MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > World leaders laugh at Donald Trump as h...

World leaders laugh at Donald Trump as he brags about his achievements

If he's capable of saying that to the UN, I genuinely believe he believes what he says even if it's incorrect or untrue. That said, the speech wasn't all that bad imo. Really hits home to some countries and takes balls to call them out.

Full speech:
-14:18 Unfair trade & China
-20:48 Lower oil prices, contribute more military, move away from Russian gas
-21:45 Germans laughing at Trump's claim of Russian dependence
-22:51 Mass migration control
-25:46 Swedish women squirming at his mention of socialism


It's pathological. There was a montage of his many misreadings of the teleprompter and how he fakes it to make it look like he meant to say it that way. He won't own up to any wrongdoing because his pathology absolutely will not let him. It's actually kinda remarkable.


It was awful, self-serving and morbidly narcissistic.

Almost two years later and I still stand in absolute awe of the fact that millions of people apparently still support and love this guy. I've never seen anything like it in all my life. It's as if the Trumpers are in a trance or something.


They've been literally brainwashed by right-wing, anti-american media.


LOL it always amuses me how the left ignores how brainwashed by the media they have been since 2015. You all bought all the bs the media spun about Bernie and backed your failed candidate Hillary even though she could not beat a reality TV show contestant and you've bought every conspiracy theory the media has pumped since Trump won.

Yet the right is brainwashed.... Sure comrade


He is a fool, an embarrassment.


Defund the un and implode the building and then bulldoze it into the river.


This from the genius who believed Kavanuaghs Fox interview (a Fox you know he's a knuckle dragger) and posted about his accusers:

Too bad these nasty gashes can't be brought up on charges for attempting to politically sully the fine name of a future supreme. Brett was a virgin until well into his college years.

This is despite the statements from people who knew him in college and his own yearbook page.

All Trump supporters are showing is that voting should require IQ testing first.


I predicted this response last night. It's the same basic story from a small minded CULT mentality: Anything that doesn't fall in line with racist misogynist and proven LIAR Trump must be destroyed, anyone who opposes him must be attacked, boycotted, etc.

I even saw this yesterday on here, one of you nutcases saying Democrats need to sit back and let Trump/GOP do what they want, blind to the 8 years of GOP obstructionism at even lifting of Obama's finger.

One standard you Trump cultists apply to others, and NO standard at all for yourself.

You're a joke.


I think what's really sad is some douchebag scouring YouTube to find videos of foreign leaders disagreeing with something the US president said, and then coming to a MOVIE message board and acting like this is unique to this president. Maybe equally sad is when the majority of the same douchebags posts on a MOVIE board are about Trump, rather than actually going to a forum that is for political talk. One can only assume that said douchebag couldn't hang in those settings with their weak ass biased bitterness, and comes here to feel smart with the same 6 other douchebags who validate his every thought.


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"Orange man bad, media tells me so. Where's my pussyhat comrade"

Trump has been better for this country than Hillary could have ever been and he will win by even bigger margins come 2020


Sock account.


Hahaha, someone else doesn't agree with you = sock account. Insecure a bit?


Are you gonna cry when dems lose the mid terms? How about in 2020 when Trump gets re-elected?


I'll admit, I'm a little concerned about the midterms, particularly here in Michigan where marijuana legalization is on the ballet and expected to bring heavy Democrat voters. But as long as the left keeps on doing what it's doing, another term is looking likely,they just don't realize it.


There's a lot more of us who favor states rights, ending the failed war on durgs and want to see a dent made in the opioid epidemic that support cannabis legalisation and are Republican than you may believe.

Besides when it's legal, Keebler elf Jeff Sessions will sell more cookies 🍪


The right isn't straight edge Bible thumpers anymore,but the left wants to believe it to be that way because it fits an agenda. Contrary to how it used to be, the right is now moderate,and the libs are the fringe extremists. I think the liberal, PC overkill will soon consume itself.


2020 when T-rump gets re-elected?

I think you mean "20 to Life" when T-rump gets sentenced.


For what crime? He hasn't committed one. Unlike your girl Hillary


Which crime did Hillary commit? Refresh our memories, without rewriting history.


Rewriting history is what you dems do and there's plenty of evidence from over 30 years of crimes connected to the Clinton family


Yes, everyone is a douchebag except you, I'm sure.

You've completely lost it, seriously. You're just a troll now.


Like you do with your 6 other brownshirts that tell you your orange god can do no wrong?

No one had to search youtube for anything. It was the top story on every network that isn't the state run media mouthpiece of the Incompetent In Chief.


God you're such a snowflake Burk. You couldn't have made it more obvious how bitter you are that you come to a movie board seeking validation and fail to receive it. Your powers of personal projection have no peer here.


Totally agree with Burk. Those douchebags scouring the Youtubes with nothing better to do except find negatives of Trump to post on a movie site which includes 'Politics' as one of its categories is outrageous. How dare they talk about a celebrity who has his name on the Hollywood walk of fame and has appeared in numerous movies as a cameo.

You go Burk, you show them how much of a man you are. Speaking of which, I dedicated a Trumpian topic just for you so you can get your rocks off when you rub your little knob down below while reading it.


Wow, great point.....but wait, you're saying you guys are usually talking about Trump's movie cameos and his roll on the Apprentice, right? I must be missing those posts. It couldn't possibly be you're grasping at straws to validate using this forum,could it?


I'll tell you get him to quit his ...well, whatever it is he does between golfing weekends and go back to doing the Apprentice and movie cameos and we will just talk about that.

Fair enough?


I made a mention of them in the past but there's only so much one could talk about when he's already handed off the franchise to someone else once he became president. Unless, of course, you're here to talk about those too, right? Right?


You sound a little defensive. Did I hit too close to home? I think it's fine to dip your toes in some political talk outside of movies, but when the vast majority of the posts you create are in the Trump board, it's pretty pathetic. You'll notice I rarely create a post on this particular board for that very reason.


No Burk, you rarely create a post on this board because whenever you do you inevitably end up embarrassing yourself. You're acting like sour grapes.
