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Anyone Watch the Kavanaugh-Ford Hearing? Your Opinion?

I watched a few minutes from both: 20 minutes from Ford; 5 minutes from Kavanaugh, as well as multiple clips. I plan to watch the whole hearing, but below are my first impressions.

I was shocked at how smug, arrogant and entitled Kavanaugh appeared. He showed anger and I thought his attack on Democrats was too political since it came from what should be an impartial judge. He also talked over the senators instead of allowing them to finish their questions.

I was surprised how soft spoken Ford was. She did appear much more credible and trying to answer honestly and completely. Humble, scared and respectful.

Personally, I think his appearance will hurt him because of his anger and disrespectful tone. He should have toned it down.

Polls should be interesting.

Who do you think was more credible? Opinions?


It would not surprise me a bit if she came on to him and he rejected her and now the grudge rears it's ugly head.
The headline reported the Dems walked out but every time I looked at the feed it was some dumb Dem sticking up for that witch.


From reading through this discussion, it's apparent that you are a repellent, disgusting human being, you know that?

I really hope that no-one in your family is ever the victim of a violent sexual assault, which would be poetic justice in a sense, but still I wouldn't wish that on a third party just to get back at a slimeball like you.

But, considering whatever lineage of low-life trash spawned you, if that did happen to someone you're related to, you'd probably be the perpetrator.


Discussions about inside-joke words for farting and vomiting, and how someone stuttered in a Judicial Committee hearing for a crucial Supreme Court seat.

America is circling the drain.


It's Hollywood that promotes this.


Her own witnesses say she is wrong...sooooo credible.


By "witnesses" you must mean the guy she fingered as assaulting her and his best friend who was present and therefore complicit in the assault.

Well duh, what do you expect them to say genius? God you're an idiot.

The others she recalled being at the party weren't "witnesses" and never said she was "wrong", just that they have no recollection of the party. Seeing as how she made clear she never discussed what happened with those other people she named after bolting from the party, there'd be no special reason they'd remember it either. Get your facts straight.


Who care? You don't care about rich women being touched and neither does anyone else. Quit LARPing.


What a shock. All the liberals think Kavanaugh is lying, and all the conservatives think Ford is either lying or mis-remembering. No one's minds were changed.

This case will come down to the facts, and the facts aren't in her favor.

Funny how she can't remember anything that would prove her wrong. She can't name the specific day, because she doesn't know if he's going to have an iron-clad alibi for that day. So she remains vague on when it happened. She can't say who drove her home, because she doesn't know if that person is going to show up and tell everyone she was perfectly fine when they drove her home.

The people she says were there said they don't remember anything like she's describing as happening.

She says she's too traumatized to fly because of the incident, but it's been proven she flies regularly.

The FBI has already said there's nothing to investigate. And if the Dems were really interested in the FBI investigating it, they would've asked them to look into it months ago, when they first heard about Ford's claims. Just more deceit from the Left.

As for Kavanaugh's demeaner, that's how an honest man reacts to being called 'evil', and having his family threatened and his good name besmirched by a bunch of assholes looking to destroy anyone who gets in the way of their quest for power. If he had been cool and collected, you dipshits would be accusing him of being obviously guilty because he wasn't reacting like a normal person accused of such an evil thing.

These same people who want to ruin Kavanaugh's life over an alleged incident from high school, had no problem lionizing a man who'd actually drunkenly drove his car into a pond and killed an innocent girl when he was younger. And they had no problem ignoring Juanita Broaddrick's claims of being brutally raped by Bill Clinton. Fucking hypocrites.


Kavanaugh's lies about his past should be disqualifying, whether you believe Ford or are undecided. Personally based on what we know so far I don't think Kavanaugh is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. This is why we have trials where both sides can call witnesses, present evidence and make argument.

HOWEVER, it's clear that Kavanaugh was no choir boy and has been very dishonest about his school and college days. That should be enough to disqualify him.


Everyone complaning about how angry Kavanaugh is is just disgusting. Try putting yourself in his shoes. how would you react if your reputation amongst many people you knew was tarnished, your family having to carry this on their shoulders every day, everywhere they go. You being on national news every day for weeks over this. All over accusations the accuser can't provide any evidence for actually happened, an accuser who is politically against everything he stands for. How would that affect you? You can't know that in any way. There is no person who is in any position to complain about how he handled this for that reason alone.

Can people also stop talking about how 'brave' Ford is and how she 'sacrifices everything'? She doesn't sacrify shit, she has everything to gain over this, and nothing to lose. With Kavanaugh it's the exact opposite. Watch her make millions over book deals based on this. Speaking of the people who heared her out. How many of them asked even one critical question?


