MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Why do lefties suffer from extreme TDS?

Why do lefties suffer from extreme TDS?

Trump Derangement Syndrome:

Unhappiness caused by the election of Donald Trump to the Presidency of the United States. Sufferers display an inordinate loathing for and preoccupation with Donald Trump. The grief and distress they suffer is real.
Paula: "But it's not fair, and it doesn't make any sense!"

Mack (her husband): "Honey, stop blogging and come to bed!"
Paula: "I hate Trump! I just hate him!"
Mack aside: "I wish there was something I could do to help Paula with her TDS. She just seems so unhappy. When is it going to end?"

I am just amazed that people can hate one person so much that it actually causes a serious mental affliction. I have heard there is no known cure at this point.


I sort of get it. I was furious when Bush won his second term. I was young and dumb (youth and ignorance go hand in hand, but every young generation thinks they are the exception to this rule), and thought everyone who voted for him was an idiot because he was a horrible,stupid person. I don't think that was incorrect, but the lack of life experience kept me from realizing that our President has basically been the same type of politician for the last 50 years. If you haven't experienced the winning and losing to see the pattern, an unexpected loss is jarring. Add to that a current younger generation of liberal and extremely easy to offend,depress,outrage,etc, and this rediculous hypocrisy is easy to understand. I don't like it, but kids will be kids. The problem is how many of today's youth's are still kids in their 30s.


TDS is worse now then when Trump was President.


I'm sure thats because the guy they voted in is so much worse, but they'd rather attack Trump that admit they fucked up.


It sure does seem that way though. TDS has reached new levels lately. We are at TDS Level 9 and it only goes to 10.


[–] Bubbathegut (12507) 2 minutes ago
It sure does seem that way though. TDS has reached new levels lately. We are at TDS Level 9 and it only goes to 10.
Is that Mr. Gut speak for, "The Walls Are Closing In"?

Come on Mr. The Gutt! Buck-up! This will all be over soon, and the expected outcome will be realized.


pretty much, no one talks about Joe which is weird.


The truth is, people don't actually hate the man. They hate what he has turned the presidency into. As soon as he is no longer president, the world will go back to not caring. The problem is he WANTS half the country pissed off at him. He's the skankhunt42 of Washington DC. That's what people hate. And if that's how he wants people to feel about him, then why shouldn't they?

Also, the derangement syndrome goes both ways. Here we have an empty suit of a president with no real ideology. He pretends to be pro-life, but even the sycophants know he doesn't care about abortion. Why do they support him then? A hundred dollar ladder counters a $20 billion wall. Why support him then? The economy was on an upswing before he was elected and decided to take credit. Why cheer him on his fake victory? Sure, tribalism explains a lot of it. That's how he got so many people to believe Obama was born in Kenya. But that was seven years ago. Now we've moved into derangement territory. And here you are, still defending President Skankhunt42 until you are blue in the face... like a good sycophant.


O'Bama: “In the 21st Century, real GDP growth in the United States is likely to be permanently slower than it was in earlier eras.”

His policies were bullshit and he even knew back then. It was Bush's job to fuck everything up for Barry to 'save'. Our government is smoke & Mirrors show and Trumps victory exposed it.


still no cure...


There is no doubt that many dislike him but I was thinking isn't a good thing to disrupt the status quo?


Trump is an Amazing President!


Dictator Joe is worst...


It's actually his supporters that do.

You'd have to be deranged to ignore all his faults.


"You'd have to be deranged to ignore all his faults. "

Actually, we put up with his faults, because we're looking at the overall picture.

Economy on the rise, unemployment going down, strength in foreign policy proving it's effective, concern over border security.

So yeah, I couldn't give less of a fuck what Trump tweets. I see those two new conservatives on the Supreme Court, and consider Trump's presidency a victory already. (Especially considering what the alternative would have been.)

And liberals call that deranged. That's funny.


The economy was on the rise when he was sworn in. It's not like he took over a wrecked economy like Obama did.

He's alienated most of our allies while cozying up to our enemy, the murderous and meddling Putin. Republicans would have lost what's left of their minds if a Dem had treated Putin that way.


Yes, the stock market started taking off when he was elected, not when he was sworn in. Good for you to notice.

"He's alienated most of our allies while cozying up to our enemy"

Liberal fantasy. He's shown he's willing to use a strong hand in foreign policy. He's strengthened NATO and brought North Korea to the bargaining table.

"Republicans would have lost what's left of their minds if a Dem had treated Putin that way."

You mean how Obama did nothing when Russia annexed Crimea and invaded eastern the Ukraine? Or his pathetic 'Russian Reset Button?" Or how he told Putin he would have 'more flexibility' after the election? Or how he knew about the Russian meddling in the 2016 election, and not only didn't do anything about it, he mocked Trump for claiming the election could be rigged?

And, according to Obama, Russia isn't our enemy. In fact, he mocked Mitt Romney for claiming they were, saying "The '80s called, they want their foreign policy back."

So yeah, you're deranged. You have it bad.


well said...


Donald Trump didn't lower your taxes.
He didn't get your roads fixed or your bridges built. He didn't get you healthcare coverage, lower the price of your prescriptions, decrease the deficit, end the opioid crisis, revive the coal industry, he didn't make "covid disappear", didn't make Mexico "pay for the wall", he didn't "put America First" and he sure as hell didn't "drain the swamp"
So when you say he "fought for you", you mean he validated your hate.
Because he didn't do a goddamn thing for you other than that.


