself and even Thrillhouse is smarter than Fat Donald...just barely. XD


Completely agree Thrillhouse.


I'll bet you do, Mr. Sock Account.


If you can’t rely on yourself to back you, who can you rely on? LOL


Thrillhouse pats his own back: "Don't worry, man--I got your back."


I love it when liberals can't accept that there are a lot of logical people out there. "Must be the Russians!" "Must be bots!" "Must be fake accounts!"

Makes me crack up every time.


Whatever you say, Thrillhouse--I mean Johnaroth.


I think Warren made a mistake in alluding to the fact that she is less than 1% Native American. Really, who cares?????? Taking the DNA test was playing into Trump's hands.


T-rump cared enough to bet her $1m she could not prove she was of NA ancestry.


"Taking the DNA test was playing into Trump's hands."

I agree with that. The minute he was proven wrong and lost the bet, he changed the conditions of the bet.

"I think Warren made a mistake in alluding to the fact that she is less than 1% Native American"

She didn't. The test was misinterpreted by the press and then the RNC doubled down on the misinterpretation.

This is a good article about it:


Having a NA ancestor many generations ago is different than being NA. I think its an embarrassment for Warren to try to claim that this test has proven her claims about being NA. They way the left is doubling down on this is a major mistake, IMO.


The whole 'tribal', 'heritage', 'ancestry' thing is confusing at best, well at least for me it is. She only proved she had a minute blood relation (which she overblew in proportion or MSM did), not a tribal one which Trump pretty much called her out on.

Heck, even the Cherokee and other tribes are calling farce on her saying it's wrong to do so but I guess they shouldn't have a say on it or be believed because she's a democrat amirite?

I think, for common sense people, expected her to prove she had enough NA in her that she could technically apply for the benefits and rights given to one. It's just silly to think of her having a speck of NA in her proves she's anything but white.