If Kavanaugh becomes unhinged so easily, then he shouldn't be on the Supreme Court. It's obvious that he can't handle a little stress. If the public attention bothers him so much, then he can easily remove himself from the spotlight. If he thinks the pressure is high now, then it'll be even more intense once he's making unpopular and controversial decisions. His family will be a greater target. If he cares about them so much then he would remove his name from the nomination to make their lives easier.

You couldn't get a job at McDonalds acting like him on a job interview. Nobody with anger management issues should be near food let alone making important decisions affecting millions.

There are many other people who are actually qualified who can handle the judgeship. Hopefully, the moderate Republican senators who still have integrity and care about the country's institutions won't play partisan politics.


"even more intense"

Hahaha, not even the left wing media could find a way to make that happen.


I wasn't talking about the media. I could see an angry public protesting at his house or in public places especially if they believe their rights are being threatened. They'll probably need secret service or some form of protection. He gets upset too easily for the job. He's not suitable for it especially if he's an alcoholic.


"He gets upset too easily"
I've already elaborated on why neither you, me, or anyone else are in any position to make that claim.


Your explanation was silly so I've already discounted it.

Code of Conduct for United States Judges on the website:

An excerpt:
"An appearance of impropriety occurs when reasonable minds, with knowledge of all the relevant circumstances disclosed by a reasonable inquiry, would conclude that the judge’s honesty, integrity, impartiality, temperament, or fitness to serve as a judge is impaired. Public confidence in the judiciary is eroded by irresponsible or improper conduct by judges. A judge must avoid all impropriety and appearance of impropriety. This prohibition applies to both professional and personal conduct. A judge must expect to be the subject of constant public scrutiny and accept freely and willingly restrictions that might be viewed as burdensome by the ordinary citizen."

The last sentence reiterates that he will be under constant public scrutiny which he can't handle. He has also shown himself to lack honesty, integrity, impartiality and temperament = not fit to be a Supreme Court Judge.


It's likely that very few if anyone would be able to fill all of those criterias if they were under as much pressure and challenge as Kavanaugh has had the last few weeks.


You're making excuses for a subpar candidate to the Supreme Court. Don't lower your standards. More professional organizations are recommending that his nomination be pulled because of his lying, bad temperament and unprofessional conduct.


Remember how angry and outraged Obama got when Trump accused him of not being born in Hawaii?

Me neither.


Remember the media backing Trump up 100% some even going as far as to basically call it the truth despite him providing no evidence and there being a conflict of interest going on? Me neither.


Right, because the media had nothing to go on except the whims of a moron and his moron friends Arpaio and Corsi.

Ford's testimony, and also Kavanaugh's own calendar, has been infinitely more revealing.


I've found Ford's testimony to be revealing, but not what I've learned about Kavanaugh's calendar. Can you elaborate on that?


His calendar revealed a date where he met with Judge and the other guys that Ford named, and it was within that six-week timeframe that Ford specified the encounter happened.

Also, strangely, after Rachel Mitchell engaged in that line of questioning regarding that entry in his calendar, that was the last we heard of her during the hearing.


No it isn't. There are countless things that doesn't add up.


If we examine everything that adds up in Ford's testimony, we get infinitely more revealing information than we got from Trump's allegations regarding Obama's birth certificate.

If your simple mind had the basic capacity to understand that an event in 1982 could have gaps in it by 2012, then everything would add up just fine. But we all know the real reason why it doesn't add up to you. You don't want it to.


I, [redacted], am a current resident of [redacted], California.

I first met Christine Blasey (now Dr. Christine Blasey Ford) in 1989 or 1990 in California. From 1990-91, I was just friends with Ford. From approximately 1992 to 1998, I was in a relationship with Dr. Ford. I found her truthful and maintain no animus towards her.

During our time dating, Dr. Ford never brought up anything regarding her experience as a victim of sexual assault, harassment, or misconduct. Dr. Ford never mentioned Brett Kavanaugh.

During some of the time we were dating, Dr. Ford lived with Monica L. McLean, who I understood to be her life-long best friend. During that time, it was my understanding that McLean was interviewing for jobs with the FBI and the US Attorney's Office. I witnessed Dr. Ford help McLean prepare for a potential polygraph exam. Dr. Ford explained in detail what to expect, how polygraphs worked and helped McLean become familiar and less nervous about the exam. Dr. Ford was able to help because of her background in psychology..


You won't accept Ford's testimony, but you'll accept the words of an unknown, unnamed ex-boyfriend who got upset with her for being unable to maintain a long-distance relationship and for charging items on his credit card after they broke up.

And the best you can get out of him is that she never told him about the incident, not that it never happened.


McLean already denied what he wrote in the letter.

Interestingly, Kavanaugh is afraid to take the test.