See, right there, that is what it is about now, when you say, "he validated your hate".

White working class guys like myself, we are allowed to have interests and want them represented. It is not "hate" to do or want that.

That you call it "hate", is you being offendend and opposed to the very idea of US participating in the public life AT ALL.

And thus, Trump is a symbol of US and US not being cowed by the Power Structure of people like you.


He lied to you dopehead


It is YOUR side's reaction to US having a voice, that is what defines him now, as a national symbol of working class whites, if not all not lefty whites.

That is my point. You want to address that, or just attack your hated enemy some more?


Wait…., what does a NYC lifelong billionaire Democrat born with a silver spoon in his mouth and craps in gold toilets have to do with the working class?
Nothing…, He just grifts them for cash, that’s all, and you fell for it


I aleady explained that. He is our symbol, because of the actions of poeple like you.

It really isn't about him. It's about US. And your hate of US.

HOw many times you going to read my point and pretend to not see it and talk some shit about something else?


You’re insane


When did you start hating Trump?


In the 80s


lol. Sure it was. But even if that is true, that shows that your hate has NOTHING to do with what you are whining about.

YOu hate him because he is a symbol of traditional working class American whites. Especially the male ones.


ban dictator Joe!




Dictator Joe must go! he is despicable!




Dictator Joe is the worst!


Who is this person you speak of?


Dictator Joe has to go!


And, who is "Dictator Joe?"


thank you for bumping Trump.


[–] JoWilli (15233) 15 hours ago

thank you for bumping Trump.

Hmmm ... well, I suppose that's one way to look at it. Of course, Trump is going to get bumped whether I do it or not.


ok with me. I enjoy seeing Trump trending all the time...


Dictator Joe


You don't know who he is, do you? Perhaps this is because he's fictitious?


he is the other other other white meat...


[–] JoWilli (15238) 27 minutes ago

he is the other other other white meat...

So he is fictitious. Thought so.


Dictator Joe


who are you referring to?


thats called TDS


Trump's Delusional Supporters.


at least we support Trump. you guys support a dementia patient that is ruining America.




Are all the Ackbars here?? I hope so, because traps lurk everywhere!

In answer to your question, TDS is simply the current manifestation of the perpetual modern identity crisis. “My team good. Your team bad.”


As far as I know, I am the last remaining Ackbar. Its a lonely existence without my fishie friends.


It took me a year and a half to find this place, so perhaps all hope is not lost for the reunion of your noble people.


there is only one ackbar left. :(


that one is a fake


who is that?


that is not the real president ackbar who was on imdb


it is, how do you know?


i know for a fact, because the original one was me


interesting, then why not post as the real president? as far as I know this is the real President.


that person stole my name here before i could get it


I dont think so, he is real President Ackbar. but nice try....




haha talk about prawnage. the real President Ackbar is way more clever than you. lol




nice try fake ackbar, I have reported you to the Supreme Council of Ackbars




only real ackbars are here.


real ackbars unite!


It started during Reagan's two terms beginning 1980. No one said "Reagan derangement", but lefties were saying he would ban abortion, start WW3, and was "mentally unfit". Sound familiar? Now considered one of the best for talking to Gorby and bringing down the USSR.

I can't remember when "Bush derangement" started or what it was about. It used to be just the far-left, today it's most Democrats.


You've come to the right place. TDS is on full display here, with some of the Trump-hating posters on here day after day, month after month, year after year, spouting their hatred of the man. I've come to the conclusion they're either so far off the deep end, they can't help themselves, or they're being paid to do what they do.


I have often thought the same thing. They could be Russians who are paid to do this day after day. If you haven't noticed yet that all the Russians post in the same threads day after day and always agree with each other.


5 years later this post still seems accurate.


there is no cure for TDS.


It looks like crime does pay…


according to Joe it does.


Both party lemmings do it. The Republicans complained about Obama for years. Works both ways. People who are of either party act like dumbasses. Thankfully I'm off neither party which gives me much better judgement than any of the followers from those parties. Bunch of loser


no one was obsessed with obama when he left office. just watched the morning news and everyone was talking about Trump....


Because he’s a crime spree-er


haha loser.

Trump won!


In all honesty, I have a sneaking suspicion it's not even him they hate, but the fact that they don't have anywhere near as much reach as they thought they did. For decades they have ruled the media, Hollywood, academia, the music industry, and it just sort of "felt" like they were the ones in charge. Of course Hillary should have won. She had everyone on her side. And it all meant nothing because in reality, people are fed up with them. They're tired of the identity politics. They're tired of the political correctness. After generations being raised to think one way, the people voted differently. It's like learning that Santa isn't real. It's just so hard to believe he won. He emphasizes the reality check that the left desperately needed: that they don't own the country.

What I find fascinating is that they don't have have a solid persona anymore. They have given up on their liberal values and instead have devoted their entire fabric to hating Trump. Where Trump and the republican party represent the people, jobs, trade deals, low unemployment, and prosperity, the democrats now represent nothing other than "fuck Trump". That's their entire reason for being. They have completely dropped the ball and they won't get it back until they learn to get their shit together, which I don't expect to happen any time soon. They aren't even willing to spend a second of self-reflection looking inward at their shortcomings or asking why people don't like them anymore.
